
huáng shì
  • imperial family;royal household;imperial household
皇室 [huáng shì]
  • [imperial family] 皇家,皇帝内室

  • 皇室成员

皇室[huáng shì]
  1. 当时拍摄的电视画面显示,新娘Sakamoto在婚礼上身著的是厚达12层的“junihitoe”,这是日本皇室女性出席正式场合所穿的一种和服。

    Pictures shown on television at the time showed Sakamoto in the " junihitoe " 12-layered kimono worn by women of the imperial household on formal occasions .

  2. 在粮食消费方面,皇室、官吏和军队的消费无疑占有重要地位。

    Someone such as the imperial household , the officials and the army played an important role in grain consumption .

  3. 黄色报刊公然奚落皇室成员。

    The gutter press has held the royals up to ridicule .

  4. 有关皇室的书卖得正火。

    Books on the Royal Family are selling like hot cakes .

  5. 日本皇室资助日本艺术协会。

    The Japanese Imperial family patronises the Japanese Art Association .

  6. 我已发誓效忠皇室。

    I have sworn an oath of loyalty to the monarchy

  7. 她低头的姿势让人想起皇室风范。

    She bowed her head in a gesture somehow reminiscent of royalty .

  8. 明仁天皇在1959年打破皇室传统,娶了一位平民女子为妻。

    In 1959 , Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner

  9. 在对皇室进行的新闻报道中,那种由来已久的尊重和收敛意识已经消失了。

    The old sense of deference and restraint in royal reporting has vanished

  10. 我们开始混淆皇室大家庭和君主制这两个概念了。

    We are beginning to muddle the extended royal family and the monarchy .

  11. 你们当中有些人对皇室成员非常恼火。

    Some of you were getting very hot under the collar about Royals .

  12. 皇室成员不得不在公众生活和私生活之间建立起一种平衡。

    The monarchy has to create a balance between its public and private lives .

  13. 他已经变得非常刻板,哪怕是最细微的皇室礼仪也会遵循。

    He has become something of a stickler for the finer observances of royal protocol .

  14. 委拉斯开兹的作品从那时起大多局限于皇室成员画像。

    Velazquez 's work from that time forward was confined largely to portraits of the royal family .

  15. 那些与皇室成员结婚的人未来将受到更细致的调查。

    People who marry into the Royal Family will have to be vetted much more carefully in future .

  16. 这是马克第一次承担皇室的工作,但他经受住了严峻的考验。

    It was Mark 's first introduction to royal duties and he came through his baptism of fire unscathed .

  17. 皇室观察员玛丽·海斯说:“看来女王接下来的日子不太好过。”

    Royal-watcher Mary Hayes said : ' It looks like it is going to be an unhappy time for the Queen . '

  18. 许多大街上挂起了旗子以庆祝皇室婚礼。

    A lot of streets are flagged to celebrate the royal wedding .

  19. 他是议会对皇室的发言人。

    He is the mouth of the house in its relations with the crown .

  20. 沿路驶来一辆四轮马车要把皇室一行拉走。

    A horse-drawn carriage was coming along the road to bear away the Royal party .

  21. 皇室成员与世隔绝,许多普通百姓面临的难处他们都未必面对。

    The royal family is insulated from many of the difficulties faced by ordinary people .

  22. 在过去,庆祝元宵节是皇室的传统。

    In the past celebrating the Lantern Festival was a tradition for the imperial family .

  23. 法院官员将密谋反对皇室。

    Court officials will intrigue against the royal family .

  24. 我做过服务生,甚至在皇家阿伯特大厅侍奉过皇室的人。

    I waited on tables , and even catered to royalty at the Royal Albert Hall .

  25. -6-如今住在白金汉宫的蜘蛛可能是维多利亚时代就住在里面的蜘蛛的后代——这简直就是和人类皇室平行发展的一个蜘蛛皇室。

    The spiders that live in Buckingham Palace now are probably the descendants of the spiders that lived there during Victorian times - it 's a whole parallel royal family but with spiders .

  26. DNA检测显示了19世纪以及20实际初期使英国皇室苦恼的“被诅咒的血统”的原因。

    DNA analysis has revealed the identity of the " cursed blood " disorder that afflicted the British Royal Family in the19th and early20th centuries .

  27. Netflix为自己的2016年原创电视节目单增加了一抹皇室气氛。

    Netflix is adding some royalty to its original programming lineup in 2016 .

  28. 日前,《哈利·波特》原作J·K·罗琳被英国皇室授予“荣誉勋爵”,这是英国的勋章和爵位的最高等级,除了罗琳以外,目前只有64人获此殊荣。

    J.K. Rowling was awarded a rare distinction by the royal family - so extraordinary that there are only 64 other people currently holding the title .

  29. 首次获得并刊登照片的《CLoser》杂志被命令将底片在24小时内归还皇室夫妇。

    And Closer magazine , which was the first to obtain and print them , was ordered to give the originals to the couple within 24 hours .

  30. 1526年的Mohács之战令克罗地亚的国会邀请哈普斯堡皇室来接手对克罗地亚的统治。

    The Battle of Moh á cs in1526 led the Croatian Parliament to invite the Habsburgs to assume control over Croatia .