
  • 网络Helios
  1. “常常当他们在花园的时候他们会觉得再次有能力。”赫利俄斯诊所的临床医学家和德国国际园艺治疗协会会长AndreasNiepel说。

    " It 's often during moments in the garden that they feel they 're capable again ," says Andreas Niepel , a Helios therapist and president of the Germany-based International Gardening Therapy Society .

  2. 这才手执火把,飞到赫利俄斯面前,请他指点迷津。

    This hand torch , Helios flew before , please him .

  3. 与赫利俄斯进行无线电通信的地面站

    A Ground Station for Radio Communications with Helios , Siemens Review

  4. 其中,哈廷根的赫利俄斯诊所专门研究神经外科学和神经病学的康复。

    Among them is the Helios Clinic in the town of Hattingen , which specializes in neurosurgical and neurological rehabilitation .

  5. 罗德岛的巨像是希腊太阳神赫利俄斯的青铜铸像,矗立在城市海港的入口处。

    The Colossus of Rhodes was a bronze statue of Helios , the Greek God of the Sun , erected near the mouth of the city harbor .