
  1. 基于VPN的网上录取的安全认证

    Security Authentication of Network Enrollment based VPN

  2. 最后结合高等院校招生流程,基于Oracle数据库利用混合体系结构和中间件技术,实现了河北省成人高校招生网上录取系统。

    At last , we realized the system of Hebei Adult College Enrollment on Internet , which is based on the working flow of Hebei Adult College Enrollment , mixed-structure and Oracle database system .

  3. 基于网上录取的高校招生信息系统研究

    Research on High College Enrollment Information System Based on Internet Recruitment

  4. 全国高校网上录取系统中的信息安全机制

    The Information Safety Mechanism of National Universities and Colleges Online Enrolment System

  5. 网上录取中电子档案的使用和管理

    The Utilization and Management of Electronic Archives in Net Enrollment

  6. 基于网上录取模式的招生信息管理系统功能设计

    Function Design of Informative Admission-Management System Based on Network-Matriculation Model

  7. 网上录取系统安全性能分析与解决方案

    Online enrollment system safety performance analysis and solutions

  8. 全国普通高校招生网上录取系统导出投档单的应用探讨

    Further Application of the On-line Application Forms Pick-up System for the National Admission to Colleges

  9. 网上录取与深化高考改革

    Online Admission and Deepening Entrance Examinations Reform

  10. 高校招生网上录取的实践与思考

    Admission Online : Practise and Thought

  11. 网上录取计算机网络系统的建立网上招评标系统的实现

    Setting up Computer System for Enrolling in Network The System of Bidding and Inviting Public Bidding on Web

  12. 高校网上录取数据录入管理系统是为适应网上录取工作而编制的,主要实现了数据采集以及电子档案的制作功能。

    The management system is designed for network matriculation , which achieves data collection and electro files making .

  13. 随着全国普通高等学校网上录取工作的全面实施,高校招生管理工作必须适应信息化发展要求。

    With overall implementation of Internet recruitment , recruitment of colleges and universities all over the country must suit for the information development .

  14. 探讨新形势下高校主动适应招生录取手段改革,采取切实有效的措施,不断加强和改进远程网上录取工作。

    Under new situation , universities should reform enrolment method , and take effective measures to improve long - distance enrolment in network .

  15. 根据网上录取模式,对招生业务,数据库中间件技术进行了深入的研究,提出了混合结构模式的网上招生录取系统。

    According to the new mode on internet , we take in-depth study on enrollment and database middleware technology and propose a mixed structured enrollment system on internet .

  16. 依托校园网,开发《高校招生管理信息系统》主要包括以下功能:与普通高校网上录取系统建立链接接口,充分共享数据信息;

    The recruiting students information management system of university include follow functions : construct interface with enrolling system of the universities ' internet , fully share the data information ;

  17. 文章对网上录取中电子档案的特征、使用和管理,以及存在的不足等,进行了分析并提出见解。

    This essay analyses the features , management and utilization of e-archives and points out the existing drawbacks of the system and the author 's view is put forward here .

  18. 文章从普通高校招生网上录取过程中所涉及的系统软件开发、网络安全及组织协调方面进行了探讨。

    The author of this paper probes herein the software development , the network safety and the coordination work during the course of the net recruitment work for higher education institutions .

  19. 利用现代计算机技术和网络信息技术,对传统录取模式进行改革,实现网上录取,已成为高校招生录取工作中的一个新课题。

    Thus a new technique ( admission online ) has emerged that is to make use of the modern computer technology and the network information technology in the course of reforming the admission mode .

  20. 普通高校招生试行计算机网上录取,是我国高考录取管理手段改革的方向,是实现招生录取现代化、科学化管理的重要举措。

    The trial computer net recruitment for higher education institutions , a trend in the reform of our enrolment system , is an important step to the modernized scientific management of our student recruitment work .

  21. 部分民办高校招生网上录取系统的应用,为招生管理信息化提供了可靠的、标准化的生源数据来源。

    The application of the On-line Enrollment System for the National Admission to Colleges offers a reliable and standardized source of student data for the informational management of admission , but there still exist the following problems : 1 .

  22. 研究全国普通高校网上录取系统的数据结构,通过异构数据处理技术将录取数据汇总至数据库服务器,最后对录取数据进行统计分析。

    The data structure of National University Enrollment Management System is analyzed at first . Then the enrollment data is collected with isomerism unit data technology into the database server , and finally enrollment data are analyzed based on the statistics .

  23. 本文从网络信息安全的角度阐述了全国高校招生网上录取系统中对数据安全、信息安全等问题的解决方案,从网络层和应用层的层次上对信息安全描述及解决方案实例。

    This paper expounds the plans for solving such problems as data safety and information safety in national universities and colleges online enrolment system from the angle of network information safety , describes information safety and provides some examples of solving the plans from network and application levels .

  24. 十二月中旬,EarlyAction同学可在网上得知录取结果。

    Middle of December : Early Action admissions decisions are available online .

  25. 三个人都是在网上被录取并在线支付课程费用的。

    All three enrolled and paid for their courses online .

  26. 在文章最后,将给出一个应用的实例:全国高校网上招生录取系统。

    At last , they will introduce an example for modeling , analysis and optimization of workflow-the National College & University Enrolling System .

  27. 随着网上招生录取工作多年来的完善,招生录取工作的信息化、招生数据的格式统一化为我们对招生数据的处理、统计以及有效利用等方面提供了良好的环境。

    With online admission work become more and more perfect , the informatization and the format unification for admissions have provided a good environment to the data processing , the statistics and the effective use .

  28. 首先分析了网上招生业务以及C/S和B/S体系结构的特点,提出了适合于网上录取工作的两层C/S与三层B/S结构相结合的混合体系结构。

    First of all , we analyze the character of internet enrollment and the structure of C / S and B / S , propose a system which adopted the mixed-structure , which is composed of two-tier C / S and three-tier C / S system structure .