
  • 网络job;the Book of Job
  1. 论《约伯记》中的智慧

    On the Wisdom in Job

  2. 读经是约伯记第33章,这个告诫的目标是试图让我们的兄弟姐妹更准备听而不是说。

    The reading is Job 33 , and the object of this exhortation is to try to get our Brethren and Sisters to be more ready to hear than to speak .

  3. 《约伯记》的戏剧叙事

    The Dramatic Narrative of Job

  4. 本文着重探讨《浮士德》在人文精神这个重要主题上与《圣经·约伯记》的内在联系。

    The article studies the relation of humane spirit in Faust and The Book of Job , Bible .

  5. 论《约伯记》中的智慧谈谈自荐信和求职信的写作

    On the Wisdom in Job Discussion on the Writing of the Self-recommendation Letters and Job - wanted Self-recommendation Letters

  6. 从百叶窗射进的悲剧性&《约伯记》中的悲剧成分与古希腊悲剧的几点异同

    Several Similarities and Differences Between the Tragedies in Job of the Old Testament in Bible and the Ancient Greek Tragedy

  7. 作为一部宗教典籍的《约伯记》,其戏剧意义并不在于演出,因此对它的戏剧叙事分析主要局限于文本叙事。

    As a religious document , Job is not intended for performance , so this analysis of its dramatic narrative is limited to its text .

  8. 没错,但《约伯记》也很神圣,我可没选择每天早餐前大声吟唱。

    Yes , but so is the Book of Job , and I don 't choose to sing the thing aloud every morning before breakfast .

  9. 在《约伯记》中也有,在《诗篇》之前,第14章1节1,《约伯记》也是一种智慧文学。

    You get it also in Job , look at Job , it 's before Psalms , Job14:1 Job is also one version of wisdom literature .

  10. 这本书的名字《利维坦》来自于,圣经中的《约伯记》,而在《约伯记》中,利维坦正是被描述为,骄傲的水族的王。

    The very title of the book comes from this wonderful biblical passage from Job where Leviathan is described as king of the children of pride .

  11. 那种“只要你献回一部分给神,他就一定会在钱财上赐福你”的想法,在约伯记中就会遇到很大的矛盾。

    The problem with believing that God will always financially bless you if you give back to Him meets a big problem in the book of Job .

  12. 在《约伯记》第19章第20节中,约伯说:“我的皮肉紧贴骨头,我只剩牙皮逃脱了。”

    In Job 19:20 , Job says , " My bone clings to my skin and to my flesh , / And I have escaped by the skin of my teeth . "

  13. 约伯记若是圣经最古老的经卷之一,那麽,当时的人一定普遍认识神,纵然认识有限,也会经常想到神。

    If the book of Job is one of the oldest books , there must have been a general knowledge of God , however limited , which led men to think often of Him .

  14. 作为《圣经》智慧文学中最杰出的作品之一,《约伯记》以其独特的叙事技巧吸引了无数学者对其进行文学研究。

    The Book of Job , as one of the most outstanding works of the wisdom literature in the Bible , has also aroused a large number of critics ' attention with its distinctive narrative techniques .

  15. 圣经中最古老的经卷约伯记,记载约伯呼求说:「我们中间没有听讼的人,可以向我们两造按手。」

    Job , in what may be the oldest written book in the Bible , cried out , 'If only there were someone to arbitrate between us , to lay his hand on both of us .

  16. 每回跟道场哪个人这么说,他们总说“喔,可是它非常神圣哪!”没错,但《约伯记》也很神圣,我可没选择每天早餐前大声吟唱。

    Whenever I tell anyone around the Ashram this , they say , " Oh , but it 's so sacred ! " Yes , but so is the Book of Job , and I don 't choose to sing the thing aloud every morning before breakfast .

  17. 确实,没什么比所爱的人惨遭横死更能考验一个人的信仰了。人们不断尝试将这些惨剧跟信仰上帝联系起来,跟《约伯记》一样,有些歪曲牵强,有些言之凿凿。

    Surely nothing tests the faith of the believer as much as this - the sudden , frightening , violent death of those we love.There have been many attempts to reconcile intellectually such unbearable tragedies with faith in a loving God . They range from the not wholly convincing to the quite appalling . The Book of Job has both .

  18. 看看约伯,整本约伯记都是关于他为了解决心中疑问而寻求神的。

    The whole book of Job is about him seeking the Lord in order to have his questions answered !