
  • 网络West Bank
  1. 整个东耶路撒冷以及约旦河西岸地区的学校和店铺都关闭了。

    Schools and shops are closed in East Jerusalem and throughout the West Bank .

  2. 星期三,她将前往约旦河西岸地区与巴勒斯坦官员会面。

    She is due to travel to the West Bank on Wednesday for meetings with top Palestinian officials .

  3. 巴勒斯坦方面称,以色列在约旦河西岸地区的建设问题是和谈最具争议的阻碍之一。

    Israeli building on West Bank land claimed by Palestinians is one of the most contentious obstacles to talks .

  4. 6月30日,在靠近希伯伦的约旦河西岸地区发现了3名以色列少年的尸体。

    Am 30 . Juni werden in der N ä he von Hebron im Westjordanland die Leichen dreier israelischer Jugendlicher gefunden .

  5. 赖斯中东之行最引人注目的消息是她对以色列在有争议的东耶路撒冷和约旦河西岸地区扩展定居点提出尖锐的批评。

    The headline of the visit was Rice 's unusually harsh criticism of Israeli settlement expansion in disputed East Jerusalem and the West Bank .

  6. 「很明显地,以色列其实可以轻松承受放弃约旦河西岸地区的后果。」军事历史学家范克瑞福德在《犹太前进日报》中写道。

    " It is crystal-clear that Israel can easily afford to give up the West Bank ," military historian Martin van Creveld wrote in the Jewish Daily Forward .

  7. 布什和奥巴马都未能打破被占领的加沙及约旦河西岸地区的僵局,也没能解决耶路撒冷的地位问题。

    Both Mr Bush and Mr Obama have failed to break the deadlock over the occupied territories of Gaza and the West Bank , and the status of Jerusalem .

  8. 布什总统说,巴勒斯坦国的建立将给巴勒斯坦人带来一个选择,是生活在哈马斯领导下的更多暴力之中,还是在法塔赫领导下享受比较稳定的未来。法塔赫目前控制着约旦河西岸地区。

    President Bush says a separate state would give Palestinians a choice between more violence under Hamas and a more stable future under Fatah , which controls the West Bank .

  9. 在更多的房屋被拆除、更多的土地被占领、更多的犹太人定居点在约旦河西岸地区建造起来之后,和平进程已不复存在。

    " The peace process is not existing any more after more houses demolished , more land taken , more settlements have been built in the West Bank ," he said .

  10. 哈玛斯和绝大部分由法塔所组成的巴勒斯坦自治政府,分别在加萨地区和约旦河西岸地区建立相同机构,包括个别的安全部队。

    Hamas and the Palestinian Authority ( 5 )( PA ), largely made up of Fatah , have built up competing institutions in Gaza and the West Bank , including separate security forces .

  11. 麦凯恩在今年三月份访问以色列时没有和巴勒斯坦领导人会晤,也没有访问约旦河西岸地区。

    Arizona Senator John McCain , the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party , did not meet with Palestinian leaders or travel to the West Bank during his visit to Israel in March .

  12. 赖斯国务卿结束了两天密集的外交活动,她访问了埃及、约旦河西岸地区和以色列。她从巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴斯那里得到了跟以色列恢复和平谈判的承诺。

    Secretary Rice ended two days of intense diplomatic activity that saw her visit Egypt , the West Bank and Israel by getting a commitment from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to resume peace talks with Israel .

  13. 这一决定是对以色列吞并约旦河西岸部分地区的计划的回应。

    The decision is Israel 's plan to annex parts of the West Bank .

  14. 约旦河西岸其它地区的犹太定居者表示,一定要抵制任何进一步的撤离。

    Jewish settlers in other parts of the West Bank have vowed to resist any further evictions .

  15. 他曾担任布什政府的特使,负责规划约旦河西岸杰宁地区巴、以安全模式。

    Jones also served as the Bush administration 's envoy to design an Israeli-Palestinian security model in the West Bank city of Jenin .

  16. 美国国务卿迈克·蓬佩奥抵达以色列,就以色列吞并被占领的约旦河西岸部分地区的计划举行会谈。

    U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has arrived in Israel for talks on Israel 's plan to annex portions of the occupied West Bank .

  17. 美国表示,其准备承认以色列对约旦河西岸大部分地区的吞并,但要求以色列新的联合国政府与巴勒斯坦谈判。

    The United States said it recognize Israel 's annexation of much of the West Bank , but asked the new unity government to negotiate with the Palestinians .

  18. 在美国大选竞选期间,以色列执意对约旦河西岸大部分地区进行殖民化,从而丧失了使自己成为中东的一个得到接受和持久的部分的机会。

    As the presidential campaign unfolds , Israel is forfeiting the opportunity to make itself an accepted and enduring part of the Middle East through its determination to colonise much of the West Bank .

  19. 位于以色列和约旦河西岸交界地区的盐水湖死海,正在以令人担忧的速度萎缩--据环保组织“中东生态和平”称,其湖面每年下降3.3英尺,这主要是人为造成的。

    The Dead Sea , a salt lake nestled by Israel , Jordan and the West Bank , is shrinking at an alarming rate -- about 3.3 feet per year , according to the environmentalist group EcoPeace Middle East . And human actions are largely to blame .

  20. 在约旦河西岸,巴勒斯坦地区的女性赛车手定制普通车与建立团队男性竞争。

    Palestine 's girl racers customise ordinary cars to compete against established male teams across the West Bank .

  21. 旅行者可以从约旦远望,视线越过约旦河西岸地区,欣赏死海的美丽落日。

    Travelers enjoyed their view from Jordan looking out over the West Bank .