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The calculations show that the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability can indeed play an important role in the coupling processes between the solar wind and the magnetosphere .
The Statistic Study of the Energy Coupling Coefficient Between Solar Wind and the Magnetosphere
The solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling during magnetic storm
The dayside magnetopause boundary layer is the key region for the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling and interaction .
The magnetosphere part of the flux tube is still inside the magnetosphere after reconnection and applies the path for the solar wind entry into dayside magnetosphere .
The case analysis gives observational evidence and more details how the reconnection process at dayside low latitude magnetopause causes solar wind transport or entry into magnetosphere . 3 .
The interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere not only will lead to the disturbance in the geomagnetic field but also will lead to the variation in the electron environment .
The indices of IMF , ground magnetic field and observations of ionospheric E-field are used to study the response of E-field in high and middle latitude ionosphere to variation of the solar wind and the magnetosphere .
Based on the general formula of the energy transfer rate from the solar wind into the magnetosphere , the coupling mechanism of MHD flow is examined by using solar wind data for a period , of 34 days .
Polar ionosphere is especially structured and coupled with magnetosphere via convection electric field , particle precipitation and field-aligned current . It plays an important role in the coupling processes among the solar wind , magnetosphere , ionosphere and thermosphere .
A complex coupling system is formed by the solar wind , magnetosphere and ionosphere in geospace . And an important process in geospace that is still not fully understood is the plasma transport between the plasmasphere and the ionosphere during different interplanetary disturbance and geomagnetic condition .
Mechanism of magnetospheric substorm and the turbulence of solar wind
The solar wind , carrying the plasma and IMF , is slowed down by the magnetosphere , produce the bow shock region and the magnetosheath .
The flux ropes offered channels for the transport of the solar wind plasma into the magnetosphere and the escape of the magnetospheric plasma into the interplanetary space .
The sun 's magnetic field near Earth has tipped south , opening a crack in Earth 's magnetic defenses against the solar wind .