
  • 网络The Experimental Economics
  1. 实验经济学的领军人物约翰李斯特(JohnList)最近进行了一项旨在揭示人们捐助动机的实验。

    John List , a leading light in the field of experimental economics , recently carried out an experiment designed to tease out some of the motives for giving .

  2. 20世纪70年代末发展起来的行为金融理论,在博弈论和实验经济学被主流经济学接纳之际,它逐渐开始撼动CAPM和EMH的权威地位。

    As the game theory and experimental economics being accepted by mainstream economics , the behavioral finance theory that developed from the end of 1970s to the beginning of 1980s gradually begins to shake the authority of CAPM and EMH .

  3. 采用实验经济学的方法和多个商品同时拍卖的模型,研究了电力市场不同需求响应条件下统一价格竞价和PAB(pay-as-bid)竞价的市场行为和发电商报价策略问题。

    The method of experimental economics is applied to research of generation company bidding strategy and market behavior of uniform price and PAB auction mechanisms under different demand side response conditions with the multi-unit simultaneous auction model .

  4. 初始分配与应用市场机制矫正外部效应&一个实验经济学研究

    Initial Allocation and Correction of Externalities through Market Mechanism-an Experimental Research

  5. 基于实验经济学的电力市场竞价模式研究

    Study on bidding model of electric power market based on experimental economics

  6. 实验经济学视角下的数据品质分析

    On the Characters and Quality of Datum from Experimental Economics

  7. 浅析高校开设实验经济学的意义与方法

    On the Significance and Method of Offering Experimental Economics in Colleges and Universities

  8. 基于实验经济学方法的证券市场信息有效性研究

    An Experimental Research on Information Efficiency of Securities Markets

  9. 实验经济学也存在着局限性。

    Certainly , experimental economics has some limitations unavoidably .

  10. 《行为经济学与实验经济学:它们真的正在改变经济学吗?》。

    Behavioural and experimental economics : are they really transforming economics ?; a C.Santos .

  11. 证券市场泡沫问题的实验经济学研究

    Experimental Studies on Bubbles in Securities Markets

  12. 行为与实验经济学已成为现代经济学最活跃、最热门的经济理论前沿之一。

    Behavior and experimental economics have become one of the most active and popular subject .

  13. 关于实验经济学中理性假定的研究

    Study on Rational Assumption in Experimental Economics

  14. 实验经济学利用经济学实验检验已有的经济理论,发现新的经济规律。

    Experimental economics uses economics experiments to verify existing economic theories and discover new economic laws .

  15. 消费者谈判能力与厂商标价策略&模型及基于实验经济学的检验

    Consumers ' Bargaining Power and Firms ' Price-Posting Strategy : A Model and Its Experimental Tests

  16. 论文所使用的研究方法是博弈论、委托&代理理论以及实验经济学方法。

    The using approaches in composing dissertation involve the game theory , principal-agent theory and experimental economics .

  17. 目前,实验经济学在国内正在迅速发展,引起了越来越多的国内学者的注意和兴趣。

    Currently , experimental economics is developing quickly in China and a lot of researchers are interested in the subject .

  18. 演化经济学、行为经济学、实验经济学等非主流经济学的最新发展。

    The recent development of none-mainstream economics , such as evolutionary economics , behavioral economics , and experimental economics , etc.

  19. 史密斯所创立的实验经济学,通过实验室实验来测试根据经济学理论做出预测。

    Vernon Smith 's experimental economics can test the predict based on the economic theory by using the laboratory experiments .

  20. 基于实验经济学的多角色、多参与者博弈互动,驱动仿真进程并获得市场的动态响应曲线。

    Based on experimental economics that allow multi-gaming , simulation is driven to acquire the dynamic response curve of power market .

  21. 介绍了实验经济学与动力学模型相结合的电力市场动态仿真研究方法。分析了电力市场动态仿真器的研制目的、建模思想、功能要求、框架结构及数学模型。

    A novel method combining experimental economics and dynamic model of power market was presented to deal with power market simulation .

  22. 该文以实验经济学的基本原理为理论基点,研究并举例说明了会计实验及实验会计学的基本概念及方法原理;

    Based on the principles of experimental economics , this paper illustrates some accounting experiments and the basic concepts of experimental accounting .

  23. 第一章绪论分别对于博弈理论的历史、分类、常见模型和实验经济学做了简单介绍。

    The first chapter briefly introduces the game theory . Its history , classification , common model and experimental economics are illustrated respectively .

  24. 笔者认为实验经济学的方法在电力市场问题的研究中有着广阔的应用前景。

    The author thinks that the method of experimental economics has a broad applying prospect in researching the problems in the electrical power market .

  25. 实验经济学是在可控制的实验环境下,选取真实的行为人进行交易决策或者选择,通过实验数据来检验经济理论并发现新理论的研究方法。

    Applying experimental methods , researchers can investigate theories and find new theories in a controlled environment through observing trade behaviors of real participants .

  26. 本文在充分借鉴西方实验经济学研究成果的基础上,利用计算机实验操作系统,选取真实的参与人,在可控制性的实验条件下进行虚拟证券交易。

    Referring researches of experimental economics in western countries , this dissertation applies the computer experimental system and recruits participants to build laboratory securities markets .

  27. 我们以新制度经济学、生态经济学、阿玛蒂亚·森的经济学、行为经济学、实验经济学等为范例加以说明。

    As an example , the new institutional economics , ecological economics , Amartya Sen economics , behavioral economics , experimental economics illustrate this unity .

  28. 第二章对税收归宿理论的基本发展脉络进行梳理,借鉴实验经济学的最新研究成果,对税收归宿理论与现实之间的偏差做出了解释。

    Chapter two is the literature review , learning from the latest research results of experimental economics to explain the deviation between the tax incidence theory and reality .

  29. 实验经济学虽然在国外已经有了很大的发展和广泛的应用,但在中国还是作为一门很新的学科,有很大的发展和应用空间。

    Although experimental economics has developed considerably and is widely applied abroad , it is still a quite a new subject in China , and has great potential .

  30. 本文在对电力市场机制进行分析的基础上,应用实验经济学对电力市场交易机制进行了深入研究。

    Based on the analysis of the power market mechanisms , the thesis gives the in-depth study in the power market trading mechanism by the method of experimental economics .