
  • Cappuccino;Capucino
  1. 拿铁艺术(latteart),有时候也叫做卡布奇诺艺术,是一种在卡布奇诺或拿铁等牛奶咖啡饮品的表面用奶泡画出图案或者进行微型雕花的艺术,也就是俗称的咖啡拉花。

    Latte art , also sometimes described as cappuccino art , is a pattern or miniature sculpture produced within the froth that tops off milky coffee drinks such as cappuccino or latte .

  2. 英国政府表示,他们不相信回收行业可以处理这些所谓可回收的杯子,尤其是当杯中沾了一层冷卡布奇诺沫。

    The government said it wasn ’ t convinced that the recycling industry could handle supposedly recyclable cups that were actually covered in cold cappuccino froth .

  3. 布莱克点了两份卡布奇诺,一位目击者告诉PEOPLE杂志。

    Blake ordered two cappuccinos , an onlooker tells PEOPLE .

  4. 新学院(NewSchool)烹饪史学家安迪·史密斯(AndySmith)说,卡布奇诺可能起源于奥地利。

    The drink 's origins are likely Austrian , said Andy Smith , a culinary historian at the New School .

  5. 伦敦人仍然热衷于白咖啡,但是卡布奇诺也同样受欢迎,Bright说。

    London is still in the grip of the flat white craze , but cappuccinos are similarly popular , says Bright .

  6. 在咖啡订单资源里POST一杯卡布奇诺,感觉就像追加了一杯卡布奇诺,而不是用卡布奇诺替换原有咖啡订单。

    POSTing one cappuccino to a coffee order resource feels like it should add one cappuccino , not replace the existing set of ordered coffees with one cappuccino .

  7. Joe在纽约和费城有13家分店,它的卡布奇诺是不分层的,最上面也没有看得见泡泡的奶泡。

    Joe , a cafe with 13 locations in New York and Philadelphia , serves a cappuccino that is not layered , with no bubbly foam on top .

  8. 在影响深远的西雅图咖啡馆TorrefazioneItalia,LaColombe的卡尔米切尔回忆起特种咖啡远未普及的年代,卡布奇诺是什么样子。

    Mr. Carmichael of La Colombe recalled the cappuccino at an influential cafe in Seattle , Torrefazione Italia , long before specialty coffee drinks were common .

  9. 相比之下,阿拉比卡咖啡豆则主要用于制作卡布奇诺和浓缩咖啡(espresso)。这种咖啡豆是在19世纪80年代末,由一位法国传教士引入云南的。

    Arabica , mainly used in cappuccinos and espressos , was introduced into Yunnan by a French missionary in the late 1880s .

  10. 我们一边啜饮着卡布奇诺,一边用手机上着免费Wifi,刷着Facebook等社交网围观朋友近况。

    While we sip our cappuccinos , we may connect our smartphones to the cafes " Wi-Fi network , and catch up with friends via services such as Facebook .

  11. 是随着星巴克的崛起而普及起来的,霍华德·舒尔茨(HowardSchultz)在1980年代末收购了这个品牌,而后越做越大(随之变大的还有卡布奇诺的份量)。

    It went mainstream with the rise of Starbucks , which Howard Schultz bought and began expanding ( along with the sizing of cappuccino ) in the late 1980s .

  12. 美国咖啡协会(TheNationalCoffeeAssociation)是一个爪哇咖啡生产商和经销商的贸易团体。这个协会上个月发布的年度报告指出,我们消费的卡布奇诺、拿铁以及其他浓缩咖啡的总量比2013年上涨了18%。

    The National Coffee Association , a trade group of java producers and purveyors , said in its annual report last month that we 're gulping 18 % more cappuccinos , lattes , and other espresso-based ( read : strong ) coffee drinks than we did in 2013 .

  13. 周五,他在Instagram上发的最后一条称:第22天:和@micbattelli一起进行冰上训练意味着不断要停下来喝清晨卡布奇诺,不管有多危险。

    His last Instagram post , on Friday , said : Day 22 : Ice training with @ micbattelli means frequent stops for morning cappuccino , regardless of danger .

  14. Joe的版本似乎违背了美国特种咖啡协会(SpecialtyCoffeeAssociationofAmerica,简称SCAA)及其下属咖啡师行会(BaristaGuild)推行的卡布奇诺标准,该标准主张最少要有一厘米厚的奶泡。

    The Joe version would seem to violate the cappuccino standards put forth by the Specialty Coffee Association of America ( S.C.A.A. ) and its Barista Guild , which advocate a one-centimeter layer , minimum , of milky foam .

  15. 肯尼思·奈(KennethNye)2001年在纽约东村开了第九街意式咖啡馆(NinthStreetEspresso),他不堪忍受那些深信自己知道什么是“正宗”卡布奇诺的顾客,去掉了菜单上所有饮品的名称。

    Kenneth Nye , who founded the East Village cafe Ninth Street Espresso in 2001 , grew so sick of customers " insistence on what they believed to be a " real " cappuccino that he removed all the drink names from his menus .

  16. 有咖啡专家认为,都是那些“拿铁艺术婊”导致现代卡布奇诺的奶泡如此之少,他们说,在这个无Instagram不成炊的年代,较少的泡沫有利于咖啡师做出繁复的花式。

    Some coffee specialists pointed to " latte art creep " as responsible for the small amount of foam in the modern-day cappuccino , noting that it is easier for baristas to make intricate designs with less froth in a time of Instagram-ready food and drink .

  17. 当地必点咖啡:浓缩咖啡、卡布奇诺或单品咖啡。

    Local order : Espresso , cappuccino or a single-origin pour .

  18. 曾几何时,卡布奇诺是很容易鉴别的。

    There was a time when cappuccino was easy to identify .

  19. 京晶:在卡布奇诺和拿铁之间,我从来无法做出选择。

    I can never decide between a cappuccino and a latte .

  20. 当地必点咖啡:在新型的咖啡馆里点浓缩咖啡或卡布奇诺。

    Local order : Espresso or cappuccino in a new style cafe .

  21. 一晚上赢得价值75美元的卡布奇诺的大奖

    Our night to win $ 75 worth of cappuccinos .

  22. 有没有浓缩咖啡或卡布奇诺?

    Of getting an espresso or a cappuccino this morning ?

  23. 我要弄杯卡布奇诺,你要喝吗

    I 'm making a cappuccino , you want one ?

  24. 在我吃巧克力糕点和双份卡布奇诺的意大利早餐之前?

    Before my Italian speedball breakfast of chocolate pastries and double cappuccino ?

  25. 我去替你买杯“卡布奇诺”好吗?

    Shall I , uh , go and get you a cappuccino ?

  26. 他们在一个小终端机上输入“卡布奇诺”

    And they type in " cappuccino " on a little terminal ,

  27. 你好麻烦给一杯卡布奇诺

    Hi . Um , can I get a cappuccino ?

  28. 他狡黠一笑,低头看了一眼他的卡布奇诺。

    He smiled playfully and glanced down at his cappuccino .

  29. 普通咖啡?我要的可是不加奶的卡布奇诺。

    House drip ? I ordered a bone-dry cappuccino .

  30. 他要了卡布奇诺,我要了一杯美式咖啡。

    He orders a cappuccino , I an Americano .