
  • 网络Huocheng;huocheng county
  1. 对新疆霍城县农村沼气建设的思考

    Speculations about Construction of Methane in Huocheng County

  2. 论边境贸易在提高边疆民族地区开放型经济水平中的引领作用&以新疆霍城县为例

    The discussion about the leading role of the trade at boarder in improving the open economy in the frontier minority regions & taking Huocheng County as an example

  3. 1986年起对伊犁霍城县大、小西沟野果林野生樱桃李资源中有代表性类型的植株作了植物学特征、生物学特性、分布、生境等定点观测,并将其分为21个类型。

    The comprehensive investigation on the wild fruit trees was conducted to observe the characteristics of botany , biology , distribution and habit of wild cherry plums in Da .

  4. 以新疆霍城县大西沟自然状态下的野生樱桃李为研究对象,调查了30余种野生樱桃李的不同种下类型,测定了在原生状态下枝叶形态、花器官形态和果实形态特征差异。

    In this study , the investigation of over 30 different varieties of wild cherry plum was conducted to determine the difference of branches and leaves shape characteristic , flower organ shape characteristic and fruit shape characteristic .

  5. 1983年和1984年4~5月期间,对新疆霍城县西部荒漠进行了调查:共捕获啮齿动物11种544只,其中大沙鼠和子午沙鼠是调查区啮齿类的优势种。

    Surveys were made in the desert area in western Huocheng during April and May , 1984 . Five hundred and four rodents of 11 species were captured with Rhombomys opimus and Meriones meridianus as dominant species .