
ɡè rén yǐn sī
  • individual privacy;personal privacy
  1. 隐私保护信息检索(Privateinformationretrieval),简称PIR,是为了保障个人隐私在公共网络平台上的私密性而采用的策略。

    Private information retrieval ( PIR ) is a strategy to protect individual privacy on the public network platform .

  2. TDF虽然促进了全球范围的信息流通,但是同时也对国家的文化、经济、社会主权和个人隐私权产生负面影响。

    In the meantime , TDF has a negative influence on cultures , economy , social sovereignty and individual privacy .

  3. 她不喜欢成为电视名人后随之失去个人隐私。

    She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity .

  4. 偷看孩子的日记一定是对个人隐私的严重侵犯吗?

    Is reading a child 's diary always a gross invasion of privacy ?

  5. 行动通知强调要强化数据安全管理,切实保护个人隐私。

    The circular also underlined that the use of health code data must be strictly regulated to protect privacy .

  6. 有报道称,米德尔顿和威廉王子正就侵犯个人隐私一事起诉《Closer》杂志。

    Middleton and Prince William are reportedly suing Closer over invasion of privacy .

  7. 第一修正案在个人隐私不受政府侵犯方面较为模糊(小约瑟夫A.卡里法诺)

    The First Amendment has a penumbra where privacy is protected from governmental intrusion ( Joseph A.Califano , Jr )

  8. 当前国内外研究者对Web服务组合开展了广泛而深入的研究,但很少关注保护用户的个人隐私。

    Many researchers at home and abroad have conducted extensive and profound investigations to the Web service composition , but few of them pays enough attention to protection of personal privacy .

  9. 因为RFID标签的数据通过无线射频进行传送,可能引起企业信息和个人隐私的泄露。

    RFID systems may induce the leakage of companies ' information and individuals ' privacy since the RFID tag emits its data by RF .

  10. 许多国家的Facebook用户,隐私保护支持者及政府官员均对一些侵害个人隐私的新功能或设置怨声载道。

    Facebook users , privacy advocates and government officials in many countries have lobbed vociferous complaints that some new features or settings were privacy violations .

  11. 虽然这些人大多在硅谷(SiliconValley)生活、工作或者混迹在那里,但在他们看来,硅谷的崛起创造了太多科技,不仅令美国公司受益,也对政府窥探个人隐私起到了推波助澜的作用。

    Even though they often live , work or mingle in Silicon Valley , they claim its rise has created too much technology that benefits corporate America or helps government snoop .

  12. 女生们使用假名把照片上提交给了独立学生网站TheTab。为了保护个人隐私,拍摄照片时特意隐去了脸部。

    The pictures have been sent to independent student website The Tab by women using pseudonyms and hiding their faces from the camera to protect their identities .

  13. 网络用户也可能从Facebook与谷歌的竞争中受益,只不过原因有所不同:两者要想使自己的社交媒体服务与众不同,最好的方法是通过保护个人隐私。

    Web users may benefit from a facebook-google rivalry , but for a different reason : the best way for these companies to differentiate their social media offerings is by preserving personal privacy .

  14. 通过结合相互认证机制与随机读取访问控制,本系统可有效地抵御传统攻击,特别是解决了Gao系统的重放攻击漏洞,也保证了个人隐私安全。

    Combining mutual authentication mechanism and randomized read access control , the RFID sys - tem proposed in the paper can prevent kinds of conventional attacks effectively , especially repay attack . It can also protect the individual privacy .

  15. bdd表示,其成员侦探所接下的委托中,至少有70%来自企业,因此,在企业安全与个人隐私之间找到平衡的难度不太可能降低。

    With the BDD saying at least 70 per cent of commissions for its detective agencies are from companies , the balance between corporate security and personal privacy is unlikely to become easier to manage .

  16. Soghoian博士喜欢以去印度,算是维护个人隐私活动的调剂。

    As a respite from his campaign to defend personal privacy , Dr Soghoian likes to go to India .

  17. 网络信息时代个人隐私面临的挑战与对策

    Challenges to and Countermeasures for Privacy Right in Network Information Times

  18. 互联网不能随意地暴露个人隐私。

    Under no circumstance can the Internet discover our privacy arbitrarily .

  19. 结果就是个人隐私被泄露、个人身份被盗用。

    The result is privacy breaches , identity theft and fraud .

  20. 这是个人隐私,不关你的事。

    This is a personal matter and does not concern you .

  21. 政府网络监管与个人隐私保护

    Network supervision and administration by government and protection of personal privacy

  22. 但这样的个人隐私正趋向于成为社会的悲剧。

    But such private matters have a tendency to become public tragedies .

  23. 名人常常发现其个人隐私受到新闻界侵犯。

    Famous people often find their privacy is invaded by the press .

  24. 他们担心录指纹会侵犯他们的个人隐私。

    What they concern is that the fingerprints may disclose their privacy .

  25. 问:您认为当前个人隐私遭到的最大的威胁是什么?

    Q : Where is the biggest threat to personal privacy today ?

  26. 我们担保遵守职业道德,并尊重个人隐私权。

    We guarantee a professional code of ethics and respect of privacy .

  27. 看我的日记是一种不可原谅的侵犯个人隐私的行为。

    Reading my diary is an inexcusable invasion of privacy .

  28. 你的个人隐私不要告诉别人。

    You dont have to tell anyone your personal data .

  29. 论个人隐私权的行政法保护

    On Protection of the Right of Privacy by Administrative Law

  30. 要继续请先同意上面的个人隐私条款。

    To continue you need to agree to the privacy policy above .