
zhǐ xiè
  • Paper scraps;scraps of paper
纸屑[zhǐ xiè]
  1. 不要在地板上乱扔纸屑。

    Don 't litter up the floor with scraps of paper .

  2. 纸屑乱扔在草地上。

    Scraps of paper littered up the lawn .

  3. 不要随地乱扔果皮纸屑。

    Don 't scatter garbage all over the place .

  4. 老师指责这个男孩将纸屑丢在地板上。

    The teacher rebuked the boy for throwing paper on the floor .

  5. v.风化陈旧的手稿已风化成一堆碎片和纸屑。

    disintegrate The old manuscripts had been disintegrated into a pile of fragments and dust .

  6. 纸屑的颗粒物中金属元素的质量分数最低,RDF的最高,其余三种生物质废弃物的质量分数较相近;

    The mass fraction of metal elements in PM_ ( 10 ) from paper scraps is the lowest while that from RDF is the highest .

  7. 丹尼·卡希尔(DannyCahill)站在漫天的五彩纸屑中,微微有点懵,观众们在尖叫,他的家人飞奔上台。

    Danny Cahill stood , slightly dazed , in a blizzard of confetti as the audience screamed and his family ran on stage .

  8. 发泡的适宜工艺条件为:纸屑纸毛质量比1∶2,发泡温度130℃,发泡时间7h。

    The suitable foaming process is reached at a mass ratio of 1 ∶ 2 for scrap paper and lint at the blowing temperature of 130 ℃ for 7 hours .

  9. 当学生们从考试地狱中解放出来走出考场时,将迎来著名的“捣毁”(Trashing)庆典:他们的朋友们会抛洒五彩纸屑、打开香槟——这些都是被允许的,只要他们没带食物。

    The famous ' trashing " celebrations that occur when students walk out of exams - where friends of the freed throw confetti and pop champagne - are permitted , so long as they don 't involve food stuff .

  10. 他们让我们把每一片/所有的纸屑都拣起来。

    They made us pick up every last scrap of paper .

  11. 我们打算做撒纸屑追逐游戏来欢迎本。

    We are going to make paper chains to welcome Ben .

  12. 就算有现在也成纸屑了吧

    Assuming it still exists , it could be confetti by now .

  13. 草地上的纸屑让公园看起来很脏。

    Litter on the grass makes the park look ugly .

  14. 当碎纸屑满时,请清洁纸屑。

    Please draw out and clear the cabinet when it is full .

  15. 穿孔纸屑证明你被检过票

    Punched out holes where your ticket 's been checked .

  16. 你必须把地板上的纸屑全部捡乾净。

    You must pick up every last bit of paper from the floor .

  17. 不许你在地上乱扔纸屑。

    You must not litter the ground with paper .

  18. 油棕丝碎料板热压工艺的研究废纸屑压制纸屑板的工艺研究

    Study on the Elaeis guineensis Excelsior Chipboard Hot-Pressing Technology

  19. 空中飞舞着的,是一朵朵梨花,还是一片片小纸屑?

    What are dancing in the air , pear flowers or paper shavings ?

  20. 在教堂外,一阵雨点般的五彩纸屑撒落在一对新婚的新人身上。

    A shower of confetti fell on the newly-married couple outside the church .

  21. 把纸屑丢进废纸篓。

    Throw the waste paper in the basket .

  22. 隔板上端的空间内填充有碎彩纸屑。

    The upper part of the air bag is provided with a partition board .

  23. 陈旧的手稿已风化成一堆碎片和纸屑。

    The old manuscripts had been disintegrated into a pile of fragments and dust .

  24. 为何不试试离开自习室座位的时候随手将纸屑带走?

    Why not just take away the litters with you when leaving the classroom ?

  25. 她把纸屑扫在一起。

    She broomed up the scrapes of paper .

  26. 附电动式吸纸屑吸风嘴装置。

    With electric waster paper suction equipment .

  27. 这些人像往常一样,到处乱扔纸屑和空瓶。

    As is usual with such people , they left paper and empty Bottles everywhere .

  28. 你绝对想不到这些炫目的纸屑彩纸南瓜都是从一元店里淘回来的!

    You would never guess that these sparkly confetti pumpkins are from the dollar store !

  29. 人们向新婚夫妇撒彩色纸屑。

    People shower the newly-weds with confetti .

  30. 他用一张纸剪出一个圆,然后把剩下的纸屑扔掉。

    He cut a circle out of a piece of paper and threw away the trimmings .