
  • 网络solar energy conversion;Solar conversion;Solar Transformations
  1. 他还去了解了一些家庭能源审计服务的价格并帮助几名客户做了家庭能源审计,不过他说目前为止还没有一名客户把钱投在价格更贵的太阳能转换设备上。

    He also has priced home-energy audits and helped several clients get them done , though he says none has invested yet in a pricier solar conversion .

  2. 作为一种光催化剂,TiO2由于其在环境方面以及太阳能转换等方面的应用已经引起了人们的广泛关注。

    Titania has been frequently concerned in photocatalysis for environmental applications and solar energy conversion .

  3. TiO2作为一种宽禁带的半导体材料,在光催化领域和太阳能转换等方面有着巨大的应用价值,其制备方法、催化机理和物理化学性质的研究一直是众多学者关注的焦点。

    As a broad forbidden-band semiconductor , titania ( TiO2 ) has significant applications in solar energy conversion , photocatalysis and photoelectronic devices . Therefore , the preparation methodology , catalysis mechanism and physicochemical properties of TiO2 have attracted a lot attention by many researchers .

  4. IPCE光谱揭示了PO部分对太阳能转换的贡献,说明通过分子内的单线态-单线态能量转移来提高吸附在二氧化钛膜上的染料的光吸收能力是可行的方法。

    The IPCE spectra revealed distinctively the contribution of PO parts to the solar energy conversion , which suggests that the intramolecular singlet-singlet energy transfer is a reliable strategy to improve the light absorbing abilities of a dye adsorbed on titania films .

  5. 探索提高光电极太阳能转换效率的新方法

    New Methods to Improve Solar Energy Conversion Efficiency of Photoelectrodes

  6. 全息波带片用于太阳能转换

    Holographic zone plate used for conversion of solar energy

  7. 通过光伏电池转换,把太阳能转换成电能。

    Through PV cell panel , solar energy has been changed into power energy .

  8. 太阳能转换过程中的高分子应用

    Application of Polymers in Solar Energy Conversion

  9. 他们靠着能将太阳能转换

    which turn solar power into food .

  10. 山东省太阳能转换产业发展的机制和对策研究

    Study on the Mechanisms and Countermeasures to Develop the Solar Energy Conversion Industries of Shandong Province

  11. 光伏并网发电系统是一套可以将太阳能转换成电能并输送到电网上的系统。

    Grid-connected photovoltaic system is a set of system which can converts solar energy into electrical energy .

  12. 颜色可将太阳能转换。

    Colors convert solar energy .

  13. 半导体光催化分解水制氢是将太阳能转换为氢能的一种最环保方法。

    Hydrogen produced by the semiconductor photocatalytic decomposition of water is one of the most environment friendly method .

  14. 在太阳能转换与储存体系中,降冰片二烯光异构化合成四环烷是非常重要的一个反应。

    In the solar energy transfer and storage system , the isomerization of norbornadiene and quadricyclane is an important reaction .

  15. 新南威尔士大学的教授MartinGreen在一份声明中说,这是所有获报道的将太阳能转换为电能的案例中效率最高的一例。

    This is the highest efficiency ever reported for sunlight conversion into electricity , UNSW Professor Martin Green said in a statement .

  16. 光伏电站是利用光效应原理将太阳能转换为电能的发电系统。

    The solar power station is a generation system that can transfer the solar energy into the electric power energy by using the light effect .

  17. 开发新型的光电功能材料并应用于光电转换体系是将太阳能转换为电能的重要手段。

    Development of photoelectric functional materials and application of photoelectric conversion systems will be the important methods for the conversion from solar energy to electrical energy .

  18. 尽管太阳能转换为电能的效率较低,薄膜型太阳能电池将嵌入一部分硅到常规的太阳能电池内,来降低生产成本。

    Thin-film solar cells use a fraction of the silicon needed in conventional solar cells , cutting production costs , although their conversion rates are lower .

  19. 该系统为小型光伏发电系统,在太阳自动跟踪的基础上,全天候、高效率地独立运行,将尽可能多的太阳能转换为电能,提供给用电负载使用。

    The system is a small-scale PV power generation system , which can track the sun all-weather and provide electrical energy for loads as much as possible .

  20. 另外,纳米二氧化钛由于光稳定、无毒等性能,已成为研究生产光电太阳能转换电池使用最普遍的材料。

    Made to be the most universal material of researching or producing photovoltaic conversion solar energy cells because of it 's light stability , non-toxic and other properties .

  21. 作为一种适宜于大规模并网发电的太阳能转换技术,槽式抛物面太阳能热发电日益成为国际上的研究和应用热点。

    As a kind of solar energy conversion technology suitable for large-scale grid-connected power , parabolic trough solar power is increasingly becoming international hot-spot of research and application .

  22. 当前,直接将太阳能转换成电能和利用太阳能光解水制氢是最有希望的两个研究方向,其中,开发高效、廉价的实用型光电极材料至关重要。

    Currently , transforming the solar energy into electrical energy and producing hydrogen using the solar energy are the two promising research interest . Developing high efficiency photoelectrode with low cost is very important .

  23. 智能控制器实现将风能和太阳能转换为稳定的直流电为蓄电池充电,控制蓄电池为负载供电,同时为系统各个部分提高完善的保护。

    Intelligent control system needs to convert wind and solar energy to a stable DC battery charging , control battery to supply the load , and supply the intelligent protection of every parts of the system .

  24. 该系统将涂有选择性涂层的多孔金属板设置在建筑屋顶或南墙上,用空气作为传热媒介,能最大化地将太阳能转换成热能。

    The porous metal plate of the system is coated with selective coating which is set up in building roof or south wall . This can use air as a heat transfer medium and maximize the solar energy conversion into heat .

  25. 目前独立光伏照明行业普遍存在的太阳能转换效率低、发电量低、系统自消耗高等问题,导致光伏照明系统成本高、系统不稳定,无法推广应用。

    There were some ubiquitous questions in independent photovoltaic lighting industry currently such as low conversion efficiency of solar energy , low power generation , high self-consumption of PV system . It led to high cost and instability of photovoltaic lighting systems and stopped PV lighting system widely applied .

  26. 为提高太阳能的转换效率,设计了角度跟踪电路,利用太阳能对蓄电池充电,为LED照明电路提供电源,并利用PID控制提高了系统工作稳定性。

    The system works with an angle tracking circuit to increase the solar conversion efficiency , the solar energy charging up the battery and provides the power for lighting , PID control algorithm to increase stability .

  27. 掺锑氧化锡(Antimony-dopedTinOxide,ATO)材料在IT领域显示器、电器机壳、气敏传感器、太阳能光电转换等众多领域有着广阔的应用。

    Antimony-doped tin oxide ( ATO ) materials find a wide application in displays , shell of appliances , gas sensors , photoelectric conversion of solar energy .

  28. 钻井和完井、太阳能热能转换、载热流体、ORC和储能等技术的研究结果证明该系统是可行的。

    The system is proved to be feasible after studying the relative technologies of drilling and completion , the transformation from solar energy to heat energy , heat-carrier fluid , ORC and storage energy .

  29. 梯度掺杂对太阳能电池转换效率的影响

    Influence of gradient - doping on conversion efficiency of solar cells

  30. 太阳能的转换效率可达0.28%。

    Its solar energy conversion efficiency may reach 0.28 % .