
  • 网络positivist history
  1. 20世纪中国的四次实证史学思潮

    Four Waves of Positivist Historiography in 20th Century China

  2. 实证史学视域下的近代中国教育史研究

    History of positivism in the west and the modern Chinese history of education

  3. 他使用了社会学的研究方法,并结合传统的实证史学方法,也从中国史籍里面找一些材料。

    And he adopted sociological methodology combined with empirical study and some collected materials from Chinese literature of history study .

  4. 留学生是中国历史学由传统向现代转型的主要推动者,中国现代新史学的诞生分为两大流派:一为实证史学,一为马克思主义史学。

    The returned students are the chief promoters in the transformation of Chinese historiography from traditional mould to the modern one .

  5. 新历史考证学思想的兴起、近代实证史学的建立,从某种意义上说,就是在这种科学观念、科学精神的影响下产生的。

    The rise of New textual history , and the foundation of positivism history , are the results of this scientific conception and spirit .

  6. 从宋代义理化史学到清代实证性史学的转变

    Qian Mu with the Study of Qing Intellectual History The Transition From the Rationalist Historiography in Song Dynasty to the Positivist Historiography in Qing Dynasty

  7. 实证是当代中国史学进程中一个含义复杂的主题词,它既显示了当代中国史学一种富有成果的发展方向,又折射出其面临的种种问题与困境。

    As a subject word having various implications , positivism not only represents a fruitful direction of the contemporary Chinese history , but also reveals its many problems and predicaments .