
  • 网络RCA;the Royal College of Art;the Royal Academy of Arts
  1. 星期三一个摄影展在皇家艺术学院开幕。

    A photographic exhibition opens at the Royal College of Art on Wednesday

  2. 33岁时,他在伦敦皇家艺术学院注册学习玻璃制作学位课程。

    At 33 he enrolled in a glass-making degree course at London 's Royal College of Art

  3. 到1936年她已在皇家艺术学院展出作品。

    By 1936 she was exhibiting at the Royal Academy .

  4. 他以一款重新设计的电话赢得了英国皇家艺术学院(RoyalCollegeofArt)的一次竞赛。这款电话的扬声器、话筒和手柄都经过重新设计。

    He won a Royal College of Arts competition with a contraption that reimagined the telephone , rearranging the speaker , mouthpiece and handle .

  5. 我刚考入英国皇家艺术学院(RoyalCollegeofArt)时,时尚界认为帽子只适用于老年女士戴,我当时就认为纯属荒唐之极,崔西说。

    When I started at the Royal College of Art , they thought hats were for old ladies , but I thought that was completely insane , says Treacy .

  6. 现年33岁的张迪拥有美国佐治亚理工学院(GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology)的工业设计学位以及伦敦皇家艺术学院(RoyalCollegeofArt)的设计硕士学位。

    Chang , 33 , received an industrial design degree from Georgia Institute of technology and a graduate degree in design from the Royal College of art in London .

  7. 他希望培养英国的设计师和制造商,并计划组建一个由英国皇家艺术学院(royalcollegeofart)毕业生组成的团队,该学院在培养工业设计师方面享有世界级声誉。

    He hopes to nurture British designers and makers , and is targeting teams from the Royal College of art , which has a world class reputation for training industrial designers .

  8. 最近,该公司在伦敦皇家艺术学院向人们展示了Piñatex的多功能性。设计师们展示了专用这种革命性材料制成的多种衣物和配件。

    It recently showcased the versatility of Pi ñ atex during a presentation held at the Royal College of Art in London , where designers displayed various clothing items and accessories made exclusively from the revolutionary material .

  9. 后来他就读于皇家艺术学院。

    He later studied at the Royal Academy .

  10. 英国皇家艺术学院的首届交通工具设计系学生设计的概念车这个月初在伦敦科学博物馆展出。

    Royal College of Art 's first transportation design students designed concept car earlier this month in London Science Museum .

  11. 他们俩在1990年毕业于伦敦的皇家艺术学院并在过后不久开始合作。

    They both graduated from the Royal College of Art , London , in1990 and began working together shortly afterwards .

  12. 参观者观看英国皇家艺术学院展出的一项名为《今天咱们出去吃吧》艺术作品。

    Visitors to the Royal Academy of the Arts were captivated by the skin-crawling installation , created by controversial artist Damien Hirst .

  13. 他是京都城市大学艺术雕塑系博士学位的获得者,也曾在伦敦皇家艺术学院研习过雕塑。

    He has a Phd in Fine Art Sculpture from Kyoto City University and also studied sculpture at London 's Royal College of Art .

  14. 瑞克曼大学读的是切尔西艺术学院的平面设计专业,后来又继续在英国皇家艺术学院读了研究生。

    After studying graphic design at Graphic Design at Chelsea College of Art , he moved on to graduate studies at the Royal College of Art .

  15. 五十六名年轻的设计师今年将从皇家艺术学院毕业,是在卓依布罗奇被委任为新时装系主任后的第一批毕业生。

    Forty-six young designers are set to graduate from the Royal College of Art this year , the first group under newly-appointed head of programme Zowie Broach .

  16. 理查德出生于1947年,拥有中国香港和卡拉奇的血统,在英格兰长大,并在皇家艺术学院学习,后为亨利•摩尔工作。

    Born to parents who were respectively born in Hong Kong and Karachi in1947 , Wentworth grew up in England , studied at the Royal College of Art and worked for Henry Moore .

  17. 父亲和姐妹都省吃俭用,帮兄弟打点完备,送他上了伦敦皇家艺术学院。可是尽管他要以艺术为业,但拨错了号。

    Branweir s father and sister hoarded their pennies to pack him off to London ' s Royal Academy of Arts , but if art was his calling , he dialed a wrong number .

  18. 这些接待馆有些对外开放,对世界各国游客都展现出友好欢乐的一面,另一些则只有受到邀请才能入内,比如说坐落在英国皇家艺术学院的美国接待馆。

    Some are open to the public , showing a festive side to tourists from around the world . Others are strictly invitation only , like the American pavilion at the Royal College of Art .

  19. 他们谈政治形势,谈高尔夫球,谈孩子和新上演的戏,谈皇家艺术学院展出的绘画,谈天气,谈度假的计划。

    They talked of the political situation and of golf , of their children and the latest play , of the pictures at the Royal Academy , of the weather and their plans for the holidays .

  20. 这一创意来自伦敦皇家艺术学院的两名学生,29岁的马克思·弗洛米尔德和26岁的阿诺·马蒂斯,他们都在攻读产品设计硕士学位。

    Its designers Max Frommeld , 29 , and Arno Mathies , 26 , were both studying for their Master degrees in production design at London 's Royal College of Art when they came up with the idea .

  21. 同时,他也是西班牙特内里费、格拉纳达和加的斯皇家艺术学院的一员,并获得特内里费圣塔克鲁兹音乐学院的特别荣誉院士称号。

    He is a member of the " Real Academia de Bellas Artes " of Tenerife ( Canary Islands ), Granada and C á diz , as well as Honorary and Extraordinary Academician of the Conservatory of Santa Cruz of Tenerife .

  22. 据报道,2017年巴宝莉基金会向英国皇家艺术学院捐款300万英镑成立了巴宝莉未来材料研究小组,该组织旨在创造新的可持续材料。

    In 2017 , it was reported that the Burberry Foundation had awarded a grant of £ 3 million to the Royal College of Art to establish the Burberry Material Futures Research Group , an organisation with the aim of creating new , sustainable materials .

  23. 在和日后在邦德系列电影中饰演MissMoneypenny的路易斯·麦克斯维尔一起于英国皇家戏剧艺术学院学习后,摩尔离开学校后成为了一名演员兼模特,并于1954年和美高梅签下合约。

    After studying at RADA alongside Lois Maxwell , the future Miss Moneypenny , Moore left to find paid work as an actor and model , before being signed by MGM in 1954 .

  24. 筹集到的所有的钱都将捐给皇家戏剧艺术学院。

    All money raised will go towards RADA .

  25. 这部剧将在英国皇家戏剧艺术学院的哲尔伍德范布勒剧院演出,为期三个周,而且这个剧院只能容纳160名观众。

    The production will only run for three weeks at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art 's ( RADA ) Jerwood Vanbrugh theatre , a venue that only seats 160 occupants .

  26. 公爵夫人凯特也曾被引见给250多位出席女王60岁庆生会的明星们,他们都是皇家戏剧艺术学院的中坚人物,为英国创作了大量的艺术作品,做出了巨大的贡献。

    The Duchess was also introduced to many of the 250 stars present on a night celebrating the Queen 's 60 years as patron of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art and the wider contribution that the dramatic arts make to national life .

  27. 最终,因为对戏剧的热爱,他参加了著名的皇家戏剧艺术学院的面试,并在26岁时收获了奖学金。他40多年的演艺生涯也从此开始:不仅演过颇受好评的舞台剧,还频频出现在电影和电视中。

    Eventually , his love for theater lead him to audition for the prestigious Royal Academy of Dramatic Art ( RADA ) , where he received a scholarship at the age of 26 , which spawned an acting career that lasted more than 40 years , including numerous critically-acclaimed performances on the stage as well as film and TV work .

  28. 本文利用大英图书馆、皇家学会及皇家艺术学院的部分手稿及档案,结合其他文献和图像资料,叙述了几个普通中国人18世纪在英国的活动。

    Based on the manuscripts and archives collected at the British Library , the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Arts , this describes the encounters of a few ordinary Chinese who somehow visited England and stayed there for some years in the 18 th century .