
  • 网络Radio and Television
  1. 本文以电视情感节目为基本的切入点,选取了当前业界一些经典的研究案例,从新闻传播学及广播电视学的视角探讨了其传播的动因和受众的心理趋向。

    TV show the author as the basic emotional entry point for the current selected classic case study some of the industry , from radio and television journalism and communication science and its view of the spread of psychological motivation and audience trends .

  2. 李岩:浙江大学人文学院传播研究所教授,主要从事广播电视学、广播电视文化及传播批评理论研究。

    Li yan : professor , communication research institute , humanities college , Zhejiang university , mainly interested in theory of broadcasting and television , culture of broadcasting and television , and critical theory of communication .

  3. 通过个案分析定量研究等调查方法,总结出三种广播电视艺术学研究生的培养模式,即复合培养模式、专业培养模式和理论批判培养模式。

    Through case study and analysis of quantitative survey methodology , the thesis sums up three models of how to cultivate the media professionals , including composite training model , major training model and critical theory training model .

  4. 用广播电视艺术学、传播学、心理学等学科理论,舞台美术设计的基础知识对节目中舞台美术的发展历程进行剖析,为业界在探寻情感类节目发展的道路上提供借鉴的资料。

    By using radio and television Art , spread theory , psychology and other disciplines , we analyze the course of development of stage arts show based on the basics stage art design , and show a new view on the development of emotion class talk show .

  5. 论20世纪40年代美国新闻传播学教育的新拓展广播电视新闻学专业传播学课程教学的思考

    Education of US Journalism & Mass Communication in 1940s ; On Teaching of Communication Theory of Broadcasting Television Journalism for Undergraduates