
  • 网络charcoal powder;charcoal dust
  1. 这种独特的陶器呈深黑色,由木炭粉制成。

    The distinct pottery was typically black and made with charcoal powder .

  2. 作为微孔沸石的造孔剂,活性炭粉略优于木炭粉,但二者的效果均比木屑好得多。

    As additive forming pores , activate carbon powder is a little better than charcoal powder , but the effect of both is much better than sawdust .

  3. 介绍了木炭粉在粗杂铜火法精炼中替代插树还原Cu2O的试验研究。

    Test of Cu 2O reduction with finely-ground charcoal as reducing agent to replace charcoal electrode in fire refining of raw copper is introduced .

  4. 木炭粉胶合制成型燃料炭的研究

    Study on Preparation of formed fuel charcoal from powder charcoal through adhesion

  5. 木炭粉成型用粘结剂和成型工艺的研究

    Study on the Technology and Adhesive for Finely-ground Charcoal Pelletizing

  6. 安:你可以试试骨粉、木炭粉或柠檬皮。

    A : You could try bonemeal , powdered charcoal , or lemon peel .

  7. 将市售普通无毒原料处理后,与木炭粉等配制的渗剂用于液体碳氮共渗,其处理效果极佳。

    A new agent produced from nontoxic material for liquid carbonitriding has been made in our works .

  8. 从助滤原理和生产实验等方面阐述了硅藻土助滤剂代替木炭粉用于钛白生产的可行性。

    The feasibility of the filtration by diatomaceous earth instead of charcoal powder in the TiO_2 production is described based on the principle of filtering and production practice .

  9. 目前国内外大多数铜冶炼厂采用木炭粉、重油、青木、柴油、液化石油气、天然气、氨、丙烷等作为铜火法精炼还原剂。

    Now almost all the copper companies in the world make charcoal powder 、 > heavy oil 、 green wood 、 diesel oil 、 liquefied petroleum gas 、 natural gas 、 ammonia and propane as copper refining reductant .

  10. 结果表明,若将10%的木炭配入WC粉、并制粒,在850℃的温度下,则钨的氯化率可在50分钟内达到99.6%以上。

    The experimental results show that by the addition of 10 % charcoal to the tungsten carbide powder , after pelletizing and chlorination at 850 ℃, more than 99.6 % of tungsten are chlorinated within 50 minutes .