
shí yè jiā
  • industrialist;big businessman
实业家 [shí yè jiā]
  • [industralist] 拥有或从事管理大规模工业企业者

  1. 他被公认为意大利第三大实业家。

    He is generally rated Italy 's No. 3 industrialist

  2. 他是一个叼着雪茄的实业家,在英国石油和高盛(goldmansachs)都身居要职,但却从来没有经营过一家公司。

    He is a cigar-smoking industrialist with powerful positions at BP and Goldman Sachs , yet has never run a company .

  3. 她下定决心做一个思想解放的女实业家。

    She was determined that she would become a liberated businesswoman .

  4. 实业家在这一地区建起了许多时尚的餐馆和酒吧。

    Entrepreneurs developed fashionable restaurants and bars in the area .

  5. 实业家们必须尽快采取行动,抓住东欧的新机遇。

    Industrialists must move fast to take advantage of new opportunities in Eastern Europe .

  6. 检控方仍设法使其入室抢劫知名实业家们的罪名成立。

    The prosecution still managed to nail him for robberies at the homes of leading industrialists .

  7. 一些实业家认为政府应该在全民公决前果断出手解决棘手的货币贬值问题。

    Some industrialists believe the government should grasp the nettle of devaluation before the referendum takes place .

  8. 他30多岁时成为一名富有的实业家。

    He became a wealthy businessman in his thirties .

  9. 这笔交易将会让实业家和投资者受益匪浅

    This deal will offer major benefits to industrialists and investors .

  10. 当年,他是一位很有才干的实业家。

    He was a very able businessman in his day .

  11. 第四个行星是一个实业家的星球。

    The fourth planet belonged to a businessman .

  12. 政府已成立了一个实业家和学者的委员会来为其提供建议

    The government has set up a committee of industrialists and academics to advise it .

  13. 这位实业家抬起头,说:

    The businessman raised his head .

  14. 它上面有一百一十一个国王(当然,没有漏掉黑人国王),七千个地理学家,九十万个实业家,七百五十万个酒鬼,三亿一千一百万个爱虚荣的人,也就是说,大约有二十亿的大人。

    One can count , there 111 kings ( not forgetting , to be sure , the Negro kings among them ) , 7000 geographers1 , 900000 businessmen , 7500000 tipplers , 311000000 conceited2 men -- that is to say , about 2000000000 grown-ups .

  15. “每一个泡泡都是一场音乐会座椅上的游戏”任教于斯坦福的前系列性的实业家Steve说。

    " Every bubble is a game of musical chairs ," says Steve Blank , a former serial entrepreneur who teaches at Stanford .

  16. 实业家路德维格•蒙德(LudwigMond,他创建的公司后来成为ICI)于1909年辞世。

    Industrialist Ludwig Mond ( the company he founded became ICI ) died in 1909 .

  17. 与此同时,里奇还进入其他领域开展多元化经营。他与实业家马文•戴维斯(MarvinDavis)联手,于1981年收购了二十世纪福克斯(20thCenturyFox)。后来,他的股份被出售给了鲁珀特•默多克(RupertMurdoch)。

    Meanwhile , he was diversifying into other sectors , buying 20th Century Fox in 1981 with industrialist Marvin Davis ( a stake later sold to Rupert Murdoch ) .

  18. 实业家科氏兄弟(kochbrothers)支持的保守派活动组织“美国繁荣”(americansforprosperity,afp)敦促共和党在美国债务上限谈判中表现克制,表明这家通常姿态强硬的组织转变立场。

    A conservative activist group backed by the industrialist Koch brothers is urging Republicans to show restraint during US debt ceiling negotiations , representing a shift in position by the usually hardline Americans for prosperity .

  19. 该片旁敲侧击的暗示,富得惊人的实业家约翰·杜邦(JohnduPont)赞助工人阶级摔跤手却没带来好结果的故事,在一定程度上反映了这个国家的症结所在:片中有大量国旗、老鹰和提到民族自豪感的地方。

    It insinuates that the story of the spectacularly wealthy industrialist John du Pont 's ill-fated patronage of working-class wrestlers is some sort of mirror of the country 's dysfunctions : Flags , eagles and references to national pride abound .

  20. 卡内基在《财富的福音》(TheGospelofWealth,1889年)一文中写道,实业家应该“让自己忙于组织慈善活动,让广大同胞都能从中获得持久的优势”,而非将财富留给自己的孩子。

    Carnegie argued in his essay , " The Gospel of Wealth " ( 1889 ) , that industrialists should " busy themselves in organising benefactions from which the masses of their fellows will derive lasting advantage , " rather than leaving their money to their children .

  21. 这一次,仍由小罗伯特•唐尼(RobertDowneyJr.)饰演的男主角——才智过人的实业家托尼•斯塔克(TonyStark)配备了马克42代(Mark42)战衣,无论他在世界何处,只要他有需要,它都会一件件出现。

    The movie is obsessed by them . Tony Stark , the supersmart industrialist played once again by Robert Downey Jr. , has his Mark 42 suit , which comes when he calls it , piece by piece , anywhere in the world .

  22. 最大的投资者是实业家斯蒂芬·廷德尔,他是一位百万富翁,他的一条患了糖尿病的狗经Diatranz公司治疗后,他往公司投了资。

    The biggest single investor is millionaire businessman Stephen Tindall , who became involved when he had a diabetic dog treated by Diatranz .

  23. 印度实业家拉丹•塔塔(RatanTata)向中国最大智能手机制造商小米(Xiaomi)进行了一笔金额不详的投资,此举对小米的印度扩张计划是个提振。

    Ratan Tata , the Indian industrialist , has invested an undisclosed sum in China 's biggest smartphone maker , Xiaomi , giving a boost to the company 's Indian expansion plans .

  24. 在这个东非国家,40岁的中国实业家CandyMa(见上图)刚刚在她由政府建起的新工厂里雇了200名实习工人,这个月,她邀请了沃尔玛(Walmart)、H&M和特易购(Tesco)的进货商前来参观工厂。

    Candy Ma , a 40 year-old Chinese industrialist , has hired 200 trainee workers at her government-built factory in the east African country , and this month she invited buyers from Walmart , H & M and Tesco to inspect the facility .

  25. 晚会的女主人正同坐在她右侧的那位扎着马尾辫的日本艺术家谈笑着,她的右边则坐着一位Greek-Cypriot实业家—DakisJoannou,他同时也是一位对美国雕塑家JeffKoons的作品情有独钟的狂热收藏家。

    The hostess of the evening sat laughing with the pony-tailed Japanese artist on her right . On her left was Dakis Joannou , a Greek-Cypriot industrialist and avid collector of the work of Jeff Koons , an American sculptor .

  26. 已准备好收购意大利轮胎制造商倍耐力(Pirelli)的中国实业家对美国发出抨击,称他错过了许多在美国的投资机会,因为他的签证申请经常遭到拒绝。

    The Chinese industrialist poised to take control of Italian tyremaker Pirelli has attacked the US , saying he is missing out on investment opportunities in the country because his visa applications are routinely rejected .

  27. 蝙蝠侠布鲁斯韦恩靠做实业家挣钱。

    Batman made money as Bruce Wayne , a rich industrialist .

  28. 近代宁波帮实业家李善祥的传奇人生

    A modern ningbo group enterpriser Li Shan-xiang 's life of legend

  29. 这位有名的实业家把他的一半财产捐赠给了学校。

    The famous businessman endowed the school with hall his fortune .

  30. 那个富有的实业家把全部财产都捐赠给了教堂。

    The rich businessman gave his whole fortune to the church .