
  • 网络approximate quantity;About Circa Approximate
  1. 任何一种语言都有约量的表达手段,汉语也不例外。

    Every language has its ways to express approximate quantity and Chinese is no exception .

  2. 第五章重点分析与约量相关的副词,用度量分析和频度分析方法对估约类词语和极限量类词语进行考察。

    The fifth analyses adverb associated with approximate quantity , by ways of " measure analysis " and " rank analysis ", we make an investigation to estimate words and terminal words .

  3. 第四章考察不含数目的约量表达形式,其中重点分析约数词及约量时间词;

    The fourth chapter inspects approximate quantity expression without number , especially approximate words and approximate time word .

  4. 第二章考察数目形式,对两数组合表约量的各种形式进行考察,并从量词的选择、肯定与否定两方面入手,对其进行语义分析;

    The second chapter investigates kinds of forms of two numbers ' combination meaning approximate quantity , and from two sides of " the selection of quantifier " and " the affirmation and the negation " make a semantic analysis .

  5. 注重对约量的研究不仅能概括约量的规律性表达方式,提高语言运用的准确性,而且能加深我们对语言量范畴的理解,拓展我们对量范畴的认知思考。

    Estimates of the studies focus on not only general laws about the amount of expression , to improve the accuracy of language use , and can deepen our understanding of the language content area to expand our thinking on the amount of cognitive areas .

  6. 重金属有效态含量与全量也呈高度相关,且有效态含量约占全量的10%~35%之间,并与pH和有机质含量相关。其中多元统计分析由SAS软件作出。

    The proportion of available content to total content is about between 10 % to 35 % .

  7. 在约1%接种量时,该菌7d可使硫代硫酸盐和硫酸盐的脱硫率,分别达到34.37%和19.79%。

    Optimum condition for growth is pH 6.0 . With about 1 % inoculum of these bacteria , 34.37 % and 19.79 % of the sulfur from thiosulfate and sulfate can be removed for a period of 7 days .

  8. 在热解残渣中检出了大量四至八氯取代的PCDDs和PCDFs,约占样品量的40%,其中包括剧毒的2,3,7,8-TCDD。

    Large quantity of tetra - through octa - PCDDs and PCDFs , amounting to about 40 percent of the sample wight were found in the waste . Among them , 2,3,7,8-TCDD , the most toxic congener , was also detected .

  9. 最适生长pH6.0。在约1%接种量时,该菌于7天使硫代硫酸盐和硫酸盐的脱硫率分别达到34.37%和19.79%;

    The optimal pH for growth was 6.0 . With about 1 % inoculum of this bacterium , 34.37 % and 19.79 % of the sulfur from thiosulfate and sulfate could be removed for a period of 7 days .

  10. 降水的垂直入渗量甚小,最多约为降水量的1%;

    The maximum infiltration amount of water was about 1 % of precipitation .

  11. 结论:通过大孔树脂富集橙皮苷洗脱率在95%以上,50%乙醇洗脱液干燥后总固物约为处方量的4%。

    Conclusion : The elutive rate of hesperidin was above 95 % by means of the macroporous resin .

  12. 目前,核电厂的约85%发电量来自与福岛核电厂类似设计的装置。

    Today , some 85 % of the electricity generated by nuclear plants comes from facilities of a similar design as Fukushima .

  13. 农田蒸散的区域分布趋势与自然降水分布相一致,在量值上约等于降水量的84%

    The trend of regional distribution of evapotranspiration conformed to that of natural precipitation , its value was over 84 % of the rainfall .

  14. 植物措施对地表水资源的调节是通过其对天然降水分配性质的改变而实现的,森林林冠截留的降水量约占降水量的10%~40%。

    Land surface water resources regulation by plant is realized through changing rainfall distribution features , rain interception by forest canopy makes up 10 % to 40 % of total rainfall .

  15. 目前在电力系统中,大多数变压器还运行在自然状态,其电能损耗约占发电量的10%、系统线损的50%。

    However , in the current power system , most of transformers are still in the state of natural operation with electrical consumption rate of approximately 10 % of the total power production and 50 % of the power loss respectively .

  16. 目前火电厂SO2排放量约占全国排放量的2/3。

    By now , the emission from coal-fired power plants accounts for about two-third of national SO2 emission .

  17. 中国是全球最大的海运铁矿石消费国,约占全球需求量的三分之二。然而,标准银行(StandardBank)分析师梅林达•摩尔(MelindaMoore)说,季节性因素也在发挥作用。

    China is the world 's biggest consumer of seaborne iron ore , accounting for about two-thirds of global demand However , Melinda Moore , analyst at Standard Bank , said seasonality was also playing its part .

  18. 经卡死克浸叶饲喂施药剂的飞蝗雌成虫寿命比正常雌成虫的明显缩短约20d,产卵量减少约60~80%。

    Moreover , mean longevity of treaded female adults was significantly reduced about 20 days , and mean fecundity was decreased about 60 to 80 % .

  19. 此软件框架应用于中小规模的J2EE系统,对比同等规模的项目,开发周期能缩短约20%,代码量减少约25%,数据库读写速度提高约10%。

    This framework is using in middle-and-small-scale application of J2EE . Contrasted the coequal project , it can condense the period of development by about 20 % , reduce the code amount by about 25 % , increase the speed to access database by about 10 % .

  20. 按年均增长3%计算,2015年磷肥施用量接近1500万tP2O5,平均每667m2施用磷肥约8kgP2O5,这个量仍属于比较低的施用量。

    Taking the average annual growth rate of 3 % , the application of phosphate fertilizer will reach 15 million ton P_2O_5 by the year 2015 , with about 8 kg P_2O_5 per 667 m ~ 2 field in China .

  21. 计算结果表明,在持续用药期间,HCHs的主要来源是农业施用(134t/a)和气平流输入(623t/a),约占总输入量的92%;

    The simulating results indicate that during the period when HCHs was largely applied , the main source of HCHs is agricultural application ( 134t / a ) and air advection ( 623t / a ) from windward , which accounting for 92 % of the overall input ;

  22. 试验结果表明:在水稻田中甲胺磷的径流和渗漏流失总量约占施入量的12%;

    The results of methamidophos accounted for12.01 % of the total application in the field .

  23. 蒸散值约占年降水量的36&57%,平均为43.6%。

    The evapotranspiration is about 36-57 % of annual precipitation with an average value of 43.6 % .

  24. 上向流曝气生物滤池处理城镇生活污水存在明显的同步硝化反硝化反应,通过同步硝化反硝化去除的氨氮约占总去除量的25%。

    The simultaneous nitrification and denitrification rate of the up flow Biological Aerated Filter is about 25 % .

  25. 结果表明,滴状吸收过程约占总吸收量的30%。

    The results show that the absorption rate due to droplet formation and falling can be up to 30 % .

  26. 在同一磨损时间条件下,电刷的电磨损量约为机械磨损量的2~7倍。

    The volume electrical wear was about 1 ~ 6 times higher than the mechanical wear during the same wearing time .

  27. 结果表明,提高喷淋密度可以改善吸收器传热性能,提高溶液进口浓度可改善传质性能,滴状吸收过程约占总吸收量的20%。

    The results show that the heat and mass transfer performance can be enhanced with the increase of spray density and inlet concentration respectively .

  28. 在相同的条件下,通过实验得到低位排烟所需要的排烟量比高位排烟时大得多,约是高位排烟量的5倍。

    Under the same conditions , the flow rate of mechanical smoke exhaust at low level was about 5 times than that at high level .

  29. 同时,电机负载作为电力系统的主要用电负荷之一,所消耗的电能约占全国发电量的60~70%,是最大的耗能大户。

    Asynchronous motor , which is a primary load of power system , consumes the most national generated energy , about 60 to 70 percent .

  30. 土壤蓄水年变化量11.2mm,约占年降水量的1.1%,但月变化较大;

    Annual soil moisture variation is 11.2 mm , accounting for 1.1 % of the total annual precipitation . But the monthly change is relatively large ;