
  • 网络field study;Field research;fieldwork
  1. 本研究是以山东省中部一个远离城市、缺乏资源优势而实现了非农化的村庄H村为个案的实地研究。

    This research is a field study about a village locates in the middle of Shandong Province . In the research , the village is called village H. Village H is distant from cities and short of natural resources , however , it turns to be a nonagricultural village .

  2. 再选取另外4所医院的15个病房进行实地研究以建立研究可靠度,共涉及9个专科方向(即骨科、血液、神经外、神经内、妇产、儿科、普外、心外、ICU)。

    The research reliability is established by the field study in another four hospitals , involving fifteen wards and nine specialized departments in all . These are Departments of Orthopedics , Hematology , Neurosurgery , Neurology , Gynecology and Obstetrics , Pediatrics , General Surgery , Cardiac surgery and ICU .

  3. 实地研究表明:在许多种群的演化过程中,个体的增长和死亡依赖于种群个体的Size而不是年龄。

    Field researches show that , for some populations , many demographic and life processes ( e.g. growth and death ) depend on the size of individuals rather than age .

  4. 论文的第一部分首先回顾了我国近十年来高中教育的发展状况,并对国内外关于学校规模研究的文献进行了梳理。然后交待了对C中学实地研究的经过。

    The first part of the thesis reviewed the development of secondary education for the past ten years , and combed the domestic and foreign research literatures on middle school ' scale .

  5. 本研究是针对一个远离城市、又无资源优势的皖北的村庄W村的实地研究。

    The purpose of the thesis is to have a on-the-spot study on W village in the North of Anhui province , which is quite apart from cities and without advantages of resources .

  6. 而笔者之所以选择郑州市W村为个案对村民委员会贿选问题进行实地研究,是因为笔者以一个普通村民的身份亲历了这次选举的全过程,收集到内容丰富且他人不易获得的经验资料。

    The author chose Zhengzhou W village in selection of villager committees problems , because author participate in process of election in identity of the villagers , and collect rich content and experience material the other is hard to gain .

  7. 为了更加有效探索城市社区治理的新模式,本课题研究选取广州J大学社区、塘街社区和丽苑社区三个社区为个案进行实地研究和比较分析。

    More efficient in order to explore a new mode of urban community governance , community , this topic selection of Guangzhou J university pond street , li yuan and three communities as a case of field research and comparative analysis .

  8. 在综合运用实地研究法和问卷调查法进行研究的基础上,得出XX电力公司原有的组织结构已不能满足企业进一步发展要求,必须进行彻底的变革。

    In the comprehensive use of field research and questionnaire investigation method based on the research of XX power company that the original organizational structure already cannot satisfy enterprise further development requirement , must be thoroughly change .

  9. 2010年夏天Yaser作为访问学者前往芬兰赫尔辛基大学,主持了在领先的IT和电信公司内的实地研究。

    During the summer of2010 , Yaser was a visiting scientist at the University of Helsinki in Finland where he conducted field studies in leading IT and telecommunication companies .

  10. 利用国家资金对婚姻进行实地研究的媒人板本洋子(yokoitamoto)表示,丈夫和妻子往往变得如此疏远,性似乎成了令人尴尬的私事。

    Yoko itamoto , a matchmaker who conducts state-funded field research on marriage , says husbands and wives often grow so distant that sex seems embarrassingly personal .

  11. Bawa在文章中说,如果印度要成为环保科学的全球领导者,它必须首先把印度的科学界从官僚主义的桎梏中解放出来,并积极鼓励实地研究。

    It follows that if India is to become a global leader in conservation science it must first free its scientific community from red tape , and actively encourage field-based research .

  12. 管理工具发掘类研究方面,研究者们应用实地研究的方法发现并介绍了大量的方法、概念和工具,如TCO与VCA、跨组织成本管理与目标成本法、OBA等。

    In the research of explore management tools , researchers apply the field research methods to explored and introduced a number of methods , concepts and tools , such as TCO and VCA , inter-organizational cost management and target costing , OBA and so on .

  13. 语言学家们去实地研究部落语言了。

    The linguists went to study tribal languages in the field .

  14. 理论建构是实地研究的内在要求。

    The theory construction is internal demand of field research .

  15. 从以专家为主导到以农民为主导的实地研究

    Field Research from Leading by Experts to Leading by Farmers

  16. 社区仪式及其在社区社会资本创建中的作用&以西北弓村转灯仪式的实地研究为例

    Community Rite and Ifs Role in the Creation of Community Social Capital

  17. [方法]文献研究法和实地研究法。

    Method : literature study and practical study were adopted .

  18. 我们将在实地研究它们的自然发展过程。

    We will study their natural history in the field .

  19. 青少年实地研究面临的问题及对策

    The Problems and Solutions Facing Field Research on the Youth

  20. 她在实地研究部落语言。

    She 's studying tribal languages in the field .

  21. 实地研究:教育管理研究的第三条道路

    On - the - spot Research : Third Approach to the Educational Management Research

  22. 像那样的实地研究一定代价不菲。

    Filed research like that must be expensive .

  23. 立法者在不同省份完成了实地研究,并带回了质量报告。

    Lawmakers completed field studies in various provinces and came back with quality reports .

  24. 论教师的集体记忆与自我认同&基于实地研究的分析与思考

    On Teachers ' Collective Memory and Self-identity : An Analysis and Thought Based on Field Research

  25. 本文以实地研究为主,结合文献研究,以个案访谈、实地观察和文献收集作为资料收集方法。

    The principal methods of this paper are on-the-spot study , literature research and case investigation .

  26. 通过实地研究和实证分析,本文获得了以下研究结果和研究结论。

    The thesis has the following findings and conclusions of the study through field studies and empirical studies .

  27. 为了复兴这项文化遗产,学生们需按要求进行详细的实地研究和市场调研。

    Students were required to conduct detailed field research and a marketing survey to help revive the heritage .

  28. 然而,实地研究清楚表明,个人行为会根据社会背景呈现出巨大差异。

    Yet , field research clearly shows that the actions of individuals vary massively depending on social context .

  29. 在实地研究过程中,通过现场观察和开放式访谈,得出结论。

    In the process of on-the-pot research , through the spot observation and open-type interview , get some conclusion .

  30. 小城镇集市交易行为及其心理&巢湖市几个乡镇集贸市场的实地研究

    The Behavior and Psychology of Country Fair Trade & A Field Investigation in Some Town Markets of Chaohu City