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  • Callisto
  1. 冰冻的木卫四看上去像是太阳系中表面坑洞最多的一个星体。

    Icy Callisto appears to be the most heavily cratered object in the solar system .

  2. 包括木星的卫星:木卫四和木卫三、海王星的海卫一,甚至是冥王星。

    including Jupiter 's moons Callisto and Ganymede , Neptune 's Triton , and even Pluto .

  3. 木卫四睡在森林中过夜。

    Callisto slept in the forest all night .

  4. 一个故事是木卫四。

    One story is that of Callisto .

  5. 按照拥有的水量排序,从少到多依次是:土卫二,土卫四,地球,木卫二,冥王星,海卫一,木卫四,土卫六和木卫三。

    In order of how much water they have , from the least to the most , they are : Enceladus , Dione , Earth , Europa , Pluto , Triton , Callisto , Titan , and Ganymede .

  6. 木卫三,木卫二和木卫一在木星的一边,而木卫四却在另一边。

    Ganymede , Europa and Io are on one side of Jupiter , while Callisto is on the other side .