
zhǒnɡ zú jí tuán
  • Ethnic groups;racial group
  1. 新的数字显示,第二年的婴儿热潮,美国生育率高于一切种族集团,最高的是拉美裔妇女。

    The new numbers suggest the second year of a baby boomlet , with U.S.fertility rates higher in every racial group , the highest among Hispanic women .

  2. 知识型员工气质类型与员工满意度关系研究陷入种族集团的成员或粉领管理的工作区(b迪亚娜韦瑟斯)

    Research on the Relation between the Knowledgable Employee s Temperament and Employee Satisfaction ; trapped in ethnic or pink - collar managerial job ghettoes ( bDiane Weathers )

  3. 种族集团与艾森豪威尔政府的民权政策

    Black and White Ethnic Groups and the Eisenhower Administration ′ s Policy of Civil Right

  4. 它不是某一特定的种族集团,也不是某种特定传统的产物;

    It is not a particular ethnic group or the result of a particular tradition ;

  5. 在一些非洲国家,掌握政治权力的种族集团的婴儿死亡率就低得多。

    In some African countries , infant mortality rates are much lower among politically powerful ethnic groups .

  6. 本文认为,在上述历史时期,满洲共同体经历了从征服者集团到种族性集团的转变。

    It is pointed out that during the above mentioned time Manchu community experienced the transition from conquering group to ethnic group .

  7. 种族一员的作为一特定种族集团中的成员的。

    Being a member of a particular ethnic group .