
láo dònɡ jīnɡ jì xué
  • labor economics
  1. 二十世纪90年代以来,许多西方学者从劳动经济学、教育社会学、职业教育学等角度对学校到工作的过渡(STW)进行了国别研究。

    Since 1990s , the transition from school to work ( STW ) has become a heated issue and many western scholars have contributed a lot of discussion concerning different countries from the viewpoint of labor economics , educational sociology , and vocational education .

  2. 本文对劳动经济学在这两个方面的发展作出了评述。

    The article will evaluate these two developments of labor economics .

  3. 他们发表在《劳动经济学》(LabourEconomics)上的研究成果显示,老板管理更多员工的能力正在日益增强。

    Their findings , being published in Labour Economics , show an increasing ability for bosses to manage more workers .

  4. 劳动经济学在工会理论上的新发展

    A New Development of Labor Economics in Trade Union Theory

  5. 劳动经济学中的雇佣关系理论述评

    Comments on the theory of employment relations in labor economics

  6. 劳动经济学,公共经济学,发展经济学。

    Labor Economics , Public Economics , Development Economics .

  7. 民工荒现象的劳动经济学分析

    On the Phenomenon of Labor Shortage According to Relevant Theory of Labor Economics

  8. 研究兴趣:劳动经济学,卫生经济学,应用计量学。

    Research and Teaching : Labor Economics , Health Economics and Applied Econometrics .

  9. 雇佣关系问题是西方劳动经济学研究的一个重要方面。

    A very important aspect of western labor economics is the employment relations .

  10. 矿难治理对策:一种劳动经济学分析视角

    How to eliminate coal mine disaster : study from view-point of labor economics

  11. 《劳动经济学》课程教学对大学生就业能力培养的思考

    Thinking about Training Employment Capability of College Students in the Teaching of Labor Economics

  12. 卡林的研究报道将被刊登在最新一期的《劳动经济学》杂志上。

    Professor Carlin 's study , will be published in the journal Labour Economics .

  13. 开放经济条件下的劳动力流动问题是劳动经济学领域一个具有现实意义的问题。

    Labor mobility in open economy is an important and realistic issue of labor economics .

  14. 劳动力市场的细分和结构化理论,是现代劳动经济学研究的重要课题。

    The theory of dual labor market is an important research in contemporary labor Economics .

  15. 人力资本流动已经成为劳动经济学经验研究的一个中心主题。

    The personnel flow has become a focus in the empirical study of labour economics .

  16. 构建马克思主义的现代劳动经济学

    Constructing of Marxist Modern Labor Economics

  17. 关于最低工资的各种效应是劳动经济学中最富争议的研究主题之一。

    Study on minimum wage effect is one of the most controversial topics in labor economics .

  18. 他在劳动经济学、宏观经济学、制度经济学和政治经济学领域都做出了显著的贡献。

    He has made prominent contributions to labor economics , macroeconomics , institutional economics and political economy .

  19. 劳动经济学的问题演进

    Latest Development in Labor Economics

  20. 文章运用劳动经济学的理论,对大学毕业生的期望收入与搜寻成本及其影响因素进行分析。

    By means of labor economics , this paper makes an analysis of expected incomes , hunting costs and related factors .

  21. 课程学习包括经济学系统,金融及银行业务,劳动经济学,公众经济学等等。

    Subjects of study include economic systems , money and banking , labor economics , public economic policy , and so on .

  22. 社会保障制度和人力资本投资的关系是近年来劳动经济学中新出现的一个课题,相关研究尚不多见。

    The relation between social security system and investment of human capital has become a focus of labor economics in recent years .

  23. 文章根据劳动经济学的派生需求理论,证明工资通过4个渠道对劳动力就业造成影响。

    Based on the theory of derived demand in Labor Economics , the paper examines the influences of wage changes on employment in four aspects .

  24. 主要研究和教学领域:公司财务、银行监管和金融机构、组织理论、劳动经济学、亚洲经济改革和发展等。

    Research and teaching : corporate finance , bank regulation and financial institutions , theory of organizations , labor economics and Asian economic reforms and development .

  25. 内部劳动力市场理论是近三十多年来经济学理论获得的最新进展之一,同时也是劳动经济学最新的组成部分。

    Internal Labor Markets ( ILM ) theory is one of the newest economic theories in lately thirty years , and the newest component of Labor Economics .

  26. 本文探讨劳动经济学的一个新领域即存在于企业内部的劳动力市场的运行及其特征。

    This article discusses a new domain of the labor economics , namely the movement and its characteristic of the internal labor market to exist in the enterprise .

  27. 关于农村劳动力供给的研究不仅是经济学包括劳动经济学和发展经济学、人口学与社会学等学科研究的主要内容,也是管理学研究和讨论的重点领域。

    Labor supply in rural areas not only Economic ( Economics of labor & Economics of development ), demography and sociology studied , but also management science focused on .

  28. 研究视角的创新:劳动力市场搜寻理论是劳动经济学解释失业问题的重要理论工具。

    It makes the paper more creative . ( 2 ) Research perspective : Labor market search theory is the important theoretical tool for explaining the unemployment problem in labor economics .

  29. 经典劳动经济学中,雇员的劳动力供给曲线向后弯曲,雇员是否多工作一个小时,取决于多得的收入是否值得这一小时的闲暇。

    In classic labor economics , the labor supply curve bends backward . According to the extra income and extra leisure , employees choose whether to work for another an hour .

  30. 目前,劳动经济学试图利用效用最大化选择理论来推导劳动时间供给曲线,以解释工资率的决定。

    In the current theories of labor economics , researchers attempt to use marginal utility theory to explain determination of wage rate by deducing labor ( work time ) supply curve .