
  • 网络unfair labor practices;Labor Behavior
  1. 当前中国亟需不当劳动行为立法。

    It is now imperative for China to enact legislation with regard to unfair labor practices .

  2. 两家公司的官员都拒绝对调查报告中的指控发表评论,但表示将会严密监控中国生产厂的工作条件,声称若是发现或不公平的劳动行为,将会采取行动。

    Officials of Disney and Dell declined to comment on specific allegations , but both companies say they carefully monitor factories in China and take action when they find problems or unfair labor practices .

  3. 首先对劳动者(员工)与劳动行为进行了基本分析。

    At first , basically analyze the laborers ( the staff ) and their the behavior .

  4. 外国人务工作为一种劳动行为,它深受国内政策和法律的影响。

    Foreign workers as a labor action , it is affected by the domestic policies and legal .

  5. 企业的技术创新是一种特殊的劳动行为,它具有继承性、创造性、系统性和风险性的特点。

    Enterprise 's technology innovation is a special labour behavior with the characteristics of inheritance , creativity , systemics and risk .

  6. 不当劳动行为制度,既有不当劳动行为的禁止规范,又包括不当劳动行为的救济程序。

    Improper labor practices system , include both prohibitive norm against improper labor practices , and relief procedures to improper labor practices .

  7. 不当劳动行为的主体,主要是劳动使用者(雇主),在少数情况下也包括工会。

    The partys of improper labor practices , mainly includes labor users ( employers ), in a few cases , including labour unions .

  8. 外国人就业作为劳动行为的一种,其劳动关系的发生受内国政策因素影响较大。

    As a kind of labor action , Aliens Employment , the labor relation of which is more influenced by the factors of national policy .

  9. 这并不完全是个意外,想想大美利坚可是有世界上最落后的劳动行为的。

    This doesn 't exactly come as a surprise , given that the United States has some of the most backward labor practices in the world .

  10. 新旧制度下的劳动行为对劳动效率与产出增长的影响&以我国国有企业制度变革前后的情况分析为背景

    The Effect of Labor Behavior on Efficiency of Labor under the Arrangement of New and Old Systems & Under the Background of Analyzing the Situations before and after the Reform of State-owned Enterprises in Our Country

  11. 中国关于团结权的成文法规定和正在进行的完善团结权的立法活动,为中国不当劳动行为立法提供了法律依据和法律环境。

    The statutory stipulation of the right to form a trade union , and the ongoing legislative activities designed to improve this right provide the legal basis and environment for legislation on unfair labor practices in China .

  12. 中国不当劳动行为立法主要应规定雇主的不当劳动行为,包括差别待遇、黄犬契约、拒绝集体谈判和控制干涉工会等内容。

    Such legislation should mainly spell out unfair labor practices on the part of employers , for example , discrimination , yellow dog contracts , rejection of collective bargaining , and control of and interference in the trade unions .

  13. 数据分析结果表明,组织的支持、服务氛围既会直接影响医务人员的情感性劳动行为,又会通过医务人员的自主决策权和服务导向意识间接地影响他们的情感性劳动行为。

    The data analysis indicates that , employees ' perceptions of organizational support and service atmosphere will directly influence employees ' emotional labor , and employees ' self-decision and service orientation will mediate the relationship between their perceptions and emotional labor .

  14. 不当劳动行为,又称不公平劳动行为,是指劳动关系中的双方当事人――劳动使用者或者工会以不正当的手段,防碍或者限制了对方或者第三人行使其合法权利的行为。

    " improper labor practices ", also known as " unfair labour practices " refers to the both parties , labor users or labor unions use improper means , prevent or limit the other party or a third person to exercise their legitimate rights .

  15. 第二种方法使用同群的方法模拟代表性消费者一生的劳动供给行为,得到的Frisch弹性估计值为负。

    The second approach uses synthetic cohort to represent the labor supply of a representative consumer . The results indicate the Frisch elasticity is negative .

  16. 中国经济转型中城镇女性劳动供给行为分析

    Research on Female Labor Supply during Transition Period in Urban China

  17. 国企员工劳动输入行为的经济分析

    An Economics Analysis of the Staff 's Labour Input Behaviour of the Enterprise

  18. 论劳动侵权行为的犯罪化问题

    The Problem of the Crime of Labour Infringement

  19. 一种债务人为债权人劳动的行为直到债务还清。

    The practice of making a debtor work for his creditor until the debt is discharged .

  20. 行政犯罪应当包括劳动教养行为、治安处罚行为及刑法中的轻微犯罪行为;

    It should consist of rehabilitation through labor , public order offence and minor offence in criminal law .

  21. 第六章,分析大病风险冲击下农户的劳动供给行为。

    Chapter 6 : Study on labor force supply behavior of farm households under the risk of major illness .

  22. 职业道德是从事一定职业的人们在其特定的工作或劳动中行为规范的总和。

    Professional morality is the code of conduct which is formed when people undertake certain work and are engaged in certain laboring .

  23. 将规范用工方的行为,严厉打击拒不支付劳动报酬行为,更好的保障劳动者的合法权益。

    It will help standardize this behavior and severe blow to this behavior and better safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers .

  24. 展开此类问题的研究就需要我们从一个恰当的视角对农民的劳动就业行为进行细致的考察。

    A proper perspective should be taken to explore the farmers ' behavior in labor employment when the studies of such issues are carried out .

  25. 虽然拒不支付劳动报酬行为入罪时间不长,但对此行为是否应当入罪的讨论却长达七年之久。

    While refusing to pay for work behavior incrimination is not long , but whether this act should be discussed incriminating but for seven years .

  26. 拒不支付劳动报酬行为的出现不是一蹴而就的,它是由经济发展的浪潮中一些因素共同造成的。

    Emergence of refusing to pay remuneration is not accomplished at one stoke , itis caused by some factors in the wave of economic development .

  27. 调查组查阅了个人文档并监督了招聘过程,未发现任何雇佣童工或强制劳动的行为,调查方式包括检查是否存在伪造的身份文件等。

    The team reviewed personnel files and hiring practices and found no evidence whatsoever of the use of child labor or any form of forced labor .

  28. 因拒不支付劳动报酬行为具有严重的社会危害性和重大的法益侵害性,所以有必要动用刑罚。

    For refusing to pay labor remunerations behaviors with serious social harm and significant legal interest infringement , so it is necessary to use the penalty .

  29. 拒不支付劳动报酬行为入罪合理性上其符合刑法功能的需要,符合刑事政策和刑罚价值理念。

    Refusal to pay remuneration for labor into the crime is rationality in accord with the criminal law function , the criminal policy and criminal value concept .

  30. 第二,实证结果表明,养老金、年龄、性别、技术证书、教育程度对老年劳动者劳动供给行为影响显著。

    Second , through the empirical analysis , pension , age , sex , technic certificate and education have strong effects on the labor supply of the older workers .