
zhǐ huā
  • paper flower
纸花 [zhǐ huā]
  • [paper flower] 用纸做成的花

纸花[zhǐ huā]
  1. 我为那个小男孩儿做了个纸花。

    I made a paper flower for the little boy .

  2. 次道具包含纸花球一个、杯子、丝巾一块。

    The full set includes : a paper flower ball , a cup and a silk .

  3. v.与…相似的她剪绘了些纸花,做得维妙维肖,以致于有人以为那是真的。

    mimic She cut and painted pieces of paper that mimicked flowers so well that some people thought they were real .

  4. 那个女孩扎的纸花很漂亮。

    The paper flowers ( the girl made ) are beautiful .

  5. 我们用冷冰冰的方式,发信息,传纸花。

    We speak in cold and we send little messages , origami .

  6. 她的卡特色是花边、纸花和叶子。

    Her cards featured lace and paper flowers and leaves .

  7. 要怎么才能俘获你这样的女人呢?【呃……纸花囧】

    what does it take to loosen up a gal like you ?

  8. 杨玲会做纸花,可是我不会。

    Yang Ling can make , but I.

  9. 他们忙着做纸花。

    They are busy making paper flowers .

  10. 他们生产纸花。

    They made paper flowers .

  11. 回首是寒冬,她等待相逢在铺满纸花的路上。

    Looking back on a cold winter , waiting for the meet , the road covered with paper flowers .

  12. 她剪绘了些纸花,做得维妙维肖,以致于有人以为那是真的。

    She cut and painted pieces of paper that mimicked flowers so well that some people thought they were real .

  13. 直到一阵疾风将其中一朵纸花吹到舞台前面的地板上,才有人知道这个戏法是怎么变出来的。

    Nobody knew how the trick was achieved , until a gust of wind blew one of the flowers on to the floor in front of the stage .

  14. 选出了村长,村民们就给他献上一朵红纸花,人们还到他家门口敲锣打鼓。

    When a village head is elected , the villagers present him with a wreath of red paper flowers . A troop with gongs and drums serenades him at home .

  15. PatrickInBeijing(美国):既然要家长买礼物,为何不鼓励孩子自己制作一个小礼物呢?比如一幅手工画或者纸花,甚至一张简单的贺卡也可以。

    PatrickInBeijing ( US ) : Instead of parents buying gifts , why not encourage children to make small gifts , drawing or paper flowers , or even a simple card ?

  16. 这种纸花使人追忆起在佛兰德斯的战场上盛开的花朵。在火车站、商场、办公楼,成千的志愿者都在卖纸花。

    the paper blooms -- reminiscent of those that grew over the battlefields of Flanders -- are sold by thousands of volunteers , at train stations , in shops , and in offices .

  17. 这个传统起源于第一次世界大战;这种纸花使人追忆起在佛兰德斯的战场上盛开的花朵。在火车站、商场、办公楼,成千的志愿者都在卖纸花。

    The tradition dates back to World War I ; the paper blooms reminiscent of those that grew over the battlefields of Flanders are sold by thousands of volunteers , at train stations , in shops , and in offices .