
huò luàn
  • cholera;acute gastroenteritis;act senselessly
霍乱 [huò luàn]
  • (1) [cholera]∶一种以严重胃肠道症状为主的人和家畜的传染性疾患。以起病突然、大吐大泻、烦闷不舒为特征。以其挥霍之间,便致缭乱,故名。因饮食生冷不洁或感受寒邪、暑湿、疫疠之气所致

  • (2) [act semselessly]∶搅闹

  • 唬的敬济气也不敢出一口来,干霍乱了一夜。--《金瓶梅词话》

霍乱[huò luàn]
  1. 那一地区爆发了霍乱。

    The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera .

  2. 霍乱在营地里迅速传播。

    Cholera spread like wildfire through the camps .

  3. 霍乱的发生已被控制住了。

    The cholera outbreak has been contained .

  4. LeeTamplin圣布拉斯岛海滩多米尼加共和国的霍乱,加勒比海的登革热,乌克兰的麻疹。

    Cholera in the Dominican Republic . Dengue fever in the Caribbean . Measles in Ukraine .

  5. 另外还有加夫列尔·加西亚·马尔库斯(GabrielGarcíaMárquez)的《霍乱时期的爱情》(LoveintheTimeofCholera)。

    Also , " Love in the Time of Cholera , " by Gabriel Garc í a M á rquez .

  6. ZANU-PF指责出现霍乱疫情是由于西方的制裁。

    ZANU-PF blames western " sanctions ' for the cholera epidemic .

  7. WOZA积极分子SalinaMadukani说,政府在抵抗霍乱方面所做的努力仅限于发表生命。

    WOZA activist Salina Madukani , said the government 's efforts to fight the epidemic have been restricted to making statements .

  8. PaulaNewton现在就在海地,她将为我们报道关于现场以及官员怎样应对霍乱爆发的更多内容。

    Paula Newton is in Haiti . She has more for us on the situation down there and how officials are trying to deal with this outbreak .

  9. 这些生物不但会脏兮兮地咬你一口让你身上长疱,还携带大量的疾病,如埃布氏菌(E.coli)、麻疯病、伤寒病、脊髓灰质炎、霍乱和肺结核。独角滑稽秀演员

    Not only can these creatures deliver nasty bites and bumps , but they can also carry a ton of diseases , like E. coli , leprosy , typhoid , polio , cholera and tuberculosis .

  10. 但是Mugabe政府没有再试图妨碍美国救济工作者处理霍乱疫情。

    But the Mugabe government was not accused of trying to impede the work of U.S. and other relief workers dealing with the cholera outbreak .

  11. LeJeuneKaba表示,来自堰塞湖的霍乱也非常令人担忧。

    LeJeune Kaba says malaria from stagnating pools of water also is a big worry .

  12. 布什政府向津巴布韦提供超过两倍的紧急救助来对抗霍乱。布什政府表示,此次霍乱爆发主要归咎于津巴布韦总统Mugabe。

    The Bush administration says it is more than doubling emergency U.S. aid to Zimbabwe to combat a cholera epidemic it blames on the government of President Robert Mugabe .

  13. Fore表示,霍乱流行并的爆发与Mugabe多年错误通知导致的经济危机和今年有争议的选举造成的政治困境不可分割。

    Fore said the cholera epidemic cannot be separated from the economic crisis in Zimbabwe stemming from years of misrule by Mr. Mugabe and the political stalemate stemming from this year 's disputed elections .

  14. 10月21日,美国疾病控制专家在Artibonite省确诊了首批霍乱病例。

    Disease-control experts from the United States confirmed the first cases of cholera in Haiti on October twenty-first in the Artibonite area .

  15. Andrus医生表示,根据秘鲁疫情爆发的情况进行推测,海地大约有270000人感染霍乱。

    Dr. Andrus says based on projections from an outbreak in Peru , some 270000 people in Haiti may contract cholera .

  16. 在国家部门新闻发布会上,美国国际发展署官员HenriettaFore表示,美国承诺另外追加620万美元经济援助来对抗霍乱,之前已经提供了460万美元。

    At a State Department news conference , the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development , Henrietta Fore , said the United States is committing another $ 6.2 million in emergency aid to battle the cholera outbreak , on top of $ 4.6 million already provided .

  17. 44岁的JuliaChapeyama是一个单亲妈妈,她并没有告诉家里人她生病了,因为她担心由于霍乱进医院的13岁的女儿Cynthia。

    Cholera patients wait for treatment at Budiriro Polyclinic in Harare , 26 Nov 2008 Julia Chapeyama , 44 , a single mother , did not tell her family she was ill , because she was so worried about her 13-year-old daughter , Cynthia , who was in the hospital with cholera .

  18. 社区领导表示,针对霍乱流行病的援助和教育主要来自西方的人道主义机构,比如私人组织WOZA,反对ZANU-PF的民主变化党运动。

    But experts worry that the summer rains , which are imminent , will worsen the cholera situation . Community leaders say aid and education to combat the cholera epidemic have come primarily from western humanitarian agencies , private organizations such as WOZA and the Movement for Democratic Change party which opposes the ZANU-PF party of President Robert Mugabe .

  19. 在水中加入霍乱病毒是对的吗?

    Would adding cholera to the water be a good idea ?

  20. 霍乱病毒很喜欢在温水里生长,尤其是在卫生状况的地方。

    Cholera bacteria thrive in warm water where sanitation is poor .

  21. 津巴布韦爆发的大规模霍乱正在威胁邻国。

    Zimbabwe faces a cholera outbreak that also threatens its neighbors .

  22. 海地霍乱疫情的爆发已经造成几百人死亡。

    The outbreak in Haiti has already killed several hundred people .

  23. 但是如果病情严重,霍乱也可能致命。

    But in severe cases , the disease can be fatal .

  24. 他说,上周,霍乱疫情已经得到控制。

    He said last week that the epidemic is under control .

  25. 目前,霍乱已经造成3600多人死亡,而且人数还在不断上升。

    The death now more than 3600 people dead and climbing .

  26. 霍乱通过口服再水化盐和静脉注射很容易治愈。

    Cholera is easily treated with oral rehydration salts or intravenous fluids .

  27. 霍乱可以经由受到污染的水和不良的卫生环境传播。

    Cholera can spread from contaminated water and bad sanitation .

  28. 霍特兹称霍乱可以在适当的卫生环境中预防。

    Hotez said cholera can be prevented with proper hygiene and sanitation .

  29. 1849年6月15日,波尔克得霍乱逝世。

    He died of cholera on June 15 , 1849 .

  30. 霍乱会造成腹泻和呕吐,使人体失水。

    Cholera causes diarrhea and vomiting . It robs the body of fluids .