
  • 网络Bhumibol Adulyadej
  1. 现在,在高雄大众捷运系统的工人宿舍里,墙上甚至贴着泰国国王的画像,宿舍内还有平板电视,负责劳工政策的台湾高级官员LeeLai-hsi表示,他们的宗教和习惯必须得到尊重。

    In the dorms for the Kaohsiung MRT workers there are now even pictures of the Thai king on the walls and flat panel televisions , says Lee Lai-hsi , a senior labour policy official . Religion and their habits must be respected .

  2. 但是泰国国王使用铝制的餐具。

    But the King of Siam , he was fed with aluminum utensils .

  3. 他的学生中另外两位显要人物是沙特阿拉伯国王和泰国国王。

    Other notables among his pupils were the kings of Saudi Arabia and thailand .

  4. 现年79岁的泰国国王深受人民爱戴,很多泰国人几乎把他当作神明来敬仰。

    The79-year old monarch is deeply loved in Thailand and regarded by many Thais as semi-divine .

  5. 举行这项传统仪式是为了迎接泰国国王普密蓬阿杜德即将到来的80岁生日。

    The traditional royal barge ceremony held to honour the80th birthday of Thai King Bhumibol adulyadej .

  6. 该国的首位女总理在周一的时候获得泰国国王的皇室支持。

    The country 's first female prime minister received royal endorsement from Thailand 's king on Monday .

  7. 一名瑞士男子用喷漆污毁威望很高的泰国国王的画像,泰国一家法庭判处他10年监禁。

    Thai court has sentenced a Swiss man to10 years in prison for spay-painting graffiti over images of Thailand 's revered king .

  8. 泰国国王是一位不折不扣的狗儿发烧友,每一只特殊的狗在他心里都有特殊的位置。

    The King of Thailand is an unabashed dog lover , and one dog in particular has a special place in his heart .

  9. 这位瑞士人去年12月在清迈被捕,因为监控录像显示,他向泰国国王普密蓬。阿杜德的画像喷洒黑色油漆。

    The SWI was arrested in the city last December after surveillance cameras caught him raying black paint onto portraits of Thai King Bhumibol adulyadej .

  10. 包含泄漏的美国大使馆电报的报道称,泰国国王和王储健康状况不佳。

    A report containing leaked US embassy cables suggests that both the king of Thailand and the country 's crown prince are suffering from health problems .

  11. 这些文件引用美国外交官的话说,泰国国王普密蓬去世,继任危机不可不免的时候,泰国将面世真相的时刻。

    The documents quote American diplomats as saying Thailand will face a moment of truth when King Bhumibol dies and that a succession crisis is inevitable .

  12. 周六晚上,在红衣军的营地,一个男人大声呵斥泰国国王应为泰国的动乱负责,这一行为明显意味着一段牢狱之灾。

    On Saturday evening in the red-shirt encampment , one man loudly blamed the king for Thailand 's troubles , an act that would ordinarily mean a harsh term in jail .

  13. 一个著名的例子是泰国的国王,他发明了一种种云下雨的办法。

    One famous individual doing so was the king of thailand , who had built an innovative way of seeding clouds to produce rain .

  14. 军方则号召泰国人在国王生日前结束危机,以便让国王心安。

    The military , had called on Thais to end the crisis before the king 's birthday to preserve his peace of mind .

  15. 泰国人民对国王的崇拜源自于泰国的原始地神崇拜,而外来婆罗门教与佛教思想的渗透及其最终与本土原始信仰的融合,则进一步巩固了人民对国王的崇拜。

    Thailand 's worship of the King roots in the primitive belief of the local god of land , Which is penetrated and integrated by the imported religions of Brahman and Buddhism , that in furn further strengthen such a worship .

  16. 根据泰国法律,侮辱国王、皇后、王位继承人或摄政者的人被判有罪的每项罪将被判处高达15年徒刑。

    Under Thai law those convicted of insulting the king , queen and heir or regent face up to15 years jail terms on each count .

  17. 星期一在开幕仪式上,泰国王储哇集拉隆功代表他的父亲泰国国王讲话。他呼吁议会议员们展现工作责任。

    At Monday 's ceremonial opening , Thailand 's Crown Prince Maha Vajralongkorn , speaking on behalf of his father , the Thai king , called on lawmakers to show responsibility in office .