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  • network file system
  1. 可以通过网络文件系统(NetworkFileSystem,NFS)访问远程文件系统。

    A remote file system can be accessed through the Network File System ( NFS ) .

  2. NC环境下网络文件系统安全性研究

    The Research of Security of Network File System under NC Environment

  3. 多媒体网络文件系统的Cache算法设计与实现

    Research and Implementation of the Cache Algorithm for Multimedia Network File System

  4. MI队列管理器使用网络文件系统(NetworkedFileSystem,NFS)来管理队列管理器实例。

    An MI queue manager uses a networked file system to manage queue manager instances .

  5. 基于WINDOWSnt网络文件系统的安全性及安全策略

    Safety and Strategy of Document System Based on Windows NT

  6. SUN3网络文件系统NFS的分析研究

    A study of sun-3 ′ s network file system

  7. 在基于网络文件系统(NetworkFileSystem,NFS)的系统中,一些源区域不能被挂载,这将导致编译失败。

    On Network File System ( NFS ) based systems , some source areas may not be mounted , which will result in compilation fails .

  8. 在此基础上,详细介绍了基于网络文件系统的Windows远程启动的原理和启动过程。

    And then the principle and boot process of Windows remote boot technology based on network file system are presented detailedly .

  9. 网络文件系统(NetworkFileSystem,NFS)是一个常用的分布式文件系统,它使远程客户机能够在服务器上执行文件操作。

    The Network File System ( NFS ) is a well-used distributed file system that enables file operations to be performed on a server from remote clients .

  10. NFS是第一个现代网络文件系统(构建于IP协议之上)。

    NFS was the first modern network file system ( built over the IP protocol ) .

  11. 这个部分提供了与AIX相关的网络文件系统的概述。

    This section offers an overview of the Network File System as it relates to AIX .

  12. 网络文件系统(NetworkFileSystem)已被32位微机工程工作站的主要制造厂家所公认,它所采用的一些协议已成为工业界公认的标准,ISO也准备据此制订有关的标准。

    The network file system ( NFS ) has enjoyed the Status of a de facto industry standard in the fieid of the 32-bit microcomputer Workstation , and was accepted by ISO .

  13. 网络文件系统:进一步了解NFS及其漫长的历史。

    Network file system : Learn more about NFS and its long history .

  14. 本文讨论了网络文件系统(NFS),包括其历史和不同版本。

    This article discussed the Network File System ( NFS ), including its history and versions .

  15. 虽然NFS是在UNIX和Linux系统中最流行的网络文件系统,但它当然不是唯一的选择。

    Although NFS is the most popular network file system on UNIX and Linux systems , it 's certainly not the only choice .

  16. NIS是网络文件系统(NetworkFileSystem,NFS)软件包的一部分,该软件包包括用于NFS、NIS和其他服务的命令和守护进程。

    NIS is a part of the Network File System ( NFS ) software package that includes commands and daemons for NFS , NIS , and other services .

  17. CFS工作于用户级,通过网络文件系统(NFS)与内核进行通信。

    CFS operates at the user level , communicating with the kernel through Network File System ( NFS ) .

  18. 在考虑使用网络文件系统(NFS)时,性能优化往往被人忽视。

    Often performance tuning is the last thing on your mind when you consider Network File Systems ( NFS ) .

  19. 网络文件系统(NFS)也是由SunMicrosystems开发的,作为在计算机间共享文件的一种方法使用。

    The Network File System ( NFS ) was also developed by Sun Microsystems as a method for sharing files among machines .

  20. 您也可以使用一个网络文件系统(比如,NFS或AFS)将文件系统从一个系统安装到另一个系统。

    You can also mount filesystems from one system on another system using a networked filesystem such as NFS or AFS .

  21. 不幸的是,如果您没有认真地进行NFS优化,那么您的网络文件系统就可能无法高效地工作。

    Unfortunately , if you don 't pay attention to NFS tuning , you might have a poorly performing Network File System .

  22. 它们也会创建一个默认的网络文件系统,来替换Linux复杂的UNIX文件体系&这也是为什么Linxu在主流的桌面市场中境遇艰难的另一个原因。

    They could also make a networked file system the default , instead of the complex UNIX file hierarchy of Linux-which is another reason why Linux struggles in the mainstream desktop market .

  23. StorageMountVMRHEL映像中已经有一个网络文件系统(NFS)服务器可用,只需要配置并启动即可。

    A Network File System ( NFS ) server is already available on the Storage Mount VM RHEL image and just needs to be configured and started .

  24. 并行网络文件系统PNFS性能评测与分析

    Performance evaluation and analysis of Parallel Network File System

  25. 这些备份文件创建于与远程系统共享的网络文件系统(NFS),而该远程系统保留了相应的备份副本。

    The backup files are created on a Network File System ( NFS ) share to a remote system that holds a copy of the backup .

  26. 在研究Linux/Windows操作系统中已有NFS实现方案的基础上,提出了一种面向用户的网络文件系统远程访问控制方法。

    Based on the research on NFS implementation for Linux and Windows , this paper puts forward a user-oriented remote access control method for network file system .

  27. 本文以SUN和SGI的工作站为例,阐述了网络文件系统(NFS)的概念及实现机制,通过实例说明如何利用NFS实现SUN和SGI的异构系统平台间文件系统资源的共享。

    How to realize the resource sharing of file systems between the heterogeneous database systems for SUN and SGI was illustrated by examples in the paper through using NFS .

  28. 对于这个虚拟映像,功能测试用于确保所有的网络文件系统服务器和Samba服务器正常运行。

    For this virtual image , the functional test is meant to ensure that the network file system server and the Samba server are properly working .

  29. 存储层作为服务的一个存储区,可以是数据库、网络文件系统或分布式文件系统。我们使用的是MySql数据库。

    As a storage area of grid , storage level can be a database , network file system or distributed file system , we use the MySql database system .

  30. 检查icb-nfs上的HTTP服务器、邮件服务器、网络文件系统服务器和Samba服务器是否都在运行。

    Check that on icb-nfs , the HTTP server , the mail server , the network file system server , and the Samba server are running .