
jié rì
  • festival;holiday;feast day;-fest;red-letter day
节日 [jié rì]
  • (1) [festival]∶传统的庆祝或祭祀的日子,如春节、清明节等

  • (2) [holiday;feast day]∶纪念日,如五一国际劳动节

节日[jié rì]
  1. 节日的压轴活动是在海德公园举行的盛大演出。

    The festival ended with a grand finale in Hyde Park .

  2. 这次节日庆祝活动成功与否,在很大程度上就看赞助了。

    The festival is heavily dependent on sponsorship for its success .

  3. 今年的节日吸引的参加者之多创了纪录。

    This year 's festival attracted a record turnout .

  4. 这个节日按照传统是在五月份过的。

    The festival is traditionally held in May .

  5. 节日愉快!

    Happy Holidays !

  6. 宗教节日期间,人们打着横幅在教堂间游行。

    Banners were paraded from church to church on feast days .

  7. 他们打算做个西班牙节日活动一览表。

    They tried to make a calendar of Spain 's festivals .

  8. 仪式与节日构成了任何人类社会不可缺少的一部分。

    Rituals and festivals form an integral part of every human society

  9. 这一餐使整个场合有了近乎节日般的喜庆氛围。

    The meal gave the occasion an almost festive air .

  10. 节日里将有烟花表演、现场音乐会和雕塑展。

    The festival will feature pyrotechnics , live music , and sculptures .

  11. 这个节日已经深入人心。

    The festival has lodged itself in the public mind .

  12. 在节日里,要对蜡烛祝圣,并洒以圣水。

    At the festival , candles are blessed and sprinkled with holy water

  13. 遗憾的是罢工领导人似乎决意要破坏节日的气氛。

    It is regrettable that strike leaders seem intent on spoiling holidays .

  14. 节日期间工厂将关门。

    The factory was due to shut for the festive period

  15. 小女孩们在节日里扮成天使的样子。

    Little girls dress up as angels for fiestas .

  16. 他们准备播放今年夏天节日庆典的独家镜头。

    They are planning to show exclusive footage from this summer 's festivals .

  17. 原先的地方节日已经发展成为一项国际性活动。

    What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event .

  18. 犹太人的宗教节日逾越节昨晚开始了。

    The Jewish feast of Passover began last night

  19. 由于节日休假,政府武装部队人数减半。

    The government 's armed forces have halved their strength for the festive break .

  20. 镇子上充盈着一种节日的喜庆气氛。

    The town has a festive holiday atmosphere

  21. 他穿着十分难看的节日服装。

    He wears really gross holiday outfits .

  22. 支持复活节和圣诞节放假是有充分论据的,因为这些节日都是特殊的时刻。

    There are strong arguments for holidays at Easter and Christmas because these are special occasions

  23. 五朔节已经变成一个神圣庄严的传统节日。

    May Day has become a venerable institution

  24. 不是所有人都赞成庆祝该节日。

    Not everyone approves of the festival

  25. 圣诞节时,客人们在节日前夜开始逐家拜节。

    At Christmas the visitors began their circuit of dropping in on the eve of the feast day .

  26. 如果你时机把握得好,你会幸运地撞上某个乡村节日。

    If your timing is right , you may be fortunate enough to stumble across a village fiesta .

  27. 全家人都沉浸在节日的气氛之中。

    The whole family is in a festive atmosphere .

  28. 这一节日起源于宗教仪式。

    This festival originates from a religious rite .

  29. 该商号节日期间歇业。

    The firm closed business for the time of the holiday .

  30. 节日里警察昼夜沿街巡逻。

    Day and night the policemen pace the streets in the holidays .