
  • 网络cadmus
  1. 卡德摩斯指出,甚至在全国封锁之前,她的客户已经开始转向更休闲的工作装。

    Even prior to the national shutdown , Cadmus said her clients were gravitating to a more relaxed work look .

  2. 卡德摩斯项目负责人设计了这种方式。

    The Project Cadmus directors had planned it that way .

  3. 卡德摩斯走遍了四面八方,找了很久也找不到妹妹的踪迹。

    Cadmus went and sought long and far for his sister , but could not find her .

  4. 卡德摩斯等到中午过不见他的仆从的踪影,就去寻找他们。

    Cadmus , having waited for the return of his men till midday , went in search of them .

  5. 它朝卡德摩斯一点一点地逼过来,卡德摩斯边退边用长矛在那怪物的大嘴前挑逗。

    As he moved onward , Cadmus retreated before him , holding his spear opposite to the monster 's opened jaws .

  6. 卡德摩斯刚一走出给予他神谕的卡斯塔利亚山洞就看到前面有条小母牛在不紧不慢地走着。

    Cadmus had hardly left the Castalian cave , from which the oracle was delivered , when he saw a young cow slowly walking before him .