
  • Chatting Online;chat online;chat on the internet
  1. 你是否喜欢在网上聊天?

    Would you like a chat on the Internet ?

  2. 在上网内容方面最多的是玩游戏(63.6%),其次为网上聊天(48.3%)。

    The content of internet use was electronic games mostly ( 63.6 % ), secondly was chat on the internet ( 48.3 % ) .

  3. Capslockvoice指平时冷静沉默的人在对某人或某事忍无可忍的时候转而采用的一种提高了音调且颇有威慑力的说话语调,这种方式相当于在网上聊天时用全部大写的方式表达自己激烈情绪,所以,就叫“大写锁定语调”。

    Caps lock voice refers to the authoritative and raised tone used by a normally calm and quiet person when he / she has had enough of someone or something . It is the equivalent to using the caps lock key in the digital world to show your strong emotion .

  4. 基于Socket的网上聊天室设计与实现

    The design and realization of Socket 's internet chat

  5. B她修了打印机,C她和朋友在网上聊天,D她填了张申请表,均未提及。

    B ) She had the printer repaired . C ) She chatted online with a friend . D ) She filled in an application form .

  6. 在网上聊天室认识几个星期之后,Ann和Edward终于决定在现实生活中见面啦。

    After meeting a few weeks ago in an online chat room , Ann and Edward finally decide to meet up in the real world .

  7. 网上聊天不仅会使你的工作效率降低,而且MP3还会使其他人的上网速度变得很慢。

    Not only are you not working efficiently if you are chatting on-line but MP3s can make the Internet really slow for everyone else .

  8. 你可以在Youtube和其他流媒体网站上看外语片,上网订购外语书籍,和外国人网上聊天。

    You can watch foreign films on Youtube or streaming sites , order books from every country in the world and chat online .

  9. 虽然MP3和网上聊天乐趣无穷,可大多数公司不喜欢你在工作时间使用它们。

    Although MP3 's and on-line chat are lots of fun , most companies don 't like you use them at work during work time .

  10. 新华社说:在河南省的Xinyang,车牌上的“SB”被看成是在网上聊天室经常被用到表示最低俗的两个字的首字母。

    In Xinyang , Henan Province ," SB " was struck from licence plates as the initials are regularly used in Internet chat rooms to denote Mandarin 's arguably most vulgar profanity , Xinhua said .

  11. 如今在MSN上用英语聊天的他说,我在网上聊天,只是因为有朋友在日本、美国和新加坡。

    Now he chats online in English , using MSN ," I only chat online because I 've got friends in Japan , the US and Singapore ," he said .

  12. 根据美国、英国和瑞士监管机构提交的文件,瑞银(ubs)在三大洲的交易员和经理曾利用电话、网上聊天室以及电子邮件,几乎每日操纵五种货币的基准利率。

    Ubstraders and managers on three continents used phone calls , electronic chat rooms and emails to manipulate benchmark interest rates in five currencies on an almost daily basis , according to documents filed by us , UK and Swiss authorities .

  13. 采用模块化设计方法,将学生用户子系统划分为下载课件、查询资料、电子笔记、在线考试、完成练习、BBS讨论、网上聊天、提出疑问八个功能模块;

    Then according the method of module , the sub-system for students is composed of eight modules : downloading courseware , querying data , electron note , online examination , training , BBS , net chat , lodge doubt ;

  14. 网站访问者发现在2014年由联邦商务委员会起草名为:网上聊天-与孩子聊一聊在网上做些什么,和本次活动的pdf格式的宣传文件内容很相似。

    Visitors who click on the link are taken to a pdf file of a booklet that is almost identical to one first published by the Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ) in 2014 under the title : Net Cetera - Chatting with Kids About Being Online .

  15. 瑞银交易员还直接与其他银行的对手方接触,他们有时会联手,fsa表示,在网上聊天室,一名瑞银交易员与他在另外两家机构的对手方被称为“三个火枪手”。

    UBS traders also reached out directly to their counterparts at other banks and they sometimes worked in concert a UBS trader and his counterparts at two other groups were referred to in electronic chats as " the three muscateers " the FSA said .

  16. 网络使用与网络成瘾有显著相关,上网时间过长及较多使用网上聊天I、CQ、网络游戏和多媒体娱乐的人更容易出现网络成瘾症状。

    Internet use and internet addiction are closely related , and factors like long time on line , frequent use of net chat , ICQ , online games , and multimedia amusement tend to cause internet addiction symptoms more easily .

  17. “我们在网上聊天,聊到其他年轻人的糟糕生活,讨论他们应该如何重新振作。”Chezdan说话的语气就像一个父亲,虽然他自己是单亲家庭的孩子。

    ' We talk online about what a nightmare other teenagers are , and how they really need to get a life and grow up , 'laughs Chezdan , sounding like the father he never had .

  18. 他们在网上聊天聊得很开心。

    They had a lot of fun chatting on the net .

  19. 网上聊天:挑战大学生道德社会化

    Chat in Internet : Challenge Moral Socialization of the University Students

  20. 我认为网上聊天不是很有意思。

    I don 't think chatting on internet is very pleasant .

  21. 我也喜欢和朋友在网上聊天。

    And I also like to chat with my friends online .

  22. 网上聊天与网下聊天的区别已不重要了。

    The distinction between online and offline chatter ceases to matter .

  23. 当然,他会发短信,网上聊天或者社交网络更你联系。

    Sure , he 'll text , IM , or tweet .

  24. 浅谈英语网上聊天室的言语特点

    On Speech Features of English Chatting Room on the Internet

  25. 我们,你们,他们都喜欢在网上聊天。

    We , you and they all love chatting on the Internet .

  26. 他们是在网上聊天认识的。

    They knew each other by chatting on the internet .

  27. 下课后,我喜欢打电脑游戏和和朋友在网上聊天。

    I like playing and with friends on the internet .

  28. 但是,其中一位把下午的时间都拿来和我的朋友在网上聊天。

    Yet one is spending his afternoons chatting up my friend online .

  29. 当我跟朋友在网上聊天时。

    When I chatted on the Internet with my friends .

  30. 中国人象我们一样花时间在网上聊天。

    The Chinese spend their time chatting online like us .