
  • 网络Politecnico di MILANO;Politecnico of Milan;Polytechnic Institute of Milan
  1. 瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的教师队伍国际化程度最高,94%来自海外,米兰理工大学MIP管理学院的教师则均为意大利人。

    Switzerland 's IMD has the most international faculty , with 94 per cent of them from overseas , while faculty at Politecnico di Milano School of Management are all Italian .

  2. 它们的排名从第三(西班牙企业商学院)到第38位(米兰理工大学MIP管理学院(PolitecnicodiMilanoSchoolofManagement))不等。

    They are ranked between third place ( IE Business School ) and 38th ( Politecnico di Milano School of Management ) .

  3. 米兰理工大学校长乔瓦尼·阿佐内(GiovanniAzzone)对我说:“学生写给我的投诉信里,从缺少停车位到洗手间故障,各种各样的问题都有,但从来没有人抱怨过用英语授课。”

    The Politecnico 's rector , Giovanni Azzone , told me : " Students write to me about everything from the lack of parking spaces to washrooms that don 't work . Not one has ever complained about the courses in English . "

  4. 米兰理工大学的管理层没有被吓退,他们对这个裁决进行了抗诉。

    Administrators at the Politecnico refused to be intimidated , and appealed the ruling .

  5. 不过,米兰理工大学管理学院的管理结构在意大利独树一帜,这在一定程度上有助于它避开风暴。

    MIP 's governance structure , unique in Italy , gives it some shelter in the storm , however .

  6. 1863年,意大利统一短短两年之后,米兰理工大学即已建校。它在国际上排名出众,很多毕业生现在麻省理工、加州理工和牛津剑桥这样的名校任教。

    Founded in 1863 , just two years after Italy was united , Milan Polytechnic ranks well internationally ; many of its graduates now grace the faculties of schools like M.I.T. , Caltech and Oxbridge .

  7. 斯皮纳表示:美国和中国都希望了解意大利的小企业、工业区和时装店。他谈到,米兰理工大学与上海交通大学共同开设了面向展会行业的培训课程。

    US and China want to know about Italy 's small companies , industrial districts and fashion houses , Prof Spina says , noting its training programme on the exhibition and convention industry run with Shanghai 's JiaoTong University .