
shén huà xué
  • mythology
  1. 文化视野对中国现代神话学发展的影响

    Influence of Cultural Scan on the Development of China 's Modern Mythology

  2. 马克思的存在论革命与超感性世界神话学的破产

    Marxian Ontological Revolution and the Destruction of Mythology of the Supersensory World

  3. 伏羲画卦的神话学考察

    A study on Fuxi 's drawing trigrams or hexagrams by mythology

  4. 中国少数民族神话学研究的新收获&达西乌拉弯·毕马著《原住民神话大系》十部著作评介

    New Gains of Research of Mythology of China 's Minorities

  5. 运用神话学和人类学理论,对壮侗语族射日神话进行文化解读。

    Secondly , I interpret the myths using mythology and anthropology theory .

  6. 20世纪日本神话学的三个里程碑

    Three milestones in Japanese mythology of 20th century

  7. 茅盾与中国神话学

    Mao Dun and Chinese Mythology

  8. 论比较神话学的母题概念

    On Motif of Comparative Mythology

  9. 代表作《教育学的神话学的方法研究》,风间书房,东京,1998年。

    He is the author of A Study on Mythological Method in Education , Tokyo , 1998 .

  10. 但是,到目前为止,中外神话学界还没有对神话的变形式样作系统化研究。

    But up to now , mythological metamorphosis has not received systematical studies at home and abroad .

  11. 他学习神话学、语言学、东方文化,在日本住过一些年,熟知佛教宗规。

    He studies mythology , linguistics , Oriental cultures , spending years in Japan acquiring the discipline of Zen .

  12. 中国现代神话学是在引进西方学理与继承本土学统的过程中建立起来的。

    Modern mythology in China appeared as an interaction between western theory of myth and native tradition of Chinese learning .

  13. 与此同时,从神话学角度规定的真值条件又不同于在现实世界中人人所经历的情形。

    Meanwhile , the condition of T-values for mythical approach is different from that of the actual world everyone experienced .

  14. 人类学家安德鲁指出,最初的科学应该是神话学,它是各个民族最初的历史。

    Anthropologist Andrew pointed out that , the initial science should be a mythology ; it iseach national initial history .

  15. 对人类学知识与文学研究的最佳结合点&神话学做了点面结合的示范性阐说;

    Furthermore the paper also demonstrated comprehensively on the study of mythology that combined the anthropological perspective and the literary study .

  16. 它不但是文学文献,而且也是哲学、社会学、历史学、民俗学、神话学等方面的文献。

    It is not only literature of art , but also that of philosophy , sociology , history , folklore , and mythology .

  17. 其二,包括历史学、神话学、民族学、文化人类学等各个学科的方法都运用到了大禹传说的研究之中;

    Secondly , many methods were applied to the research , including history methods , mythology methods , ethnography and cultural anthropology methods .

  18. 经过几个世纪的发展和演变,在19世纪末20世纪初,神话学形成了一支庞大而重要的学科体系。

    After centuries of development and evolution , in the late 19th century early 20th century mythology formed a large and important subject system .

  19. 人们享有集体的潜意识,表现为原始型的,包括神话学、出现在梦里的迹象和模式。

    Jung believed that people share a collective unconscious , appearing as archetypes , including mythology , and symbols and patterns that appear in dreams .

  20. 中国神话学研究从理论到个体形象,从美学特征到不同民族之间的比较研究以及神话史学等方面均取得重大成果。

    The study has gained great breakthrough from theory to figure ; from aesthetics to contrast in different nations as well as the history of mythology .

  21. 马昌仪先生选编的《中国神话学论文选萃》对于普通读者来说,是进入神话学领域的重要著作。

    The Selected Works of Chinese Mythology edited by MA Chang-yi is an important work to the common reader who expected to enter the realm of mythology .

  22. 古史辨神话学的特点,在神话学研究中被概括为古史的破坏、神话的还原。

    The characteristics of " ancient history discrimination " have been generalized as " the destruction of ancient history " and " revivification of mythology " in mythology research .

  23. 以泰勒、安德留·兰和弗雷泽为代表的英国人类学派神话学,是最早引进中国的民间文艺学外国学术流派。

    The theory of mythology of British anthropology school , represented by Tytler , Anderly and Fred , was the first foreign academic school which was introduced into China .

  24. 摩根后来在马萨诸塞州阿莫斯特的汉普郡大学攻读美洲神话学,他说人们叫他纪录片的疯狂科学家。

    Mr. Morgen , who studied American mythology at Hampshire College in Amherst , Mass . , has said that people call him the mad scientist of documentary film .

  25. 海德格尔通过对西方形而上学的内在摧毁,将尼采审美理想实现的契机成功地从神话学领域转移至哲学领域。

    By radically destroying western metaphysics , Heidegger succeeded in transferring the opportunity of realizing Nietzsche 's aesthetic ideal from the field of mythology to the field of philosophy .

  26. 尽管神学在宗教对实在的定义中可能会接近神话学,但神学在其社会位置上更接近后人世俗化的概念化。

    While theology may be closer to mythology in the religious contents of its definitions of reality , it is closer to the later secularized conceptualizations in its social location .

  27. 马丁内斯还减少了临时展览,腾出地方创立一个教育空间,以神话学和文明起源等等为主题,展示卢浮宫的艺术藏品。

    Mr. Martinez is also reducing temporary exhibitions to make way for an educational space for Louvre artworks grouped around revolving themes such as mythology and the origins of civilization .

  28. 20世纪初,中国民俗学和神话学的发展为原型批评理论进入中国奠定了基础。

    Beginning of the 20 century , the development that Chinese folklore and mythology is studied is commented theory going into China and settled the base in the interest of the model .

  29. 在比较神话学领域,至今有专门对象,无专门理论方法与术语。

    This paper deals with the technical term " motif " indispensable to the study of comparative mythology which has its special objects of study but lacks special theoretical methods and technical terms .

  30. 中西方对变形母题的研究随着人类学、神话学、民俗学等学科的发展也不断变换角度,成果颇丰。

    With the development of anthropology , mythology , folklore and other disciplines , western study on Motif of deformation continued to transform the point of view , which had quite good results .