
  • 网络broad-spectrum antibiotics;broad spectrum antibiotic;antibiotic;board-spectrum antibiotics
  1. 但多因素Logistic回归分析确定了4项独立危险因素长期使用广谱抗生素,低蛋白血症,机械通气,合并糖尿病。

    But according to multivariate logistic regression analysis long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics , hypoalbuminemia , mechanical ventilation diabetes mellitus were risk factors .

  2. PA为医院获得性感染重要病原之一。长时间使用广谱抗生素及侵入性医疗操作可致PA感染增多。

    And it is important to prevent PA infection caused by a long term broad-spectrum antibiotics application and invasive medical procedures .

  3. 氯霉素(Chloramphenicol,CAP)是第一个人工合成的广谱抗生素,对革兰氏阴性菌和革兰氏阳性菌均有抑制作用。

    Chloramphenicol ( CAP ) is the first artificial broad-spectrum antibiotic , which is active against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria .

  4. 对抗生素进行了抗菌谱、pH纸色谱、捷克八溶剂系统纸色谱等试验,初步鉴定该抗生素为碱性水溶性广谱抗生素。

    Through examinations of antibiotic spectrum , pH paper chromatography and Jack 's Eight Solvent System paper chromatography , this antibiotic is identified as a basic water soluble , wide spectrum antibiotic .

  5. 包括美国儿科学会(AmericanAcademyofPediatrics)在内的专业组织以及疾病预防与控制中心(CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention)等公共卫生组织目前均敦促医生限制使用广谱抗生素。

    Professional organizations , including the American Academy of Pediatrics , and public-health groups such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are pushing doctors to limit the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics .

  6. 旨在系统评价相关证据,为世界卫生组织指南推荐的对患有严重急性营养不良(SAM)的儿童应用广谱抗生素提供支持。

    To systemically review the evidence in support of World Health Organization guidelines recommending broad-spectrum antibiotics for children with severe acute malnutrition ( SAM ) .

  7. 结论ICU患者大量使用广谱抗生素或长期留置导管等均为酵母样真菌医院感染的危险因素。

    CONCLUSIONS Using too many broad spectrum antibioties or setting tube continuously is both dangerous reasons of increasing the infection of yeasts in ICU .

  8. 结论长期使用广谱抗生素,低蛋白血症,机械通气,合并糖尿病是COPD患者院内肺部真菌感染的危险因素。

    Conclusion Long-term use of broad-spectrum antibiotics , hypoalbuminemia , mechanical ventilation and diabetes mellitus are independent risk factors for nosocomial pulmonary fungal infection in COPD patients .

  9. 结果:VAP的发生率为35.2%,其发生可能与气管插管的方式、插鼻胃管、使用肌松镇静药、制酸药和广谱抗生素等有关。

    Results : The morbidity of VAP was35.2 % . The agent may relate to the mode of tracheal intubation ? gastric tube interpolation ?

  10. 铜绿假单胞菌(PA)感染的发病率、病死率仍处于较高水平,铜绿假单胞菌对超广谱抗生素的敏感性不断在下降。

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa ( PA ) infection rate and fatality rate caused by PA infection are still at the high level . The sensitivity of pseudomonas aeruginosa to ultra broad spectrum antibiotics is declining .

  11. 近年来,由于免疫抑制剂、广谱抗生素、糖皮质激素的广泛使用,颅内有创检查、器官移植及AIDS的流行,CM的发病率有明显上升趋势。

    In the past few years , several factors , including widespread use of immunosuppressant , broad-spectrum antibiotic , glucocorticoids , invasion examinations in intracalvarium , organ transplantation and AIDS prevalence result in a significant increase of CM incidence .

  12. 氯霉素是一类广谱抗生素,由于其毒性,欧盟、美国等许多国家要求动物源性食品中氯霉素残留量不得高于0.1ug/kg。

    Chloramphenicol ( CAP ) is a broad-spectrum antibiotic , Because of its toxic properties , it has been banned from producing animal foods in the European community and the United States at levels greater than 0 . lug / kg .

  13. AML未缓解、粒细胞缺乏或减少和长时间广谱抗生素应用时易发生IPFI。

    Patients with NR of AML , neutropenia or agranulocytosis , and long-term broad-spectrum anti-biotics usage are susceptible to IPFI .

  14. 结论广谱抗生素和糖皮质激素的广泛应用是COPD继发肺部真菌感染的主要原因,及时诊断和治疗可提高其治愈率。

    Conclusion The main reason for COPD patients developing secondary fungal infection is the wide use of broad spectrum antibiotics and steroids , thus the early diagnose and treatment of the disease may improve the cure rate .

  15. 氟氧头孢(flomoxef,FMOX)是一个新的氧头孢烯类广谱抗生素。

    Flomoxef ( FMOX ) is a new broad - spectrum oxacephem antibiotic .

  16. 2011年刊登于杂志《儿科学》(Pediatrics)上的一篇有关儿童的类似研究发现,医生在开抗生素时,50%开的都是广谱抗生素,主要用于治疗呼吸疾病。

    A similar study of children , published in the journal Pediatrics in 2011 , found that when antibiotics were prescribed they were broad-spectrum 50 % of the time , mainly for respiratory conditions .

  17. 其高危因素主要包括广谱抗生素、糖皮质激素及免疫抑制剂的广泛应用,ICU患儿呼吸机的使用,以及外科手术的推广等,与国内外其他研究类似。

    Its risk factors include widely using of broad-spectrum antibiotics , corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents , using ventilator in ICU patients , as well as the promotion of surgery , which is similar to other studies at home and abroad .

  18. 随着广谱抗生素广泛应用于临床,耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)已成为院内感染的重要致病菌,由其感染导致慢性鼻窦炎已不可忽视。

    With the extensive clinical application of broad-spectrum antibiotics , methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus ( MRSA ) has become an important pathogen in the nosocomial infections , chronic sinusitis caused by which should be attached importance to .

  19. 结论Fournier坏疽治疗的关键是早期诊断、及时广泛清创引流及广谱抗生素的应用。

    Conclusion The key to successful outcome includes timely diagnosis , early surgical intervention with multiple incision and drainage and wide debridement , and systematic antibiotics .

  20. 结果12例急性阑尾炎手术后并发门静脉炎的病人经置腹腔引流管、应用广谱抗生素、抗休克及支持治疗,平均治疗时间10d,全部治愈,无并发症发生。

    Results Recovery without complications was achieved in all the 12 patients with acute appendicitis complicated with postoperative pyleophlebitis after transabdominal drainage , treatment using broad spectrum antibiotics , countershock treatment , and support therapy . The average treatment time was 10 d.

  21. 广谱抗生素中,最常见的是环丙沙星和左氧氟沙星(被称为氟喳诺酮类药物)以及阿奇霉素(某制药公司以希舒美(Zithromax)品牌销售)。

    Among the most common broad-spectrum antibiotics are ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin-a class of drugs known as fluoroquinolones-and azithromycin , which is sold by one drug maker under the brand name Zithromax , or Z-Pak .

  22. 术前使用广谱抗生素占97.8%;

    Broad-spectrum antibiotics weighed 97.8 % in preoperative antibiotics used ;

  23. 广谱抗生素磷霉素衍生物的抗菌活性及其构效关系

    Antibacterial Activity of Broad-spectrum Antibiotic Fosfomycin Derivatives and Their Struc ture-activity Relationship

  24. 广谱抗生素应用对小婴儿肠道微生态的影响

    The effect of wide-spectrum antibiotics on the micro flora in younger infant

  25. 结果受试菌株对常用广谱抗生素均不敏感;

    Results The strains were not susceptible to most common antimicrobial agents tested .

  26. 预防性应用广谱抗生素,并不能降低感染率。

    The prophylactic use of broad-spectrum antibiotics could not decrease the infection rate .

  27. 结论:确诊后应联合应用广谱抗生素治疗。

    Conclusion : High-dose and combined antibiotics should be used to treat RSIE patients .

  28. 进一步阐明了滥用广谱抗生素的危害性。

    The authors further expound the perniciousness of the abuse of the broad-spectrum antibiotics .

  29. 我们应该开始使用广谱抗生素。

    We should start broad spectrum antibiotics .

  30. 结论:可赛舒作为一种广谱抗生素治疗自发性腹膜炎值得推广。

    Conclusions : ceftriaxone sodium for injection was deserve popularizing to treat with spontaneous peritonitis .