
  • 网络Mystical Religion;Mystery Religion;The Mystery Religions
  1. 神秘宗教所采用的复杂的象征在基督教中残存下来,这可以从教堂建筑和弥撒供奉中看出来。

    The complex symbology employed by the mystery religions has survived fragmentarily in Christianity , notable in church architecture and in the sacrifice of the Mass .

  2. 它是一个入会的“神秘宗教”,经历了由传授到传授,就像古代希腊Eleusis市的神秘主义

    It was an initiatory ' mystery religion , ' passed from initiate to initiate , like the Eleusinian Mysteries .

  3. 第一,本文描述了神秘宗教体验的特性和效果,作为信仰红利的神秘宗教体验对宗教信仰具有很好的强化作用,经历过神秘宗教体验的人对信仰更加虔诚。

    First , it describes the characteristic and effect of the mystical religious experience , which has very good invigoration effect to the religious belief as the religious bonus . Thus people who have experienced the mystical religious experience become more reverent .

  4. 他们是一些信仰神秘主义宗教的人,花许多时间祈祷和沉思。

    They are religious mystics who spend a lot of time praying and meditating .

  5. 原始巫舞以神秘的宗教体验,唤起族群意识和情感认同。

    Ancient witch dance aroused group ethnic consciousness and affective commitment by religious experience .

  6. 我以为这可能是某种超神秘的宗教习俗,于是询问他的举动之因。

    Thinking this was probably some super-arcane religious custom , I asked what he was doing .

  7. 世界上的神秘主义宗教

    The world 's mystic religions

  8. 第三个差异是西方建筑神秘的宗教色彩和中国调和的现实主义。

    The third difference is the mysterious religious content of the western architecture and harmonic realism in China .

  9. 一个角色可以藉由通过一次成功的神秘或宗教知识检定来取得以下关于灰色联盟的传闻。

    A character knows the following information about the Ashen Covenant with a successful Arcana or Religion check .

  10. 拉萨拥有独特的地理环境和神秘的宗教文化,受其影响,拉萨传统聚落具有浓厚的民族特色和地域特点。

    Traditional villages have a strong ethnic characteristics and geographical features due to the effect of traditional settlements in Lhasa with deep national features and characteristics .

  11. 奈良佛寺园林在其本土神社园林的影响下,不仅没有世俗化,反而更加神秘,宗教氛围浓厚。

    While in Nara , temple gardens grew up under the influence of the shrine , they not only were not secularized , but shew up a stronger religious atmosphere .

  12. 这个思想体系有着深厚的渊源,是其不断吸收犹太神学、东方神秘主义宗教以及希腊罗马哲学思想的结果。

    This structure , however , is not created overnight , but has its deep roots in the essence of Judaism , Oriental mysterious religion , Greek and Roman philosophy .

  13. 他去除之前天人感应中神秘的宗教崇拜因素,用阴阳五行之气为中介来勾连天与人。

    He removed the mysterious , religious and worship factors out of induction between heaven and man which before him . Using Yin and Yang of gas to contact heaven and human .

  14. 在作品神秘的宗教神学的外衣下,蕴含着诗人深深的人文终极关怀,这种关怀的宽度和广度可以说几乎涵盖了人类的过去、现在与未来。

    These three epics contain profound humanistic care under the cover of mysterious religious theology . This care is so broad that is involved in the past , the present and the future of human being .

  15. 他此时期的作品不再追求空间的深度,而是让作品的象征性,神秘和宗教色彩占据主导地位,以强调作品的精神性。

    In this period , his works have no longer pursued the depth of space , but to work for the symbolic , mystical and religious dominance in order to emphasize the spirit of the work .

  16. 在图腾崇拜与巫祀祭礼交织中,面具作为戏曲脸谱的早期形态,色彩意识不仅弥漫神秘的宗教气息,更凸显着先民对自然色的强烈崇尚。

    In the totem worship and worship of the heaven and the earth , the early shape of the mask and color consciousness , not only filling the mystical religious atmosphere , but also highlighting the worship toward ancient color system .

  17. 它带着宗教的神秘,宗教的丰富的叙事性,宗教的传承思想,以它独特的饱满形态展示在世间并且与现代艺术结合从而产生出了很多富有新生命新力量的艺术作品。

    Full of religious mystery , narration and inherited thinking , the semiotics in Buddhist graph display us its unique broad form , and combing with modern art it gave birth to lots of artistic works rich in vigor and strength .

  18. 萨满教,一直都是个具有神秘色彩的宗教。

    Shaman , religion has always been a mystery .

  19. 这次事件提高了他的神秘感和宗教声望。

    This added to his mystery and spiritual reputation .

  20. 其二,则是创作语言的跳跃性、超逻辑性,使作品出现神秘浪漫的宗教色彩。

    Besides , the jumping and ultra-logical creative language let his works appear to be religious which is mystery and romantic .

  21. 他将自己虔诚的信仰和对自己祖国的热爱之情融合到一起,创造出饱含着神秘主义和宗教性寓意的独特风格。

    On the basis of the passion for his motherland and his own religious belief , he had created a specific style of art that fully contained mysticism and religious implications .

  22. 深灰色的雕塑生猛而沉郁,具有神秘庄严的宗教般的体验,包容着自我救赎、禅与佛、人与自然等广泛的精神指向。

    The deep gray sculptures are vivid and gloomy , marked by a near religious solemnity , encompassing a wide range of spiritual references such as self-redemption , Zen and Buddhism , and man and nature .

  23. 这种独特的生活环境、美丽的神话传说、神秘古老的宗教信仰、彪悍的民族性格,是满族民间文化产生的肥沃土壤,满族民间剪纸在这片黑土地繁衍生长。

    This kind of special living environment , beautiful myths and legends , Mysterious and ancient religious beliefs , tough national character are the fertile soils of Manchu folk cultural , Manchu folk paper-cutting breed and growth on this black land .

  24. 诗人卷入爱尔兰民族独立运动和领导爱尔兰文艺复兴运动后,唯美主义、神秘主义和宗教思想明显减弱,现实主义入世精神显著增强,并成为主流。

    After his plunge into the Irish National Independent Movement and his leadership to the Irish Renaissant Movement of Literature and Art , his aestheticism , mysticism and religious ideology obviously weakens and his realism obviously strengthens and becomes the main current .

  25. 精神,神秘,魔法和宗教均不包括在现代文明科学中。

    Spiritual , myth , enchantment and religion are all excluded from a material " civilized " modern society .

  26. 太平天国对于中国南方的神秘仪式和准宗教社会的宽容使它们成为了清朝的一大威胁,它们对于仍被认作是中国行为道德根基的儒家文化的残酷攻击导致了起义的最终失败。

    The Taiping tolerance of the esoteric rituals and quasi-religious societies of south China ---- themselves a threat to Qing stability ---- and their relentless attacks on Confucianism ---- still widely accepted as the moral foundation of Chinese behavior ---- contributed to the ultimate defeat of the rebellion .