
  • 网络Labor and social security
  1. 完善劳动与社会保障专业课程设置

    On Perfecting Curriculum Setup of the Labor and Social Security Specialty

  2. 劳动与社会保障专业人才培养的思考

    Reflection of Professional Personnel Training in Labor and Social Security Fields

  3. 肖迪是来自天津财经大学劳动与社会保障专业的大三学生。

    Xiao is a junior student majoring in labor and social security at Tianjin University of Finance & Economics .

  4. 深圳市劳动与社会保障局近日发布了今年人力资源市场工资指导价位。

    The Shenzhen Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau recently issued guidelines on wage levels for the current labor market .

  5. 中国大陆有了第一批持有国家劳动与社会保障部颁发的公共关系职业资格证书的公关从业人员。

    They became the first group of PR practitioners with the PR vocational qualification certificate issued by National Labor and Social Security Department .

  6. 高职专业创新团队建设研究&以劳动与社会保障专业创新团队为例

    Study on Construction of Innovation Teams in Vocational Colleges & Take the Innovation Team of the Major of Labor and Social Security as an Example

  7. 上海静安区劳动与社会保障局的葛副局长表示,大约17名餐厅员工申请仲裁。

    Some 17 employees of the restaurant have applied for arbitration , said a deputy chief of Jing ` an District Labor and Social Security Bureau surnamed Ge .

  8. 当前,全国各地正在劳动与社会保障部的领导下开展一场声势浩大的街道社区劳动保障工作平台建设。

    Under the lead of the Ministry of labour and social security , a platform regarding neighborhood & labour security service is being setting up all over the country .

  9. 建立健全劳动与社会保障体系是我国在完善社会主义市场经济体制过程中面临的重大任务之一。

    Constituting and strengthening labor and social security system is one of the important tasks that we are facing with in the process of perfecting socialism market economy system .

  10. 目前高校“劳动与社会保障”专业课程设置偏重于社会保险,几乎把社会保险等同于社会保障。

    At present , the courses of labor and social major in colleges and universities in China lay particular stress on social insurance and take it as equivalent to social security .

  11. 从1998年劳动与社会保障部成立至今,我国城市社会保障制度进入了全新的建设阶段,并取得了较大的成就。

    The Ministry of Labor and Social Security established in 1998 , from then on the urban social security system of our country enters into a brand-new construction phase , and has made great achievement .

  12. 这种调整范围上的扩张包括两个方面:一是以环境和生态保护、自然资源开发和有效利用、劳动与社会保障等社会性事务为调整对象的地方性立法逐渐增多;

    The expansion on the scope includes two aspects : first , local legislation concerning the social affairs such as protection of environment and ecology , exploration and effective utilizing of natal resources , labor and social security is increasing .

  13. 笔者认为,首先要对劳动关系与社会保障制度自身进行完善。

    First , we should take some methods to perfect labor relations and social security system themselves .

  14. 安置未聘人员,加强劳动就业与社会保障制度的配套建设;

    We should posit unemployees , strengen the supporting system construction of laborers , employment and social security .

  15. 劳动法与社会保障法是联系非常密切的两个法律部门,他们都与保护弱势群体实现社会公平和社会安定有关。

    The labor law and the social protection law are two legal departments which are closely related , they are all aimed at the protection of weak community , social justice and the social stability .

  16. 劳动关系与社会保障制度涉及公平与效率、初次分配与再分配等重要经济社会关系,对国民经济和社会发展产生很大影响。

    Labor relations and social security system relate to such important economic society relations as fairness and efficiency , primary assignment and redistribution . They have important influence on the national economy and the social development .

  17. 其次要完善相关配套机制,创造条件综合协调劳动关系与社会保障制度,包括加强教育和培训、加快培育完善劳动力市场、完善税收制度等。

    Secondly we should improve relevant related mechanisms , create the condition and synthesize to coordinate labor relations and social security system , including strengthening educating and training , fostering and improving labor market , improving the tax system etc.

  18. 最终达到对农民工和其他劳动者一体保护,逐步构建一套适应市场经济发展和法治社会要求的劳动法律制度与社会保障制度,进而提升所有劳动者的政治经济权利与文化权利的法律保护水平。

    In the end , establish step by step a set of labor protection system matching the development of legal society , boost the legal protection of labor right .

  19. 其次,剖析了解决这一问题中存在的经济发展与提供就业机会之间、企业改革与结构调整之间、劳动体制改革与社会保障体系滞后之间的矛盾。

    Secondly , deal with those relationships to solve the unemployment and lay off problem , such as the relationship between economic growth and employment , reform of enterprise and adjusting industrial framework , reform of labor system and social guarantee system .