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huáng hòu
  • queen;empress;emperor
皇后 [huáng hòu]
  • (1) [empress]∶皇帝的正妻

  • (2) [emperor]∶上古指君主

皇后[huáng hòu]
  1. 按照传统,皇帝和皇后未参加该仪式。

    In keeping with tradition , the Emperor and Empress did not attend the ceremony

  2. 后羿有一个美丽善良的妻子名叫张昆仑山呼吁朋友在他的途中E。一天,他跑了后,王母天堂皇后谁是路过。

    Hou Yi had a beautiful and kindhearted wife named Chang E.One day on his way to the Kunlun Mountain to call on friends , he ran upon the Empress of Heaven Wangmu who was passing by .

  3. 索尔特和佩帕是两个来自皇后区的精明泼辣的女孩。

    Salt and Peppa are two streetwise and sassy girls from Queens .

  4. 社区变成了玩杂耍的、踩高跷的和扮装皇后的天地。

    The neighborhood is given over to performers , stilt walkers and drag queens .

  5. 他的遗体被从纽约市皇后区的墓地里挖了出来。

    His remains have been exhumed from a cemetery in Queens , New York City .

  6. 我没有点套餐,而是要了当日的特供菜——皇后海扇贝。

    I veered away from the set menu and went for the day 's special of queen scallops

  7. 邪恶的皇后密谋毒死小公主。

    The evil queen schemed to kill the little princess with poison .

  8. 相反,哈克正在推广更多像他在皇后学院教授的一门课程:《算数101》。

    Instead , Hacker is pushing for more courses like the one he teaches at Queens College : Numeracy 101 .

  9. 皇后学院政治学教授安德鲁·哈克认为,应去掉高级代数和其他高等数学课程,改而支持设置诸如统计学之类较为常规的实用课程。

    Andrew Hacker , Queens College political science professor , thinks that advanced algebra and other higher-level math should be cut from curricula in favor of courses with more routine usefulness , like statistics .

  10. 我是操场上的皇后。

    I was the queen of the playground .

  11. 他们的合作很快产生了成果,几年后,在2008年初的牙买加奥运会上,当时世界排名仅为70位的谢莉·安击败了牙买加无人能敌的短跑皇后。

    Their cooperation quickly produced results , and a few year later at Jamaica 's Olympic games in early 2008 , Shelly Ann , who at that time only ranked number 70 in the world , beat Jamaica 's unchallenged queen of the sprint .

  12. 每天,坏皇后都问她的镜子:"镜子,墙上的镜子,谁是世界上最美丽的人?"

    Every day the bad Queen asks her mirror : " Mirror , Mirror , on the wall , who 's the most beautiful of us all ? "

  13. 我不愿意被人当作是个娇纵惯了的电影皇后。

    I don 't want to be treated like a cosseted movie queen .

  14. 刘询承皇位以后,立许妃做皇后。

    After Liu Xun ascended3 the throne , he made Imperial Concubine Xu his queen .

  15. 后来邪恶的皇后协持她,究竟救不救她的性命就由七个小矮人来决定。

    So when the evil queen abducts her , it is up the dwarves to save her life .

  16. 霍光的妻子霍显,是个贪图富贵的女人,她想把自己的小女儿成君嫁给刘询做皇后,就乘许娘娘有病的机会,买通女医下毒害死了许后。

    Hankering after wealth and rank , Huo Guang 's wife Huo Xian tried to make her youngest daughter Chengjun the queen of Lin Xun . So , taking the opportunity of the queen 's illness , Huo Xian bribed4 a woman doctor who poisoned the queen to death .

  17. N元皇后问题的快速矩阵解法及其计数算法

    A Fast Matrix Solution Method and Counting Algorithm of N-adic Queen Problem

  18. N皇后问题回溯算法探讨

    Discussion about Backtracking Algorithm of n-Queen Problem

  19. 应用搜索原理解n皇后问题算法分析及优化

    Analysis of Algorithm to Solve The N_queens Problem with The Search Principle and Its Optimization

  20. 小矮人B:你中毒了,皇后想杀你,但是你现在好了。

    Dwarf B : You got poisoned , the queen wanted to kill you , but you are ok now .

  21. 通过对N皇后问题棋盘矩阵的旋转,改进了回溯算法,并通过计算机集群并行实现了N皇后的计数问题。

    Traditional backtracking algorithm has been improved by rotating the chessboard matrix and put into solving N-queens counting problem in computer cluster .

  22. 而紧随其后的,将是针对皇后区的西法拉盛(Flushing)的提案。

    A proposal for west Flushing in Queens is next .

  23. 她,就是MissDally,世界礼仪皇后。

    She is Miss Dally , the World Etiquette Queen .

  24. n皇后问题是非结构化的问题,人工智能中的搜索策略&回溯法是解决这类问题的有效方法。

    The n_ queen problem is a non-structured problem , the search principle in the artificial intelligence-the backtrack method is an effective method for sloving such problems .

  25. 最后通过子集和问题、数的全排列和n皇后问题来说明上述方法的应用。

    At last , the application of this method is explained by the problem of subset-sum , the problem of all sequence permutation and the problem of N-queen .

  26. 用Hopfield神经网络求解八皇后问题

    Hopfield Neural Network for Eight-queens Problem

  27. 非常为粗磨来自一个商业的广告抓取皇后的党谢谢到TLC。

    Thanks very much to TLC for snagging a capture from a commercial advertising the Queen 's Party .

  28. 采用前馈神经网络求解N-皇后问题,并用变学习因子的快速学习算法解决局部极小化问题,给出了几组搜索结果。

    Applies feed forward neural network to the N QUEENs question , and sdves the local minimization question using a rapid learning algorithm with variable learning factors . Gives several research results .

  29. 他们计划在皇后区法拉盛草地公园(FlushingMeadowsQueens)建造全新球场。

    They plan to build a new stadium for the team in Flushing Meadows in Queens .

  30. Vector苜蓿的甜菜碱醛脱氢酶活性随着胁迫强度的增加而增加,皇后、WL323和敖汉苜蓿呈单峰变化,在中度胁迫下达到最大值;

    Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase activity in Vector alfalfa increased with the intensity of water stress , while that of the other varieties showed the trend of initial increasing , reaching the peak under medium-stress , then decreasing .