
  • 网络Entity-Relationship;entity relationship;E-R
  1. 首先是数据管理系统的简单回顾,然后是分析学生注册系统,包括:关系数据管理系统中的实体关系数据模型,学生注册系统的关系表,用MicrosoftAccess创建数据表。

    Then we analyze student 's registration system , which includes : the E-R model with RDBMS and relational tables of student 's registration system and creation of database tables using Microsoft Access .

  2. 使用实体关系模型是一种定义DSL的形式。

    Using an entity-relationship model is one form of defining a DSL .

  3. 数据库模型:包括SOA使用的数据库的实体关系图。

    Database model : Includes an entity relationship diagram for the databases the SOA uses .

  4. 在方案中分析了企业即时消息的需求,并根据需求设计出使用XML描述的消息通讯协议、数据库实体关系结构、网络结构以及系统架构,并给出具体实现。

    I analyses the requirement of enterprise on which I design the message protocol based on XML and the data structure .

  5. 目前关系数据库的传统建模方法是使用实体关系模型(ER模型)。

    At present the traditional modeling technology of relational database is entity relationship model ( ER model ) .

  6. 这个问题实际强调了数据库样式的实体关系(ER)世界观和面向对象(OO)世界观之间的不同。

    This issue really highlights the difference between a database-style , entity-relationship ( ER ) worldview and an object-oriented ( OO ) worldview .

  7. 正如实体关系模型是OLTP应用的基础一样,数据立方体模型是OLAP应用的数据基础。

    Just as Entity-Relation model is the foundation of OLTP application , OLAP has data cube model as its foundation .

  8. 通过使用本体编辑器,能够采用可视的方式建模、定义和表示实体关系,然后将本体导出为XML或资源描述框架(ResourceDescriptionFramework,RDF),以供在应用程序中使用。

    Using an ontology editor , you can visually model , define , and express entity relationships and then export the ontology as XML or Resource Description Framework ( RDF ) for use in your application .

  9. 基于智能Agent的实体关系模型多程序代码自动生成方法研究计算机控制系统要完成I/O控制、过程控制和数据通信等多项任务,因此是一个多道程序系统。

    A METHOD : TRANSFORM ENTITY-RELATIONSHIP SCHEME INTO MULTIPROGRAMMING CODE AUTOMATICALLY BASED ON INTELLIGENT AGENT THEORY Computer control system is a multi programming system by which the I / O control , process control and digital communication are carried out .

  10. 实体关系图(ERD)是实现数据库可视化的最流行的图示类型。

    The entity-relationship diagram ( ERD ) is the most popular diagram type for visualizing databases .

  11. 有些形式的规则在模型中的业务类型定义中是隐式的,它们出现在被建模领域的业务类型的UML和实体关系(ER)模型中。

    Certain forms of rules are implicit in the definition of the business types in the model , and manifest in UML and entity relationship ( ER ) models of the business types of the modeled domain .

  12. 在ACERDC2005中文语料库上进行实体关系大类的抽取实验,其F值达到了68.50%,比两个单独核函数的方法分别提高4.36%和17.37%。

    The experiment is conduct on ACE RDC 2005 corpus . The F-score of the ensemble kernel method is 68.5 % , which is higher than the single kernel method by 4.36 % and 17.37 % .

  13. 在完成需求分析的基础上,分别绘制技术管理、销售管理、采购管理、生产管理、库存管理等主要管理业务的数据流图和实体关系图,并完成ERP相关业务管理模块的设计工作。

    Based on the detailed analysis , it completes ERP business management module design work and draws out the data flow and relationship diagram of technology management , sales management , procurement management , production management , and inventory management .

  14. 本文针对EDOC中的实体关系模型建立了从这些模型到J2EE平台模型以及目标代码的模型转换规则。

    In this paper , we focus on the problem of how to define transformation rules from EDOC entity and relationship models to concrete implementations on J2EE platform .

  15. 应用于以BNC等新闻语料和COSE校园搜索中的实体关系网络搭建的两个系统中。

    The visualization system has been applied to two systems with BNC news corpus and COSE campus search entity relationship corpus .

  16. 另外,类似于CWM,ODM提供了可以在业务功能模型分解,业务信息需求以及组织分解中使用的实体关系。

    In addition , like CWM , ODM provides an entity relationship that could be used to model business functions decomposition , business information needs , and organization , decomposition .

  17. 论文采用E-R图的方法完成了对系统实体关系的分析,并给出了系统逻辑结构设计。

    The thesis adopts E-R diagram method to complete the analysis of the relationship between the entities of the system , and give the structural design of the system logic .

  18. 使用SchemaSpy创建实体关系图(ERD),归档数据库中的表格和关系。

    Creating entity-relationship diagrams ( ERDs ) to document the tables and relationships in a database , using SchemaSpy .

  19. 首先根据miniPACS所处理数据的特性和DICOM服务所规定的实体关系模型构建了数据库。

    Firstly the paper builds up a database according to the characteristics of data processed by miniPACS and the the entity-relation model described in DICOM ;

  20. 在系统设计阶段,进行总体设计,并按照MOF规范建立一系列系统的设计模型,主要包括实体关系模型、值对象模型、活动图模型等。

    In the system design phase , the overall design , and in accordance with the MOF to establish a system design specification model , including entity-relationship models , the value object models and activity diagram models .

  21. 由于这类系统目前是基于关系型数据库来实现的,所以要求在面向对象模型(OOM)和实体关系模型(ERM)之间具有规范且稳定的映射方法,以便于构件的构造。

    As this kind of system is based on the relation model database to realize at present . It is necessary to develop canonical and steady mapping methods between the Oriented Object Model ( OOM ) and the Entity Relation Model ( ERM ) in order to construct the components .

  22. 基于网络抱团发现的命名实体关系抽取

    Relation Extraction among Named Entities by Detecting Communities in Network Structure

  23. 法律程序与法律实体关系的法理分析

    Nomological Analysis on the Relations between Legal Procedure and Legal Entity

  24. 图是实体关系建模的一种常用的方法。

    Graph is a common method of modeling entity relationship .

  25. 对于实体关系抽取,目前主要有知识工程方法和自动训练方法。

    There are Knowledge Engineering Approach and Automatic Training Approach .

  26. 基于动态粒度思想的实体关系识别方法研究

    Research on Entity Relation Recognition Based on Dynamic Granulation Theory

  27. 实体关系模型的面向对象实现

    An Object-oriented Implementation of an Entity Relationship Model

  28. 面向对象的基于实体关系的时空数据模型

    An Object-oriented Spatial-temporal Data Model Based on Entity-relation

  29. 实体关系抽取是信息抽取领域内的重要研究课题。

    Entity relation extraction is one of the most important topics in information extraction .

  30. 元模型相对容易理解;它们与实体关系模型非常相似。

    Metamodels are relatively easy to understand ; they are similar to an entity-relationship model .