
jié nénɡ dēnɡ
  • energy-saving light
  1. 电子镇流器、节能灯、LED、充电器。

    Electronic ballast , Energy saving lamp , LED , electronic charger .

  2. 环境温度对H型节能灯光电特性的影响

    The Effect of Environment Temperature of H-section Energy-saving Lamp on Photoelectric Characteristics

  3. 双U双π节能灯玻璃弯管机

    Glass-pipe Bender for Double U and Double π Energy-saving Lamp

  4. 通过对LED节能灯的节能装置,夜间照明的能源消耗显着降低。

    By the installation of energy saving LED lights , the energy consumption of night lighting was significantly reduced .

  5. 耐紫外节能灯PBT专用料的研制

    Development of Special PBT Compound for UV resistant Energy saving Lamp

  6. 我们的节能灯生产LED材料如下:使用的原料环保认证,可高达98%的恢复。

    Our production of energy-saving lamp LED materials are as follows : Used by environmental certification of raw materials , can be up to98 % recovery .

  7. LED光源被放置在73节能灯内,然后收拢起吊灯,长长的吊灯错落有致,营造出云朵的效果。

    An LED light source is positioned inside the 73 light , and the pendants can be clustered and their lengths staggered to create a cloud effect .

  8. PBT节能灯专用料的研究

    Study on specific PBT composite used for energy-saving lamp

  9. 白光LED光源在近年来已经开始逐步取代白炽灯、荧光灯和节能灯.除了普通照明领域,LED在手机、笔记本背光源等领域也发展迅猛。

    In recent years , white LED light source has gradually replaced incandescent lamp , and fluorescent lamps . In addition to above mentioned applications , it is also used in the field of mobile and notebook backlight .

  10. 世界贸易组织(WTO)一专家委员会维持了有关中国限制稀土出口违反贸易规则的裁决。稀土用于高科技产品,包括混合动力汽车、手机、风力发电机和节能灯。

    A World Trade Organisation panel has upheld a ruling that China broke trade rules by restricting exports of rare earths , minerals used in high-tech products , including hybrid cars , mobile phones , wind turbines and energy-efficient lighting .

  11. 伦敦Ochre公司也成功地把节能灯打造成艺术品,它们制作的SeedCloud大型组合吊灯就如同一件雕塑装置。

    The idea of lighting as a work of art was also explored at London-based Ochre , where a large grouping of its Seed Cloud pendant lights looks more like a sculptural installation .

  12. 围绕非成像光学系统的两大核心问题,即光强和光照度,开展LED照明光学系统的研究。节能灯及照明的能效分析

    The main two aspects of LED illumination system , intensity and illuminance , are researched in this thesis by the support of Fujian institute of optical technology and Shanghai Xinlu Corporation . The capacity and efficiency analysis of energy-saving lamp and illuminance

  13. 用电热器模拟改变H型节能灯工作时的环境温度T,反复测定不同温度下灯的电压U和电流I的变化关系;

    Electric heater is used to change environment temperature of H section energy saving lamp and the relation of variations of voltage ( U ) and electrical current ( I ) of lamp is repeatedly determine by using method shower .

  14. 节能灯(CFL)已经开始使用了,他们节省了家庭电源消耗的25%,而产生更少的热量。

    Compact Fluorescent ( CFLs ) bulbs started this process and introduced power savings of25 % to the household consumer and while generating less heat .

  15. 在加拿大Bocci公司的展台前,欧迈•阿尔贝尔(OmerArbel)设计的全新触摸式产品——73节能灯——犹如空中飘浮的云朵。

    At Canadian company Bocci , Omer Arbel 's tactile new design , the 73 light , appears to float in the air like a cloud .

  16. SGS公司敢为天下先,探索出了合同能源管理模式大规模应用道路照明的先例,为照明领域使用和普及新型节能灯源提供了借鉴和参考,具有相当的推广和普及意义。

    The SGS Company Dare to explore energy management contract precedent for large-scale application of road lighting , and provide reference for the use and popularization of new energy-saving light source for lighting in the area , and the popularization of considerable significance .

  17. 节能灯头盖手动胀形模设计

    Design of the Manual Bulging Die for the Energy-Saving Lamp Cap

  18. 节能灯专用中高压铝电解电容器的工作电解液

    Working Electrolytes for High-voltage and Medium-voltage Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors of Energy-saved Lights

  19. 节能灯及照明的能效分析

    The capacity and efficiency analysis of energy-saving lamp and illuminance

  20. 节能灯用稀土三基色荧光粉的研制

    Research and Preparation of RE Three Primary Colours Phosphor for Energy-Saving Lamp

  21. 调光型节能灯电子镇流器专用集成电路概述

    The Introduction of the Electronic Dimming Ballast Specific Integrated Circuit

  22. 临安市节能灯企业汞危害现状与分析

    Analysis of mercury hazards from energy-saving lamps plant in Lin'an

  23. 用于电子镇流器、节能灯晶体管进行测试。

    Used for testing the transistors of electronic ballasts , energy-saving lamps .

  24. 电子镇流器及节能灯的节能原理与应用

    Enery-saving Principle and Application on Electronic Ballasts and Energy-saving Lamps

  25. 商店所有15000个灯都换成了节能灯,还装了活动感应器,没有人的时候自动关闭办公室和仓库的电灯。

    Every light bulb-all15,000 of them-was replaced with a more efficient one .

  26. 节能灯试验设备中恒流源系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Current Source System in Energy-saving Lamp Test Equipment

  27. 节能灯远程控制检测系统的设计

    Design of the Remote Control Aging Testing System of Energy Saving Lamps

  28. 节能灯用功率开关晶体管的设计思路

    The Design of Power Switch Transister for Energy Saving Lamp

  29. 节能灯就是基于这一考虑发明的。

    Based on this consideration , energy-saving lamp is born .

  30. 浅谈巷道照明设计及螺旋型高效节能灯的应用

    Application of High Efficiency Power Saving Spiral Light to Illumination of Lane