
  1. 米迦勒节纪念天使长米迦勒的基督教节目。

    A Christian feast observed in honor of the archangel michael .

  2. 属亚设支派的有米迦勒的儿子西帖;

    From the tribe of Asher , Sethur son of Michael ;

  3. 米迦勒在亚伯拉罕的传统里面是其中一位重要的天使;

    Michael is one of the principal angels in Abrahamic tradition ;

  4. 大天使米迦勒宣布对抗黑暗的战争。

    The Archangel Michael has declared a war against Darkness .

  5. 米迦勒,伊施巴,约哈都是比利亚的儿子。

    And Michael , and Ispah , and Joha , the sons of Beriah ;

  6. 属示法提雅的子孙有米迦勒的儿子西巴第雅,同着他有男丁八十。

    And of the sons of Shephatiah ; Zebadiah the son of Michael , and with him fourscore males .

  7. 他俩从希拉里期到米迦勒节之间在一起灌下的酒可以浮起一艘豪华巨轮。

    What the two drank together , between Hilary Term and Michaelmas , might have floated a king 's ship .

  8. 根据我们的圣经,摩西死后,米迦勒从来没有,因为怎么处理摩西的尸首争辩过。

    Michael never disputed about what to do with the body of Moses after Moses died according to our Bible .

  9. 传奇之剑&天使联盟,自从长老战争的黑暗岁月起,就是米迦勒的佩剑。

    The legendary sword known as the Angelic Alliance has been Michael 's treasured possession since the dark days of the Elder Wars .

  10. 伊斯拉希的儿子是米迦勒、俄巴底亚、约珥、伊示雅,共五人,都是族长。

    And the sons of Izrahiah : Michael , Obadiah , Joel , and Isshiah , all five of them were chief men .

  11. 照英国食谱说,鹅未必是圣诞佳肴,倒是九月二十九日米迦勒节租客送给业主的礼品。

    You would be aware that according to Elizabeth Ayrton 's Cookery of England , the goose is not necessarily a Christmas dish .

  12. 人们都说,你打算一到米迦勒节,就把房子退租,我但愿不会如此。

    People did say you meant to quit the place entirely at Michaelmas ; but , however , I hope it is not true .

  13. 犹大王子或是犹大天使,似乎指的是天使米迦勒,或是你可能听说过的其他天使,比如拉斐尔。

    The Prince of Judah , the angel of Judah tends to be Michael or some other angel that you 've probably heard of , like Raphael .

  14. 于是,其突然的回归亚山世界,被神圣皇帝莱姆-法尔肯宣称是个奇迹,而米迦勒也随即成为了皇帝的私人军事顾问。

    His sudden and unexplained return to Ashan has been qualified as a miracle by the Holy Emperor , Liam Falcon , and Michael immediately became his personal military adviser .

  15. 乌西的儿子是伊斯拉希;伊斯拉希的儿子是米迦勒、俄巴底亚、约珥、伊示雅;这五人都是首领。

    And the sons of uzzi : izrahiah ; and the sons of izrahiah : michael and Obadiah and Joel and isshiah ; all five of them were chief men .

  16. 回到商学院,一个咨询项目为米迦勒学期画上了句号,在项目中,学员要为一家剑桥的新公司提供咨询服务,这为我们新学到的商业技能提供了一个实战机会。

    Back at business school , Michaelmas term culminated in a consulting project for a Cambridge-based new venture , providing an opportunity to put our new-found business skills into practice .

  17. 当天使和无面者之间的冲突最终爆发成全面战争的时候,米迦勒受命领导光明的子民对抗黑暗的子民。

    When a smoldering conflict between the Angels and the Faceless broke into open war , Michael was appointed to lead the children of Light into battle against the children of Darkness .

  18. 但我要将那录在真确书上的事告诉你。除了你们的大君米迦勒之外,没有帮助我抵挡这两魔君的。

    But I will shew thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth : and there is none that holdeth with me in these things , but Michael your prince .

  19. 这动荡的岁月之后被人称作长老战争,而米迦勒辉煌胜利的故事则从此流传开来,但是其结局总是这位大天使不幸的战死。

    The cataclysmic decades that followed were known as the Elder Wars , and stories of Michael 's victories have been eagerly recounted ever since * but always ending with the Archangel 's tragic death .

  20. 天使长米迦勒,为摩西的尸首与魔鬼争辩的时候,尚且不敢用毁谤的话罪责他,只说,主责备你吧。

    Yet Michael the archangel , when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses , durst not bring against him a railing accusation , but said , The Lord rebuke thee .

  21. 忽然有大君(就是天使长。二十一节同)中的一位米迦勒来帮助我,我就停留在波斯诸王那里。

    But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days : but , lo , Michael , one of the chief princes , came to help me ; and I remained there with the kings of Persia .