
shí xué
  • Practical Learning;real learning;sound scholarship;genuine talent
实学 [shí xué]
  • [genuine talent;real learning] 真实的学问;塌实而有根底的学问

  • 那对子对于徒有虚名并无实学的人,你们看,像不像?--《改造我们的学习》

实学[shí xué]
  1. 新实学的价值观立足于现实的人现实的历史的存在之中观察和思考全部价值现象,对价值问题做历史性研究,是一种价值的历史性思维方式;

    The values of new real learning are based on all value phenomena of observing the existence of realistic persons ′ realistic history . It is a historical mode of thinking .

  2. 理学所要求的即物穷理的实学原则,对科学的发展是有帮助的。

    The real learning that be required by the science-study is helpful for the development of science .

  3. 王廷相的实学思想及其精神品格

    WANG Ting-xiang 's thoughts on shi school and its spiritual characters

  4. 开创教育历史新风气的一代教育家&颜元实学教育思想的评价及其现实启示

    A pioneering educationalist & Yan Yuan and his pragmatic educational thoughts

  5. 他倡导兴办实业,并提倡实学。

    He advocated setting up the industry , and recommended practical learning .

  6. 颜元的实学思想与书院制度改革

    A New Illustration of Yan-yuan 's Innovation on College System

  7. 李鸿章的实学观与早期现代化意识

    Li Hung-Chang 's Ideas about Functional Scholarship and Pre-modernization Consciousness

  8. 除此之外,他又致力于实学。

    In addition , he devoted to practical knowledge again .

  9. 论明清之际浙东学派的实学教育思想

    Educational Thought Presented by Eastern Zhejiang School of Thought

  10. 试论中国实学文化的普世性

    On the Generalization of Chinese Practical Science Culture

  11. 论新实学的务实为乐的价值观

    On the Values of the New Practical Learning Which Regards Reality as the Essence

  12. 张载的实学思想与宗教观

    Zhang Zai 's Practicalism and Views on Religion

  13. 试论朝鲜实学文化及其特点

    Korea 's Practical Learning Culture and Its Characteristics

  14. 颜元身处明清实学的大潮中,受到了潜移默化的影响。

    Yan Yuan was affected by the Practical Learning in the Ming and Qing Dynasties .

  15. 第三章探析了颜元注重实学的道德修养论。

    The third chapter discusses Yanyuan 's theory of moral cultivation which emphasizes practical science .

  16. 《名媛诗话》在一定程度上体现出清代经世致用实学在女性世界别具意义的实践成果。

    Ming Yuan Shi Hua reveals the significances of Qing 's practical ideology to the female .

  17. 实学是中国儒学发展过程中的一种思潮。

    Solid scholarship is a trend of thought in the process of the development of Confucianism .

  18. 科举与实学:明末文社兴起的形上依据&兼论文社之兴导致明末第三次文学复古思潮

    Imperial examinations and pragmatism : rising of literary societies at the end of the Ming dynasty

  19. 实学的产生并不是偶然的,它是与宋明理学的衰落并行的。

    It was accompanied by the decline of the neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming Dynasties .

  20. 他的“实心实学”也受到当代韩、日两国实学界的关注。

    And his " substantial-inwardness practical learning " draws much attention from contemporary Korean and Japanese scholars .

  21. 因此,可以说朴齐家是最积极、最彻底、最坚决的主张北学中国的实学思想家。

    So Pak Che-ga is the the most aggressive . Most thoroughly . Most resolute practical learning thinker .

  22. 在文学中,这种实学思想表现为道德性与文学性的和谐统一。

    The harmony of the morality and the literary spirit is the main characteristic of realistic thoughts in literature .

  23. 走出象牙塔&颜元重“习行”之实学教育思想初探

    Out of the tower of ivory & A tentative study of the practice - oriented educational thoughts of pragmatism

  24. 这与当时的实学思潮汇集在一起,从内部对中国传统的意境论起了消解性的作用。

    All these and the practical science at that time were the devastative force to weaken the Chinese traditional artistic conception .

  25. 不管是直言敢谏还是经世实学,王茂荫的思想和行为都是值得我们研究和学习的。

    Whether its truth daring in suggestion or practical learning , his thoughts and behavior were worthy of study and research .

  26. 在学术上不但促进了天文、地理、物理等具体学科的发展,也与当时中国学术界兴起的实学相互促进。

    They help the development of Astronomy , geography , physics , as well as the practical science of Chinese academia .

  27. 其二,、反对悬思盲行,主张实学真行,学以致用。

    Second , against unintentional behaviours , advocated that the practical knowledge is really good , studies for the purpose of application .

  28. 陶行知求真务实的治学理念探析追求致用的治学理念&颜元实学学习观论析

    The Analysis Of Tao Xing-zhi 's Learning Theory In pursuit of a practical learning & On Yan Yuan 's educational conception of pragmatism

  29. 同时,孙奇逢在把理学纳入儒学的正统,为理学的进一步发展寻找合理性的道路上成就了自己的实学思想。

    He achieved his own practical thought on the way of bringing Confucianism into legitimacy and finding reasonableness for further development of Confucianism .

  30. 但近代的危机用传统的经世实学也解决不了,于是人们把目光投向西方的有用之学。

    But traditional practical learning cannot solve the crisis in modern China , so people had looked to western " useful learning " .