
  • 网络Herat;Heart
  1. 该委员会成员GhulamHabibHashimi在赫拉特通过电话告诉路透社,“这座城市看起来就像前线,一座鬼城。

    Ghulam Habib Hashimi , a council member , told Reuters by telephone from Herat , " The city looks like a front line , a ghost town .

  2. 西部赫拉特省的安全官员对路透社表示,首府赫拉特城外发生了激烈的战斗。

    In western Herat province , security officials told Reuters that heavy fighting had taken place outside the capital city , Herat .

  3. 秋天开始,我们每周省下一点零用钱,投进爸爸从赫拉特买来的瓷马里面。

    We saved our weekly allowances in the fall , dropped the money in a little porcelain horse Raba had brought one time from Herat .

  4. 经过几天的冲突后,塔利班占领了南部的坎大哈和西部的赫拉特,这是阿富汗政府的重大损失。

    The capture of Kandahar in the south and Herat in the west after days of clashes is a major loss for the Afghan government .

  5. 据报道,俄勒冈卫生科学大学胚胎干细胞与基因治疗中心主任舒赫拉特?米塔利波夫是这项新研究的领头人。

    Shoukhrat Mitalipov , director of the Oregon Health & Science University 's Center for Embryonic Cell and Gene Therapy , reportedly led the new research .

  6. 赫拉特地区医院院长阿里夫·贾拉利表示,过去11天的战斗已造成36人死亡,220人受伤。

    Arif Jalali , head of Herat Zonal Hospital , said 36 people had been killed and 220 wounded in fighting over the past 11 days .

  7. 在星期四受到空袭的赫拉特省的这个村庄,数百名村民星期六举行抗议,他们拒绝了阿富汗军队向他们提供的食品等援助。

    In the village in Herat where Thursday 's airstrike occurred , hundreds of locals protested Saturday after rejecting offers of food and other aid from Afghan military troops .

  8. 阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊的办公室星期六发表声明,强烈谴责“联军部队在赫拉特省辛丹德区的单方面行动”。

    President Hamid Karzai 's office issued a statement Saturday strongly condemning what it called a " unilateral operation of Coalition Forces " in the Shindand district of Herat Province .

  9. 但实际上,这一数字被赫拉特和喀布尔这些大城市中较高的入学率扭曲了。在这些城市,女童占学生总数的35%至58%。

    But in reality , this figure is distorted by high enrollments in major cities such as Herat and Kabul , where girls make up35 to58 % of the total .

  10. 阿富汗已加大努力,包括在喀布尔、楠格哈尔、巴尔赫和赫拉特省培训大量计划生育服务和社区意识方面的卫生专业人员。

    Afghanistan has ramped up efforts that include training large numbers of health professionals in family planning services and community awareness in the provinces of Kabul , Nangarhar , Balkh and Herat .

  11. 塔利班加强了对阿富汗各城市的攻击,在该国第三大城市赫拉特、赫尔曼德省省会拉什卡尔加和坎大哈爆发了激烈的战斗。

    The Taliban intensified their assault on Afghanistan 's cities , with fighting raging in Herat , the country 's third-largest , Lashkar Gah , the capital of Helmand province , and Kandahar .

  12. 包括阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊在内的阿富汗高级官员严厉批评最近几个星期平民死亡人数上升,特别是上个月在赫拉特省的空袭。阿富汗和联合国官员说,那次空袭造成90多名平民丧生,其中多数为妇女和儿童。

    Top Afghan officials , including President Hamid Karzai have sharply criticized an increase in civilian deaths in recent weeks , in particular last months airstrike in Herat that Afghan and U.N. officials say killed more than 90 civilians - mostly women and children .