
  • 网络Actual Cost;actual expenses;ACWP
  1. 虽然SVC的单位成本高于PVC,但如果它用得少,实际费用就低。

    Although the per-unit cost of an SVC is higher than PVCs , if it is used less , the actual cost will be lower .

  2. 应当考虑到运输、存储和保险的实际费用。

    The actual cost of ~ , storage and insurance shall be taken into consideration .

  3. 坐火车的实际费用算下来要比开汽车高。

    Taking the train works out more expensive than going by car .

  4. 超出费用实际费用超过预计费用量。

    The amount by which actual costs exceed estimates .

  5. 实际费用加以比较,预计费用在财政预算案中。

    The actual costs incurred would be compared to projected costs in the budget .

  6. 从事件提起的钱去实际费用并且资助到奖学金。

    The money raised from the event goes for actual costs and to the scholarship fund .

  7. 我对部长提供的数据表示怀疑,因为工程的实际费用要比这高得多。

    I dispute the minister 's figures - the true cost of the project is much higher .

  8. 实际费用:实际发生的费用,区别于预测费用。

    Actual costs : Amounts determined on the Basis of costs incurred as opposed to forecasted costs .

  9. 他估计,每笔比特币交易的实际费用在15-20美元之间。

    He estimates that the true cost of each bitcoin transaction is $ 15 - $ 20 .

  10. 如果此技术能够替代组织活检,将大大降低实际费用。

    If this can be done instead of a biopsy , there would be a real cost reduction .

  11. 业主还应补偿承包商因协议终止而招致的实际费用。

    The customer shall also compensate to the contractor the actual incurred costs caused by termination of the agreement .

  12. 建立了管道建设费用模型,采用管道施工部门的实际费用数据,使模型贴近实际,具有很强的可用性。

    The pipe construction cost model was established , and it has strong feasibility for quoting the practical data from pipe construction department ;

  13. 结果回代样本和全部例数的实际费用与建立病例组合后的标准费用相比,标准费用可以解释医疗消费70%以上的费用;

    Results In verified sample , the actual cost of all the cases was compared with the standard cost after establishing case-mix groups .

  14. 使用作业成本法,计算了流程的实际费用,在此基础上设计了新的流程。

    Using the production cost method , the real expenses of process have been calculated . The new process is designed on this basis .

  15. 认可机构必须让客户清楚明白信贷服务的实际费用及利息,并确保所有广告与宣传物品并无误导成分。

    AIS must let their customers know the true cost of credit and ensure that all advertising and promotional materials do not contain misleading information .

  16. 每次委员会会议上,向审计及合规委员会提供一份关于审计、与审计有关的和允许的其他服务的实际费用的报告。

    The ACC will be provided with a report of the actual fees for audit , audit-related and permitted other services at each committee meeting .

  17. 假如花费超过了预算,由医院付钱;但反之,如果实际费用低于预算,医院就赢利。

    If the cost exceeds the budget , the hospital will pay , but conversely , if the actual cost is cheaper , the hospital profits .

  18. 对世界银行&妇幼卫生扶贫资金项目提供的特困高危孕产妇住院分娩服务的实际费用、例均费用、费用构成以及不同医疗卫生机构的服务费用等方面进行了较为深入的比较、分析。

    An expenditure analysis for hospital delivery at different health settings has been utilized in the Maternal and Child Health Poverty Alleviation Fund ( MCHPAF ) project .

  19. 本次调查中,盈利性高校今年的平均费用标价约为15170美元,上升了3%左右;实际费用约为4950美元。

    Among for-profit colleges surveyed , sticker prices average about $ 15,170 this year , up about 3 percent , and net prices average about $ 4,950 .

  20. 设置较高的运费,同时降低一口价或起始价的做法容易使买家错误理解物品的实际费用。

    Listings with very low Buy-It-Now or start prices , but comparably high shipping prices , tend to mislead buyers about the actual cost of an item .

  21. 文章详细阐述了用挣值法进行费用、进度综合分析与控制,即对已完工作预算费用、计划工作预算费用和已完工作实际费用的分析与控制。

    This paper elaborated the comprehensive analysis and control progress on the cost by earned value management which means analyzing and controlling the budget and actual costs .

  22. 并以某公司财务预算及实际费用管理系统多用户应用程序的保护为例,进行了具体应用。

    Taking protection of multiple users applications of management system for financial budget and actual cost of a certain company as an example , the application of it was introduced .

  23. 结果49.48%的医院年平均住院费用超过了其定额结算标准,合计补偿不足部分占实际费用发生额的9.50%,个别定点医院严重超定额。

    Results For 49.48 % of contract hospitals , their annual average insured inpatient expenditure exceeded its flat rate standard . Insufficiency of expenditure expiation accounts for 9.5 % of total outgoes .

  24. 法国政府强调,这些增加的费用仍然只占课程“实际费用的三分之一”,其余费用仍由法国支付。

    The government has stressed that these increased fees still only represent " one third of the real cost " of the courses , with the rest paid for by the French State .

  25. 结果:样本实际费用比标准费用高,其中药品费和手术材料费在超支费用构成中占到总超支费用的42% ̄84%。

    The result shows the fee paid by patient is higher than the standard charge , and the drugs fee and operation materials fee occupy 42 % - 84 % of the total overspend .

  26. 用电子对抗系统仿真器代替真实的设备参与飞机航电系统综合试验,是为了获得更好的动态效果,减少测试的复杂性,降低实际费用。

    In order to obtain a better dynamic effect and reduce test complexity and cost , a simulated electronic warfare system , instead of real equipment , is used in integration tests of an avionics system .

  27. 本文在调查大量实际费用数据的基础上,分析计算了300架歼击飞机安装不同发动机后全寿命费用变化情况。

    On the basis of cost data collected from factories and the Air Force , the variation of life cycle cost is analyzed for the fighters in which one of four kinds of engine is installed respectively .

  28. 因对进口产品实施上述程序而征收的任何费用与对国内同类产品或来自任何其他成员的产品所征收的费用相比是公平的,且不高于服务的实际费用;

    Any fees imposed for the procedures on imported products are equitable in relation to any fees charged on like domestic products or products originating in any other member and should be no higher than the actual cost of the service ;

  29. 就我国目前在建的高速公路中所采用的水泥砼路面和沥青砼路面的两种结构型式作了比较,并从实际费用及其经济性方面进行了比较和分析,有一定的实用价值。

    The paper compared with two kinds of structure models of cement concrete pavement and bitumen concrete pavement in expressway construction at present , also compared and analysed it from practical cost and economical prospects . It has definite practical value .

  30. 我国在绿色GDP核算研究中存在着将实际环保费用作为重复计算因素从现行GDP中扣除的误区。

    In our green GDP accounting research , there is a mistaken area where actual environment-related cost is considered " redundant computation element " and thus being deducted from the current GDP .