
tài yánɡ shén
  • Sun God;Ra;Phoebus;mythology Apollo
太阳神 [tài yáng shén]
  • [Helios;Apollo;Sol] 在各种宗教中代表太阳或成为太阳人格化的神

  1. 西风之神吹散了云朵,太阳神阿波罗得以照耀它并使它开花。

    Zephyr , the West Wind , blew away the clouds so that Apollo , the sun god , could shine and made this flower bloom .

  2. 首席考古学家札希·哈瓦斯在一份声明中称,他们在卢克索西岸的沙滩下发现了这座名为“太阳神崛起”的城市。

    The city , named " The Rise of Aten , " was discovered under the sand on the western bank of Luxor , lead archaeologist Zahi Hawass said in a statement .

  3. 这里的指是印度的太阳神Surya(苏里亚)。

    Its origins lie in a worship of Surya , the Hindu solar deity .

  4. 公主失血过多而死,而Tonatiu(代表的太阳神),在地平线消失。

    Princess bled to death while Tonatiu ( the god representing the sun ) disappeared in the horizon .

  5. 这在古埃及时代表现得非常突出,这也是为何法老Akhenaton介绍了太阳神的表达之一。

    This was very much apparent in the Egyptian period , which is why Pharoah Akhenaton introduced the One God of the Sun .

  6. 太阳神7号太空船有过一些小问题。

    There were some small problems on board the Apollo 7 .

  7. 太阳神航空器是一个美国航天局资助的项目。

    The Helios aircraft is an American space agency support project .

  8. 太阳神是我们的敌人特洛伊的庇护神。

    Sun God is the patron of troy , our enemy .

  9. 天皇是太阳神的后裔。

    That the emperor is the descendant of the sun goddess .

  10. 太阳神阿波罗的儿子法厄同,女儿赫莉就居住在这个美丽的宫殿里。

    The son of Apollo Phaethon and daughter Hayley lived here .

  11. 这个太阳神海竽植物梅三年展出一次。

    The Titan Arum opens every one to three years .

  12. 巴比伦的黎明女神,太阳神的配偶。

    Aja The Babylonian dawn goddess and consort of the sun god .

  13. 其他所有人都效力于人间的太阳神化身国王。

    Other mortals served the king as embodiment of Aton on Earth .

  14. 那么太阳神又指挥了多少军队呢?

    And how many battalions does the sun god command ?

  15. 太阳神说:早啊,年轻人。

    Good morning , young man , @ said Sun .

  16. 建筑艺术中神山的意象与太阳神崇拜

    Image of Mysterious Mountain in Architectural Art and Apollo Adoration

  17. 人民不能直接接近太阳神。

    The people had no direct access to the god .

  18. 大连万达、上海申花、广东太阳神都是最出色的球队。

    Dalian Wanda , Shanghai Shenhua and Guangd0ng Apollo are among the best .

  19. 但是太阳神阿波罗知道阿喀琉斯的致命弱点。

    The god Apollo , however , knew of Achilles ' weak spot .

  20. 而其中太阳神是他们最热爱的。

    With the sun god as their favorite .

  21. 他还给她讲太阳神和雨神的故事。

    He told her of the Sun God and the Rain God , too .

  22. 他所信奉的神灵叫做阿托恩或太阳神。

    The god that the pharaoh worshiped was called Aten or the Sun Disk .

  23. 最后,太阳神无奈,指着冥河起誓,为了证明法厄同是自己的儿子,无论他要什么,他都会答应。

    Finally , Apollo promised to give him anything for proving his true identity .

  24. 是太阳神阿波罗的化身

    he was Apollo , the Sun God .

  25. 他遇到了太阳神正沿着马路走过来。

    He met sun coming along the road .

  26. 在那个时候,人们向何路斯(太阳神)祈祷。

    At that time , people prayed to Horus , the god of the Sun .

  27. 赫密士也是火的发明者,与提坦人(太阳神,巨人)和普罗米修斯相似。

    Hermes as an inventor of fire is a parallel of the Titan , Prometheus .

  28. 这里是太阳神第九再教育中心。

    This is re-education center Helios nine .

  29. 巴力是迦南的太阳神和火神;

    Their gods were Baal and Ashtoreth .

  30. 你是不是在梦见了你的太阳神?

    Are you dreaming of your sun ?