
  • 网络personal productivity
  1. 这个向导适合快速创建情境应用程序或个人生产力应用程序,从而解决比较迫切的需求,这些需求可以在以后进行增强。

    This wizard is an excellent way to produce a quick situational or personal productivity application to solve an immediate need , which can be enhanced later .

  2. 参赛者被问及“形式因素如何影响数字式生活方式的构想”在这四个类别中:个人生产力,娱乐,通信与移动性,居住与生活方式。

    Contestants were asked to " envision how form factor influences the digital lifestyle " in four categories : personal productivity , entertainment , communication mobility , and living lifestyle .

  3. 怎样在公司建立一个学习文化并提升个人生产力;

    Create the learning culture in your organization and boost individual productivity ;

  4. 要是我的话,我就会问这个软件会提升个人生产力么?

    I 'd ask questions like will this software make me considerably more productive ?

  5. 这就是通过使广大人民的全面、自由的发展,个人生产力水平的普遍提高,去实现真正的自由人的联合体[1]。

    That is to make overall and free development of massive people , to increase generally individual productivity and to realize a real " unity of free men " .

  6. 紧张型头痛(tension-typeheadache,TTH),对个人工作生产力的影响是众所皆知的。

    The tense headache ( tension-type headache , TTH ), we all knows that headache influenced the individual work productive forces .

  7. 个人的生产力之间会有巨大的不同,至少可以将其分解成十个因素来度量。

    The productivity differences between individuals are vast , measured to be at least a factor of10 .

  8. 当我搜索今天的时间管理类文献,我陷入思考:时间管理和个人的生产力水平有多大关系。

    As I scour todays management literature , Im struck by how much of it relates to personal productivity .

  9. 从社会必要劳动时间与价值量的关系可以推演出社会劳动生产力、个人劳动生产力与价值量的关系,从而把价值创造与价值分配有机统一起来。

    We can deduce the relations of social and individual productive forces with the magnitude of value from that of the social necessary labor time with the magnitude of value , which integrates value creation with value distribution .

  10. 李斯特的生产力概念,并非人们通常理解的作为个人或社会生产力意义上的那种生产力,而是国家生产力;

    The concept of productivity that List put forward means national productivity in the proper sense , so it is different from the normal meaning of individual or social production capacity .

  11. 学习将让他们对自己的工作满意,进而增加个人和团队的生产力。

    Learning will make them satisfied with their job which in turn will increase the productivity of the individual and the team .

  12. PC机已成了个人活动的工具,而不是个人生产力工具。

    PCs have become personal activity tools , not personal productivity tools .