
  • John;Johann;Elton John;Johan
  1. 约翰的两个孩子出生时他均在场。

    John was present at the birth of both his children .

  2. 只要约翰在就不会有沉闷的时候。

    There 's never a dull moment when John 's around .

  3. 如果他帮不上忙,总还有约翰呢。

    If he can 't help , there 's always John .

  4. 论人格魅力,约翰很一般。

    John doesn 't do too well in the personality stakes .

  5. 约翰撩开眼前的一绺头发。

    John brushed a lock of hair from his eyes .

  6. 这钱不是你的,是约翰的。

    The money 's not yours , it 's John 's.

  7. 对约翰来说,看书是一种消遣形式。

    For John , books are a form of escapism .

  8. 我喜欢约翰,不过我认为他长得并不英俊。

    I like John but I don 't find him attractive physically .

  9. 福克斯顿被解职,受命接替他的是约翰∙史密斯。

    Foxton was dismissed and John Smith was appointed in his stead .

  10. 约翰被平级调动到销售部门的一个岗位上。

    John was shunted sideways to a job in sales .

  11. 约翰想从后门溜进房子里。

    John was trying to slink into the house by the back door .

  12. 约翰没有兄弟姐妹,所以不习惯和他人分享东西。

    John had no brothers or sisters and wasn 't used to sharing .

  13. 约翰∙韦恩出生时取名马里恩∙迈克尔∙莫里森。

    John Wayne was born Marion Michael Morrison .

  14. 近来约翰的行为怪得很。

    John 's been acting very strangely lately .

  15. 约翰,注意听着。

    You mark what I say , John .

  16. 哪儿都没有约翰的影子。

    There is no sign of John anywhere .

  17. 相信我,约翰绝非善良之辈。

    John is no angel , believe me .

  18. 管保约翰会把休的生日忘了!

    Trust John to forget Sue 's birthday !

  19. 约翰脱身跑掉了。

    John pulled himself free and ran off .

  20. 所有作品都是在约翰∙威廉斯的指导下由学生创作完成的。

    All work was produced by the students under the direction of John Williams .

  21. 是我的老朋友约翰!

    It 's my old mucker John !

  22. 约翰很会做菜。

    John is a very good cook .

  23. 约翰有丰富的创造力——总能编出新的舞步和连续舞步。

    John was full of invention ─ always making up new dance steps and sequences .

  24. 约翰打个哈欠,挠挠下巴。

    John yawned and scratched his chin .

  25. 当时是约翰统治着英格兰。

    At that time John ruled England .

  26. 将有一周的交接期供约翰向安解释工作性质。

    There will be an overlap of a week while John teaches Ann the job .

  27. 约翰很热心,愿意帮忙。

    John was very keen to help .

  28. 她为奥古斯塔斯∙约翰当过模特。

    She sat for Augustus John .

  29. 咱们去看看约翰吧。

    Let 's call on John .

  30. 她嫁给了约翰。

    She 's married to John .