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zhǒng zú
  • race;people;ethnic group;stock
种族 [zhǒng zú]
  • [stock;race;ethnic group] 人种

  • 自存种族。--[英]赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

种族[zhǒng zú]
  1. 我们要超越种族、性别和宗教的界限。

    We want to cut across lines of race , sex and religion .

  2. 种族一直是这个国家历史上争论不休的问题。

    Race has always been a hot button in this country 's history .

  3. 多年来这家人因邻居怀有种族偏见而饱受欺凌。

    For years the family had been victimized by racist neighbours .

  4. 那次暴力是政治与种族冲突的结果。

    The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts .

  5. 他的讲话以民族主义为幌子宣扬种族主义思想。

    His speech presented racist ideas under the guise of nationalism .

  6. 种族间紧张状态的升级是对我们社会的一种威胁。

    The increase in racial tension constitutes a threat to our society .

  7. 他遭到种族主义者的袭击,被刺死了。

    He was stabbed to death in a racist attack .

  8. 当地的警察竭力缓和这个社区种族间的紧张局面。

    Local police are trying to defuse racial tension in the community .

  9. 人群开始扔瓶子,并高声地进行种族污辱。

    The crowd started throwing bottles and shouting racial slurs .

  10. 我们决心要杜绝体育竞技活动中的种族歧视现象。

    We are determined to eradicate racism from our sport .

  11. 最重要的问题是种族主义泛滥。

    The central issue is that of widespread racism .

  12. 这些军官因使用种族歧视性语言而受到惩罚。

    The officers were disciplined for using racist language .

  13. 我们必须消除体育界的种族主义。

    We need to purge our sport of racism .

  14. 他扬言要把警察内部存在的种族歧视公之于众。

    He threatened to expose the racism that existed within the police force .

  15. 他们已经保证在诸如就业等方面停止种族歧视。

    They have pledged to end racial discrimination in areas such as employment .

  16. 你张口闭口就是各种歧视——性别歧视、年龄歧视、种族歧视。

    You 're always talking in isms ─ sexism , ageism , racism .

  17. 黑人运动员经常得忍受种族歧视性的奚落。

    Black players often had to endure racist taunts .

  18. 种族主义在我们的社会中仍然根深蒂固。

    Racism is still deeply rooted in our society .

  19. 曼德拉成为反种族隔离斗争的象征。

    Mandela became a symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle .

  20. 最重要的问题是种族主义的到处泛滥。

    The central issue is that of widespread racism .

  21. 不分种族,每个人都受到公平对待。

    Everyone is treated equally , irrespective of race .

  22. 很少有人会承认自己有种族偏见。

    Few people will admit to being racially prejudiced .

  23. 文明社会憎恶种族主义。

    Racism is abhorrent to a civilized society .

  24. 这样的笑话容易渲染种族偏见。

    Such jokes tend to reinforce racial stereotypes .

  25. 我们要是问到种族或宗教问题,就很可能会冒犯人。

    We 'd be on dangerous ground if we asked about race or religion .

  26. 种族主义存在于社会各阶层。

    Racism exists at all levels of society .

  27. 因种族、性别或宗教信仰而有所歧视是非法的。

    It is illegal to discriminate on grounds of race , sex or religion .

  28. 墙上涂写着一些带有种族歧视的称谓。

    Racial epithets were scrawled on the walls .

  29. 对外国人的不信任可能逐渐演变成种族主义。

    Distrust of foreigners can shade into racism .

  30. 他的写作煽起了种族主义情绪。

    His writings fanned the flames of racism .