
chénɡ xínɡ
  • embark on a (planned) journey


chénɡ hánɡ
  • form a line
成行 [chéng háng]
  • [line] 形成行列

  • 人行道上行人成行

  • 沿岸岛屿成行

  • [embark on a journey] 指旅行、出访等出发上路;启程旅行

  • 年底恐难成行

  1. 人群沿路线排成行,挥舞着旗子欢呼。

    Crowds lined the route , waving flags and cheering .

  2. 我说不准星期五是否能成行。

    I 'm not sure if Friday 's trip is a go .

  3. 道路两旁树木成行。

    There is a line of trees on either side of the road .

  4. 湖畔树木成行。

    The side of the lake was lined by trees .

  5. 沿路林木成行,郁郁葱葱。

    Along the road stand rows of green and luxuriant trees .

  6. 小河两岸柳树成行。

    Rows of willow trees line the banks of the stream .

  7. 代表团已于5日成行。

    The delegation left as planned on the5th .

  8. 河堤上绿树成行。

    Trees lined the river bank .

  9. 月底能否成行,尚难逆料。

    It 's still hard to say whether we can leave before the end of the month .

  10. 金矿床(点)具有NE成带,NW成行的分布特征。

    The distribution feature of gold deposits is zone in NE and row in NW .

  11. 《Touch周刊》声称,马奎尔的知心好友莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥有受到婚礼邀请,却终因电影拍摄任务在身未能成行。

    Sources tell In Touch , Maguire 's best friend Leonardo DiCaprio was invited to the wedding , but was unable to attend because of filming commitments .

  12. 我最爱的那家是藕艺(音译),位于茵雅路(InyaRoad)附近一条小巷内绿树成行的院落里。

    My favorite is called Ou Yi , in a tree-lined yard by a side lane off Inya Road .

  13. Ni2Al3母合金相碱沥滤生成的镍晶粒成行排列的透射电镜观察

    In situ TEM observation of an arrangement in a row of the nickel crystallites produced during leaching of ni_2al_3 phase

  14. 如果能成行,阿里巴巴仍能够在其青睐的日期启动IPO,并于8月7日晚正式确定发行价,然后于次日在纽约证交所(NYSE)开始交易。

    That would make it possible for Alibaba to hit its preferred date for the IPO , with the shares being officially priced late on August 7 and starting to trade on the New York Stock Exchange the day after .

  15. 未使用快照隔离级别并进行了数据修改(这些修改在tempdb版本存储区中生成行版本)的当前活动事务的数目。

    The number of currently active transactions that are not using snapshot isolation level and have made data modifications that have generated row versions in the tempdb version store .

  16. 观众沿队伍行进的路线排成行。

    The spectators ranged themselves along the route of the procession .

  17. 那您是如何得以成行北京的?

    How did you get put on this trip to Beijing ?

  18. 杰克很担心公园散步不能成行。

    Jack became very worried about his walk in the park .

  19. 孩子们沿着路边成行排开。

    The children ranged themselves along two sides of the road .

  20. 而且如果成行,我可以预测到积极的效应。

    And if it does , I 'm predicting positive results .

  21. 法国南部的公路边有成行的白杨树。

    Rows of poplars line the roads through the south of france .

  22. 基于机器视觉的成行作物精量喷洒系统研究

    Crop Design Research on Precision Band Spraying System Based on Machine Vision

  23. 直播水稻成行喷播技术研究

    Study on Technology of Row Spraying Direct - sowing Paddy

  24. 有人倡议的西湖之游是否成行?

    Did the proposed visit to the West Lake ever come off ?

  25. 如果这不能成行的话,轮流控制温度。

    If that isn 't possible , take turns with the thermostat .

  26. 相反,可见异型性明显的的肿瘤细胞的成行排列。

    Instead , rows of infiltrating neoplastic cells with marked pleomorphism are seen .

  27. 在大多数办公室里,员工们依然挤在排列成行的相同办公桌旁边。

    In most offices workers are crowded into identical desks arranged in lines .

  28. 士兵们靠拢成行,决心战斗到底。

    The soldiers closed ranks and was determined to fight to a finish .

  29. 流泪成行,眼前的落红是否肥了那厚厚的青苔;

    Tears in the eyes , red fall whether fertilizer that thick moss ;

  30. 蛋按小号、中号、大号排列成行。

    Eggs were ranged small , medium and large .