
  • 网络Personality;personal character;individual character;personal characteristics
  1. 另外,志愿者还要完成个人性格及安逸度的评估。

    In addition , the volunteers completed personality and well-being assessments .

  2. 酒精中毒者的个人性格特征变化很大。

    Personality characteristics in alcohol-abusing persons vary considerably .

  3. 其中P代表个人性格(包括人生观、适应力和忍耐力);

    In the equation , P stands for Personal Characteristics ( outlook on life , adaptability and resilience );

  4. 家庭内关系是否融洽、遗传因素、个人性格因素、自身的经济状况以及当前自身的健康状况(P值均小于0.05)和抑郁情绪之间关联显著。

    Level of maternal culture , relationship with family members , personal character and current body healthy status were the influential factors of depression in the subjects ( P < 0.05 ) .

  5. 尽管如此,一台电脑还是“可以告诉你有关一个人性格的一切”,艾德-贝利(EideBailly)会计师事务所的法证分析师、持照私家侦探布鲁克•肖布(BrookSchaub)说。

    Even so , a computer " tells you everything about a person 's character , " said Brook Schaub , a forensic analyst and licensed private investigator at the accounting firm Eide Bailly .

  6. 后天培养对于一个人性格的形成起着重要作用。

    Upbringing plays an important part in determining a person 's character .

  7. 除了个人性格外,他们两人之间还有更加实质性的分歧。

    There was a more fundamental disagreement that went beyond personal petulance .

  8. 文化是个人性格形成的决定性力量

    Culture is the Shaping Force of Personal Identity

  9. 韩佳:耿直说的是一个人性格很正直,直爽。

    " Geng Zhi " describes a person who 's very upright and straight forward .

  10. 举止优雅、个人性格好。

    Be elegant and with nice personality .

  11. 在这种形势下,俄罗斯总统个人性格的重要性会比以往任何时候都大。

    In this situation , the personality of the Russian president will matter more than ever .

  12. 最重要的是,他是一个人性格大梦,他的梦想是普遍。

    Most importantly , he was a character who dreamed big , and his dreams were universal .

  13. 个人性格气质等心理特征、所受教育以及所处的社会环境等因素的影响是刘锡鸿成为典型守旧派的自身原因。

    LIU became a typical conservative partly because of his own personality , education and social environment .

  14. 参加职业评估测试和评估个人性格的测试,获得专业建议。

    Get professional advice by taking career assessment tests and tests that evaluate your personality and temperament .

  15. 萌妹子是全身心的享受她的女性气质,不会牺牲掉个人性格特色或优势。

    A girly girl is someone who whole-heartedly embraces her femininity , without sacrificing her personality or strength .

  16. 并且,个人性格中的弱点和缺陷会阻碍理想的实现。

    In addition , the weaknesses and shortcomings of the individual character hinder the realization of the ideality .

  17. 这其实是一个形势的瑕疵而不是一个人性格上的瑕疵。

    This , actually , is not so much a blemish of character as a blemish of circumstance .

  18. 还有一种是个人性格,一生没有耐心,一生难教好学生。

    There is also a personal character , and his impatience , his life is difficult to teach students .

  19. 总体来说,优秀的学习成绩、丰富的实习经验和上乘的个人性格可以使学生在面试当中鹤立鸡群。

    Basically , good academic background , internship experiences and good personality can make one stand out during interview .

  20. 我认为,最好的品牌,最好的网站有很大一部分是有其创始人的个人性格在里面的。

    I think the best brands , the best sites have a large portion of their founders personality in them .

  21. 孔、孟对管仲评价的差异,主要由他们的个人性格、自我评价以及所处的历史时代、社会环境不同所导致。

    Such differences of opinion arose out of those between the two in personality , self-appraisal , times and social environment .

  22. 和海外人士的晚餐很有意思,我感觉自己重新寻访那些长期潜藏的个人性格。

    The dinner with the expatriates was great fun , and I felt myself revisiting all these long-dormant aspects of my personality .

  23. 撇开个人性格的差异不谈,解释哪些因素在这些清楚的特征中促成了改变。

    Then explain what factors , aside from differences in personal temperament , might contribute to the changes in these distinguishing features .

  24. 当我们诚实地去面对个人性格的缺陷时,我们会害怕面对真相,因此我们宁愿活在否认的牢笼中。

    The fear of what we might discover if we honestly faced our character defects keeps us living in the prison of denial .

  25. 然而事实并非如此,如果一个人性格中具有黑暗的一面,那么他看起来可能比性格更稳定的人更性感。

    But in fact , people with dark personalities may look hotter when they try harder than do those with more stable character traits .

  26. 据索托所言,一个人性格的细微改变都可能对其感情、事业、健康与幸福带来巨大影响。

    According to Soto , even small changes in a person 's personality can produce important effects on relationships , career , health and happiness .

  27. 很多人可能对这种说法不以为然,但是一群心理学家却对音乐和个人性格之间的联系进行了严肃认真的调查研究。

    While many would probably deny these stereotypes hold any weight , the links between music and personality are being seriously investigated by teams of psychologists .

  28. 如果某个人性格顽固,那他就从不会付出比真正价值更高的钱,或者说他不会为一件东西或是一种服务付出太多的钱。

    If someone is hard-nosed , chances are he will never pay through the nose , or pay too much money , for an object or service .

  29. 有很多的因素影响着你是否能够得到一份工作:从你的工作,专业教育到你的个人性格。

    There are dozens of factors that affect whether or not you land a job : from your work and expertise to your education and your personality .

  30. 这些研究结进一步证明,幸运并非完全出于偶然,而是会受到个人性格的影响。

    The findings add to growing evidence that the phenomenon of luck is not all down to chance , but is affected by a person 's general disposition .