
  • 网络Strain;Shimen;NDV-F
  1. 鸡新城疫病毒F(48)E8毒株多肽的特性测定

    Polypeptide characterization of Newcastle disease virus f_ ( 48 ) e_8 strain

  2. HIV毒株分离及体外感染实验研究

    Isolation of HIV strain and in vitro virus infection experiments

  3. 他补充道,该毒株的基因序列很快就会公布。

    He added that the genetic code of the virus would be made available soon .

  4. 据新闻门户网站越南快讯报道,阮青龙表示,新毒株是在对新近确诊患者进行检测后发现的。

    He said it was discovered after running tests on newly-detected patients , online newspaper VnExpress reported .

  5. 科学家报告称,德尔塔毒株似乎传播力更强,而且导致更多重症。

    Scientists report that it appears to be more transmissible , as well as to cause more serious illness .

  6. 病毒会不停地变异,多数变种毒株都无足轻重,但有些变异则会让病毒变得更具传染性。

    Viruses mutate all the time and most variants are inconsequential , but some can make a virus more contagious .

  7. 世界卫生组织在四月份将德尔塔毒株定性为“待观察变种”,5月11日又将该毒株定性为“须关切变种”。

    The World Health Organization designated Delta as a variant of interest in April and a variant of concern on 11 May .

  8. 在检测出德尔塔毒株后,津巴布韦政府上周末宣布将在乌伦圭区和卡里巴区实行为期两周的局部封锁。

    The Zimbabwean government announced at the weekend a two-week localised lockdown for Hurungwe and Kariba districts after detecting the Delta variant .

  9. 报告发现,这种变异病毒的传染性比目前美国的其他毒株高35-45%。

    This new strain is 35-45 % more transmissible than other strains of the virus currently in the US , the report found .

  10. 根据印度和其他地区所见到的证据,德尔塔毒株似乎会引发更严重的症状,包括腹痛、恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、听力丧失和关节痛。

    It appears to cause more severe symptoms , according to evidence seen from India and elsewhere , including stomach pain , nausea pain .

  11. 总统菲利克斯·齐赛克迪表示,本国正在暴发第三轮疫情,德尔塔毒株就是元凶之一。

    The president , F é lix Tshisekedi , said the country was in the midst of a third wave driven in part by the Delta variant .

  12. 尽管卫生系统和免疫规划完善的国家对德尔塔毒株的担心与日俱增,但是最令人担忧的还是德尔塔毒株对贫穷国家的潜在影响。

    While concern is mounting in countries with well-developed health systems and vaccine programmes , most worrying is the potential impact of the Delta variant in poorer countries .

  13. 主办方还表示,他们正在考虑对来自10个国家的运动员和媒体进行为期6天的强制隔离,在这些国家,最早在印度被发现的变种毒株正在快速传播。

    Organizers also said they are considering a six-day hard quarantine for athletes and media coming from the 10 countries where the growth of the variant first found in India is significant .

  14. 专家称,去年十月在印度最早发现的名为B.1.617.2的新冠变种毒株比在英国肯特发现的名为B.1.1.7的毒株传染性更强。

    The variant of Covid-19 first identified in India last October - called B.1.617.2 - is more transmissible than the UK / Kent variant - also known as B.1.1.7 - according to experts .

  15. 美国布朗大学公共卫生学院院长阿施施·杰哈上周将德尔塔毒株称为“迄今为止见过的传染性最强的变种毒株”。

    Ashish Jha , the dean of the Brown University 's school of public health in the US , last week called the Delta variant " the most contagious variant we 've seen so far " .

  16. 尽管世界各地的卫生部门都在收集和分享关于这一新毒株的传播数据,但是人们担心在那些监测系统不发达的发展中国家,德尔塔毒株的传播范围可能比报告的要广得多。

    While health authorities around the world are collecting and sharing data on the spread of the new variant , the fear is that in countries in the developing world with less robust monitoring systems , the Delta variant may already have spread much further than has been reported .

  17. 至于该疫苗对变异毒株的有效性,陈薇表示,他们团队在密切关注相关情况,且早已启动针对变异株的疫苗研发,这个疫苗不一定用得上,但宁愿备而不用,不能用而不备。

    In regards to the vaccine 's efficacy against mutated strains of SARS-CoV-2 , the virus responsible for COVID-19 , Chen said they are keeping a close eye on the situation and have begun developing vaccines for these new variants . " We may not need these vaccines , but we cannot be caught unprepared . "

  18. PCR方法检测我国脊髓灰质炎病毒Ⅰ型野毒株的研究

    SURVEILLANCE OF WILD POLIOVIRUS TYPE 1 IN CHINA On the Surveillance of the Media

  19. 河南省部分地区HIV耐药性毒株流行状况及进化特征研究

    Prevalence and evolutionary characteristics of drug-resistant HIV strain in Henan province , China

  20. 研究结果表明,7份样品都为C亚型的HIV-1毒株序列,其组内的基因离散率为1.0%;

    Sequence analysis showed that they are HIV-1 subtypes C , with 1.0 % gene divergence among them .

  21. 鸡减蛋综合征病毒GC2毒株稳定性测定

    Stability of Strain GC 2 of Egg Drop Syndrome Virus

  22. 它的病毒学家参与发现了C型艾滋病病毒是非洲主要流行的毒株,它还计划测试两种针对该病毒的疫苗。

    Its virologists helped identify subtype C as the dominant strain of HIV in Africa and plan to trial two vaccines against it .

  23. 由此可以看出,HN株与标准毒株在核蛋白基因上存在一定的差异。

    The different of the N gene of the HUANAN strain with those of other IBV strains had been proved .

  24. 鼠痘病毒CC强毒株的分离与鉴定

    Isolation and identification of CC virulent strain of mouse poxvirus

  25. 基因芯片检测新城疫病毒和PCR结合内切酶分析鉴别新城疫强弱毒株的研究

    Newcastle Disease Detection by Gene Chip and Typing of Newcastle Disease Virus by RT-PCR Test Coupled with Restriction Endonuclease Analysis

  26. 犬瘟热病毒野毒株与疫苗株联合RT-PCR鉴别方法的建立

    Establishment of a multiplex RT-PCR assay for differentiation of field canine distemper virus from vaccine strains

  27. 我国RV野毒株G基因主要功能区核酸序列的分子差异

    Molecular Difference of Nucleotide Sequence of Main Regions of Glycoprotein Gene of Rabies Virus in China

  28. 通过对新型弱毒株(B株)进行鸭胚传代致弱后,稀释成不同倍数对1日龄雏鸭进行免疫,并于10日龄时用新型鸭肝炎强毒攻毒,观察雏鸭的死亡情况。

    It was diluted into different concentration to immunize 1-day-old ducklings and the immunized ducklings were challenged with new serotype duck hepatitis virus in the 10th day .

  29. 根据大麦病毒属病毒已经报道的CP氨基酸序列绘制系统发育树,分析表明分离的各毒株在进化上存在明显地理位置的相关性。

    Phylogenetic tree analysis showed that there was correlation between BSMV isolates and geographic regions .

  30. 当劣势株占HBV毒株10%以上时,基因芯片即可检出。

    The gene chip could detect minor variants when they were more than 10 % among the HBV strains .