
  1. 大规模太阳能制氢、储氢和应用的研究

    Study on Manufacture with Solar Energy , Storage and Application of Hydrogen

  2. 太阳能制氢与燃料电池的可再生发电系统

    Hydrogen production with solar energy and renewable power system of fuel cell

  3. 太阳能制氢技术

    Hydrogen production from solar energy

  4. 提出了利用太阳能制氢供给燃料电池发电而构成的最清洁、再生能源发电系统。

    A kind of fuel cell powered by hydrogen from solar energy , the cleanest renewable power supply system , was proposed for Qinzang railway line in the future .

  5. 主要从事太阳能生物制氢、物质发酵制氢、机废物处置与资源化利用、源微生物应用等研究。ABR发酵产氢系统的运行控制及产氢效能研究

    Our work focus on the research field of Photobiological hydrogen production , fermentative hydrogen production , dispose and resource utilization of organic waste , application of microorganism resource . Performing Characteristics and Hydrogen Production Efficiency of an Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Used as a Fermentation System

  6. 太阳能微生物制氢系统中光辐射的计算

    Calculation of light radiative in solar microorganisms of hydrogen production system

  7. 利用太阳能规模制氢

    Hydrogen production in mass scale using solar energy

  8. 光催化作用可用于分解水制氢及有效降解环境污染物,为利用太阳能大规模制氢和解决环境污染问题提供了一条有效途径。

    Photocatalysis can be used to decompose water and is effective for degradation of environmental pollutants , which provides an effective way to produce hydrogen and solve environmental problems by using solar energy .

  9. 太阳能光解水制氢催化剂无机层状化合物研究进展

    Research Progress of Inorganic Layered Photocatalysts for Photocatalytic Decomposition of Water into Hydrogen with Solar Energy

  10. 太阳能分解水制氢被认为是获取氢能的最理想途径。

    It is considered the most ideal way to generate hydrogen from water with solar energy .

  11. 其中,利用太阳能光解水制氢是解决上述问题的最佳途径之一。

    And the use of photocatalytic water splitting for H2 production is the best way to solve these problems .

  12. 绿藻可逆性氢酶制氢是太阳能光解水制氢的理想途径。

    H2 production by reversible hydrogenase in green algae is a perfect approach of H2 production by photo-hydrolysis through solar energy .

  13. 本文对太阳能分解水制氢系统进行了理论和应用方面的分析,重点介绍了光解水的光热电化学分析。

    Theory and applications of hydrogen production system by solar water splitting are analyzed in this paper , photothermal electrochemical analysis is especially presented .

  14. 基于不同用能系统整合和能的综合梯级利用思路,研究提出一种新颖的太阳能甲醇重整制氢-发电联产系统。

    Based on the different energy system integration and method of synthetic cascade utilization of energy , a novel solar methanol reforming hydrogen production-power cogeneration system is proposed .

  15. 太阳能分解水制氢的研究,近年来虽取得了较大的进展,但离实际应用的距离尚远。

    Although investigation on water-splitting with sunlight has been extensively studied and has made some important progress in recent years , to put it into practical use still remains a big problem .

  16. 利用太阳能光解水制氢和降解有机污染物对解决能源和环境问题具有重要意义,而可见光响应催化剂的研制是实现太阳光高效利用的关键。

    Water splitting for hydrogen evolving and organic pollutants degradation by utilization of solar energy have vital significance for solving the energy crisis and environmental problems . Developing visible light responding photocatalysts is the key for sunlight efficiently utilization .

  17. 太阳能-氢能转换制氢

    Solar Energy - Hydrogen System

  18. d,对进一步研究开发太阳能光合生物制氢技术有重要的参考价值。

    This can provide high scientific reference value for the research of biological hydrogen production from solar energy .

  19. 太阳能光合生物制氢光转化效率的影响因素研究主辅修制生物专业动物学实验教学规格初探

    Study on the influencing factors of light conversion efficiency in biological hydrogen production from solar energy A Fundamental Research on the Zoological Experiment Teaching

  20. 当前,直接将太阳能转换成电能和利用太阳能光解水制氢是最有希望的两个研究方向,其中,开发高效、廉价的实用型光电极材料至关重要。

    Currently , transforming the solar energy into electrical energy and producing hydrogen using the solar energy are the two promising research interest . Developing high efficiency photoelectrode with low cost is very important .

  21. 利用太阳能光催化分解水制取清洁的氢能源,对保持人类可持续发展有着十分重要的现实意义,制备具有可见光活性的光催化剂一直是太阳能分解水制氢研究的难点和热点。

    It is of great significance to produce clean hydrogen energy via solar photocatalytic water splitting for the sustainable development of human society . The hard and hot-point on solar photocatalytic hydrogen production studies is to produce visible-light-active photocatalyst .